A listener writes in to ask whether the pyramid of control that the would-be rulers of the world want to impose on us applies to them, too. James supplies an answer on this edition of Questions For Corbett.
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Episode 441 – Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren’t even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It’s called fifth-generation warfare, and I’m here to tell you all about it. . . .
Dissent Into Madness: Escaping the Madhouse
FLASHBACK: Our Leaders Are Psychopaths (2009)
FROM 2009: They walk among us. On the outside. they’re just like you and me, but on the inside they are unfeeling automatons who care only for themselves. They are the psychopaths, and they are in control of our governments, our corporations, our military and all of the positions of power. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into Political Ponerology, a diagnosis of our politicians and a brief look at the bigger picture.
Interview 1798 – Shh! Don’t Report On Pentagon’s Secret Leak! – #NewWorldNextWeek
This week on the New World Next Week: the Pentagon leaks offer much heat and little light, but they open the door on the online censorship discussion; the banksters come out in the open with the sustainable development resource grab; and the Trilaterals call this Year One of the Multilateral World Order.
Meeting People is Easy – #SolutionsWatch
Here on #SolutionsWatch we’ve looked at Building Community as a key part of the solution to the issues that we face . . . but how do you find that community in the first place? Today on the de-program James goes through just a few of the many, many, many different ways you can start finding, meeting and connecting with like-minded people in your area and around the world.
Party Like It’s 1907
I have an email interview to present to you. It was conducted by Graham Smith, founder of Voluntary Japan, and posted to Bitcoin.com last week. It’s a more in-depth look into the latest banking shenanigans, the historical parallels that can help us make sense of these events, and what we might expect from here.
China, the Quad, and the Next “Great” War
by James Corbett corbettreport.com March 20, 2021 The stage is now being set for the next great war on the so-called "Grand Chessboard." As anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics in recent years will know by now, the US Empire (the US, the UK,...
Our Digital Gulag
It's not often that you leave the post office quoting The Gulag Archipelago and pondering the nature of the digital gulag that is being erected around us, but here we are. You see, it started out as a simple, ordinary, everyday trip to go buy some stamps for a package...
YouTube Banned These Videos. Here They Are.
As you may or may not know, I'm in the middle of a two-week suspension on YouTube where I'm not able to post to my main YouTube channel. If you neither knew nor cared about that fact because you're getting my new content from the website directly or via my RSS feeds...
5 Important Lessons Absolutely No One Will Learn From Iowa
In case you missed this week's insanity in Iowa (and if you did, good for you!), here is the entire debacle in one ridiculously long run-on sentence: The Iowa Democratic Party thought it would be a really swell idea to set the tone of the Democratic primary season by...
The CIA, the NY Times, and the Art of the Limited Hangout
Viewers of my recent #PropagandaWatch episode on The CIA’s Global Propaganda Network will know all about the interesting 1977 article from the good ol’ New York Times, “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the CIA.” If you haven’t watched my video yet, you should...
Did Russia Just Undergo Regime Change?
Good morning, students. It's time for Media Literacy 101. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin. Have you ever heard of Betteridge's Law of Headlines? It is a journalistic maxim, formulated by Ian Betteridge, holding that "any headline which ends in a question...
When Is A Camera Not A Camera?
Here's a riddle for you: When is a camera not a camera? It may not sound as important as The Riddle of the Sphinx, but let me assure you it speaks to the very nature of the reality we live in. And it has a simple answer: When is a camera not a camera? When the EU says...