Episode 467 – Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda

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Interview 1883 – The Lamest Show on Earth (NWNW 556)

This week on the New World Next Week: the Big Tech technocrats conspire to throw themselves and their AI godhood into the government brier patch; some rough Bilderberg beast slouches toward Madrid to be born; and the lamest show on earth hypes up the least important (s)election of your lifetime.

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Episode 435 – The 6th Annual Fake News Awards

Episode 435 – The 6th Annual Fake News Awards

And now, from an undisclosed location deep beneath the Earth’s surface, it’s the 6th Annual Fake News Awards! Shining the spotlight of ridicule on the dumbest disinformation, the silliest smears and the most ludicrous lies of the mainstream media dinosaurs of the past year! Which presstitutes will walk away with a dino of shame? What mendacious government mouthpiece will commit seppuku after being exposed as a deceiving sack of excrement ? And who will walk away with the greatest dishonour of them all: the Fake News Story of the Year? Find out in this year’s exciting Award Show Extravaganza…

Interview 1782 – James Corbett on The Missing Link

Interview 1782 – James Corbett on The Missing Link

via The Missing Link: James Corbett appears on The Missing Link with Jesse Hal to discuss the biosecurity state, UNDRIP, communitarianism, threats to liberty, the false hopium that is used to placate the masses, and (most importantly) what we can do about these problems.

Rage Against the War Machine – #SolutionsWatch

Rage Against the War Machine – #SolutionsWatch

Angela McArdle of the Libertarian Party and Nicholas Brana of the People’s Party join us today to discuss Rage Against the War Machine, an anti-war rally that will be held in Washington, D.C. on February 19th. We discuss the genesis of the rally, the demands of the protestors, what the organizers hope to accomplish and how those interested in attending or helping with the rally can get involved.

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

Last week we looked at the ways that an engineered food crisis (or the perception of a crisis) is being used as an excuse to reengineer our food supply. But in order to truly do something to derail the runaway train that is the Great Food Reset, we must first understand it. And in order to understand it, we have to know something about the people behind this agenda. This week, we must answer the question: Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

FLASHBACK: The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (2022)

FROM 2022: In this flashback episode, James reminds you of last year’s Fake News Awards so you’re in the spirit for this year’s awards, which is coming soon! Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year. Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!


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