Results for "isis"

A Message to the Environmental Movement [HD]

WATCH THIS VIDEO ON LBRY / YOUTUBE [Note: A lower quality version of this video was first published to The Corbett Report on November 25, 2009. A higher quality version of the video was recorded for the 2009 Video Archive DVD and is being made available online for the...

3 Stories That Show the War of Terror Is A Fraud

As the terror hysteria kicks into high gear, the phoney war of terror narrative becomes ever more absurd. On today's Thought For The Day video, James breaks down three of the latest stories exposing the fraudulent terrornoia for what it is. SHOW NOTES: This video...

Problem. Reaction. Solution. (Paris Edition)

The meme has already been floated: "Paris changes everything," according to the terrorists in government who stand to benefit from the changes that the Paris terror attacks are bringing about. And in a sense, they're right. They now get to invoke emergency powers and...


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