Results for "isis"

Global Warfare by the Numbers

Want to know the state of global warfare? Future hotspots and flash points? Rising would-be superpowers and their military capabilities? In this week's subscriber newsletter, James breaks down the numbers on global defense spending and tells you what they really mean....

How the Banksters Play “Good Cop, Bad Cop”

by James Corbett September 15, 2015 As all eyes turn to this week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting for an answer to the will they / won't they Fed rate hike question, we face another stark reminder of how the global economy is...

Interview 1088 – Black Op Radio: 9/11 Research

Interview 1088 – Black Op Radio: 9/11 Research

Today James joins Len Osanic of Black Op Radio to talk about the 9/11 false flag. They discuss the psyop aspects of the attacks as well as those pieces of evidence that directly contradict the narrative of the attacks. SHOW NOTES: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory NSPD-9...


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