Episode 468 – An Announcement From the Ministry of Toothbrushes

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Episode 434 – Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

Episode 434 – Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

In January of 2022, in the darkest days of the scamdemic, a miracle occurred: a trucker convoy traversed the length of Canada and descended on Ottawa to protest Canada’s vaccine mandates. The convoy galvanized freedom lovers across Canada and around the world. But on February 14, the Canadian government invoked the Emergencies Act, brutally clearing protesters from the nation’s capital and freezing bank accounts of targeted individuals. This is the story of the Public Order Emergency Commission that was just convened to investigate those events.

Of Gay Wedding Cakes and Woke Restaurants

Remember the Masterpiece Cakeshop gay wedding cake case? Well, guess what? It’s 2022 and gay wedding cakes are so last decade, grandpa. Now it’s all about gay website design and woke restaurants refusing service to Christian customers. Are you ready to get to the heart of the matter? I thought so. Let’s go!

FLASHBACK: Media Kills (2010)

From 2010: For decades, scientifically-crafted techniques have been employed to shape our ideas and perceptions. Today billions of dollars are spent each year trying to get you to think, act, talk and dress in proscribed ways…and it is as successful as ever. This week on The Corbett Report we try to break out of the box by exposing the government/PR/media nexus for what it is.

Interview 1774 – New World Next Year 2023

Interview 1772 – MAiD in Canada – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the UN and the WEF are teaming up to bring you the climate lockdown-ready 15-minute city of the future; Canadians are being euthanized by their government; and a nurse who injected thousands of patients with saline instead of covid vaxx walks free.


The Birth of the Cashless Society

As we all know by now, the entire corona crisis was and is an excuse for The Great Reset. And, as anyone who has followed the financial prognostication space for the past decade knows, "the great reset" has been used nearly interchangeably with "the global currency...

Resistance is Fertile!

Whether you're a die-hard Trekkie or someone who would never be caught dead watching one of those silly sci-fi shows, if you were around in the '90s you will remember the Borg catchphrase: "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." For those not in the know, the...

Biosecurity Theatre

You know about "security theatre," right? That's the kind of take-off-your-shoes-and-belt nonsense that was instituted at the airport post-9/11 to give passengers the feeling that the government was protecting them from those dastardly Al-CIA-da terrorists. Of course,...

How To Escape The Globalist System

The US-China trade war continues to simmer, with Uncle Sam once again talking tough and China, for its part, producing propaganda video after propaganda video promising that hellfire will descend on Washington unless America backs off. Oh, and there's Beijing's whole...

The 5G Surveillance Grid: What You Need to Know

. . . After the initial surge of hype that surrounds any new technology, the dark reality of the 5G-connected "Internet of Things" (IoT) is starting to come to light. The most immediately apparent aspect of this dark reality is the danger to human health that the 5G...

Reminder: Neocons ADMIT They Will Lie Us Into War

Now that mustachioed super-villain John Bolton is in the driver's seat of America's foreign policy, an old video of the arch-neocon admitting he would lie to the public to achieve his goals is making the rounds once again. Go ahead and watch it for yourself. Here's...

Law and Disorder: Even Tyranny Has Cracks

As Corbett Report members who have watched the latest subscriber-only video will know, I spent the last two weeks in Vietnam visiting Corbett Report video editor Broc West for some fun in the tropical Asian sun. As you will also know from the video, it was a hot and...