Results for "isis"

China Still Fudging Gold Numbers (And Everything Else)

With the release of China's latest phony-baloney gold reserve numbers, we are still nowhere near answering the question of how much gold China really is hoarding. With fake GDP numbers and opaque treasury holding numbers, is there anything at all we can believe about...

The Iranian Nuclear Negotiation: What you need to know

This week in The Corbett Report Subscriber James examines the Iranian nuclear negotiations. Where did the Iranian nuclear program come from? What does it involve? Why are the negotiations breaking down? Find out in this week's editorial. Also this week's recommended...

New Court Case: Federal Reserve (Still) Above the Law

Did you know the Federal Reserve was just sued by the former head of AIG over their unconstitutional actions in the AIG bailout of 2008? Can you guess what happened? Find out in this week's edition of The Corbett Report member newsletter, along with a discount code to...

Meet The SDR: The Global Reserve Currency?

In this week's subscriber newsletter, James dishes the dirt on the IMF's Special Drawing Rights. What are they, why are they in the news, what do they have to do with the Chinese yuan, and will they be the global reserve currency? For free access to this, and all of...


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