Interview 1902 – Government Hurricanes? (NWNW 567)

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International Law? (2013)

The idea of an international rule of law appeals to our innate sense of justice, but the most horrific plans are often cloaked in the most beautiful lies. . . .

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Episode 433 – CBDCs: Beyond the Basics

Episode 433 – CBDCs: Beyond the Basics

We all know that central bank digital currencies are bad news. But do you know the difference between retail and wholesale CBDCs? And do you know why the American Bankers Association is against the implementation of retail or intermediated CBDCs? Today James takes you beyond the basics and begins introducing you to the split circuit monetary system as we dive deeper down the programmable money rabbit hole.

Interview 1764 – One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb

Interview 1764 – One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb

Whitney Webb of joins James once again, this time to discuss her new, epic, 900-page, two-volume tour de force, One Nation Under Blackmail. In this conversation, Webb and Corbett dive into the sordid tale of Epstein and his compatriots and begin to unravel the incredibly complex web of the intelligence/organized crime/blackmail syndicate.


UN Declares World Peace!

Kumbaya and pass the bubbly! World peace has been achieved! What, haven't you heard? The UN Security Council just passed a resolution that calls for a global ceasefire as a type of "humanitarian pause" while the world deals with the coronavirus pandemic that (we are...

NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust

It's like something out of a comic book. Speaking from his billion-dollar fortress, the Overlord of the dreaded military alliance, S.N.A.K.E. (Supreme Nasty Alliance for Killing Everyone) delivered his starkest threat yet, declaring a "S.N.A.K.E. 2030" vision that...

The Great Withdrawal

An extraordinary thing happened this week: Taro Kono, Japan's Defense Minister, got up and announced that the Japanese government would be halting its plan to deploy a new multi-billion-dollar missile defense system. Tokyo had committed itself to buy the Aegis Ashore...

This Is What A Demographic Crunch Looks Like

What comes to your mind when you hear the words "demographic crunch"? If you're like much of the general public, having been steeped their whole lives in propaganda pimping the debunked notion of an "overpopulation crisis," you probably won't even know what the term...

False Flags Over Kashmir: Prelude to WWIII?

In response to a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed 40 Indian troops last month, the Indian Air Force struck targets in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. I imagine that many readers around the world today would read that sentence the way that readers 105...

Corbett Report Documentaries

A reader recently asked for a playlist of Corbett Report documentaries, so in the interest of putting everything in one place, here are all of the major documentary productions in one spot. Please share this link widely. False Flags: The Secret...

What In The World Is Happening This Week?

Are you sick of Smollett? Fed up with fake news? Tired of tawdry tabloid trash? Well, you've come to the right place! Here are a number of interesting stories from around the world that you might have missed if you're only following the dinosaur media newsfeed. Find...