Results for "isis"

Who is Really Behind ISIS (video)

WATCH THIS VIDEO ON ODYSEE As bombs start dropping in Syria and Iraq, the world is once again being asked to cower in fear of a shadowy terror group that most people hadn't heard of just a few months ago. But even the most cursory examination of ISIS's past, its...

Episode 295 – Who is Really Behind ISIS?

Episode 295 – Who is Really Behind ISIS?

As bombs start dropping in Syria and Iraq, the world is once again being asked to cower in fear of a shadowy terror group that most people hadn't heard of just a few months ago. But even the most cursory examination of ISIS's past, its connections, and the actors...

Who Is ISIS? – An open source investigation

by James Corbett September 6, 2014 The hysteria over the supposed threat posed by the Islamic State (IS) is now undeniable. Every day new stories emerge focusing on the group's brutality, its resources, its capabilities and its intention to strike...


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