Interview 1901 – Never-Ending Middle East Escalator (NWNW 566)

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What is Technocracy? – Questions For Corbett #092

What is Technocracy? – Questions For Corbett #092

It seems everyone is talking about technocracy these days, but what is technocracy. You may think you know the answer to this question, but you probably don’t. James answers this question once and for all in today’s edition of Questions For Corbett. Along the way, you’ll discover that being able to answer this question is imperative if we want to be able to identify the technocratic enemy and, ultimately, derail their plans.

Episode 431 – Unknown Unknowns

Episode 431 – Unknown Unknowns

What you don’t know won’t hurt you . . . maybe. But it could change your mind about things you believe to be true. We all know this, of course, but do we really keep it in mind when we think about what we really know? And what does our tendency to exclude the unknown from our calculations say about our reduced capacity for wonder, our growing hubris, and, ultimately, the loss of our humanity? Find out in this seemingly simple but surprisingly deep “lost” episode of The Corbett Report.

Interview 1759 – James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness

Interview 1759 – James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness

via The Deep State Consciousness Podcast: James Corbett joins me to talk about his five hour documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. In addition to asking James about the narrative of that history, I also inquire as to what he considers the big outstanding questions of the September 11th attacks to be, and whether the Truth movement is rising to the challenge of meeting them.

FLASHBACK: Meet Smedley Butler (2010)

FROM 2010: He was a tenacious soldier, the most decorated officer in the history of the U.S. marine corps…and he detested war. Find out about the tyrannical government moves and secretive fascist plots that turned this famous general into a campaigner against war on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

Schrödinger’s Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine

Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics? Let’s find out . . .

Interview 1758 – James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

Interview 1758 – James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

James appears on Declare Your Independence every other week to discuss news, current events and activism. In this discussion, James and Ernie debate whether or not Elon Musk represents a way forward for free humanity or a technocratic huckster selling the unwashed masses on the globalist agenda.


How We Learned To Love Big Brother

When I started The Corbett Report in 2007, the idea that governments were watching and listening to everything we do was still wild-eyed conspiracy theory. Oh, sure, the fact that the NSA had been secretly and illegally wiretapping Americans since at least 9/11 was,...

Lockdown Open Thread

Hi everyone. No subscriber newsletter this weekend because, as you might imagine, I'm working as hard as possible on the next edition of the Gates series. Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in to the site and use the comments section to discuss anything of...

Up Next: The Collapse of the Food Supply Chain

If you've spent any time around the conspiracy realists who understand the true nature of the central banking fraud, the political fraud, the war on terror fraud and all of the other deceptions that are sold to the public by their misleaders, you've no doubt heard...

Banksters HATE The Free Market

It's no secret that governments hate the free market. At its base, every single government tax, license, regulation and restriction is an implicit rebuke to the idea that humans should be able to interact freely with those around them. This is old news to my long-term...

5 Outrageous New Year’s Predictions

Sick of the same old, same old boring list of predictable, safe New Year's predictions that are so vague they can't possibly come true? (Weaponized narratives, indeed!) Yeah. So am I. So, in the spirit of spicing things up for this post-holiday hangover season, let's...

Venezuela Joins the Social Credit Club

So you know all about China's social credit system by now, right? You know, the one that I've been talking about for years? The one that we had a sneak preview of eight years ago in "You Are Being Gamed?" The one that's being trial ballooned at home via Carrot Rewards...