Results for "isis"

Episode 070 – How to Predict the Future

Running Time: 1:01:45 Description:Discard the crystal ball and ditch the astrology charts. It turns out all you need to predict the future is an understanding of history, a good grasp of what's happening, and the knowledge of what the elite want to do. From 9/11 to...

Episode 064 – End the Fed

Running Time: 1:10:52 Description:The Federal Reserve has been printing money like there's no tomorrow to lend it to the banksters. The banksters in turn use it to pay their CEOs billions in bonuses. The taxpayer is on the hook...And did I mention the process is...

Episode 063 – All Hail President Brzezinski

Running Time: 1:11:31 Description:America's voting machines have spoken: Barack Hussein Obama will be the next President of the United States. So what does this mean for America and the world? Ask Zbigniew Brzezinski. This week we meet Professor Brzezinski, his plans...

Episode 061 – Your Vote Doesn’t Count

Running Time: 1:02:02 Description:Imagine a system where voting takes place in a curtained booth. You step into the booth and tell the man behind the curtain who you're voting for. You leave without being able to see that he has recorded your vote, or even that there...

Episode 058 – Meet Carroll Quigley

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4 Running Time: 1:02:08 Description:This week we hear from Carroll Quigley and G. Edward Griffin about a secret society created by Rhodes to spread the British Empire around the world...which is...

Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You

Running Time: 58:49 Description: Transhumanism promises us a fantastic future in which humans overcome disease, aging, and even death. It just requires us to take the final step and merge fully with machines. But its secret past in crypto-eugenics reveals a darker...

Episode 053 – What Are We To Do With Our Lives?

Running Time: 50:39 Description:Eugenics. Big government. The erosion of personal liberties. It's easy to say what we oppose, but what can we offer as a positive solution to these problems? In this episode we examine the fundamental question of our time. Documentation...


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