What is the Future of (Bankster) Finance? – QFC

https://www.corbettreport.com/mp4/qfc049.mp4Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedWatch this video on BitChute / Minds.com / YouTube This week on Questions For Corbett, James answers a question from Jim, who asks if the Bank of England’s vision for...

Who’s Afraid of Decentralized Currency?

I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon in my 12 years of watching the news headlines for a living: Stories often pop up in mirror image pairs. Take these two recent stories, for example. One from the US Department of (in)Justice: “Manhattan U.S. Attorney...

Italy vs. The Banksters

Remember when Bilderberg “helped create the euro in the 1990s”? And remember when that oxymoronic singular-currency-for-many-nations-with-distinct-monetary-policies was launched in 1999? And remember when Goldman Sachs helped Greece cook its books so it...