
Episode 174 – Patriot Mythology

Just because the MSM is wrong doesn’t mean the alternative media is right. From spurious quotations to the JFK myth to the “fat Bin Laden” video, join us this week on The Corbett Report as we do a fact check on common misconceptions in the alternative media.

Episode 173 – Alex Abella: Inside the RAND Corporation

This week on Documentaries That Matter, we feature a recent PrisonPlanet.tv interview with Alex Abella, a Cuban-born journalist and author who was granted access to the archives of the RAND Corporation. The information he uncovered shows how RAND has been manipulating the shadow government for decades and how it has helped shape the New World Order.

Episode 172 – Meet Rahm Emanuel

The son of a terrorist. The brother of a eugenicist and a megalomaniac. An ex-member of the Isreal Defense Force. A gun grabber. A “pick-up” basketball player. A White House veteran…And the next mayor of Chicago? Meet Rahm Emanuel.

Episode 171 – Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation

This week on Documentaries That Matter, The Corbett Report presents the audio of the informative documentary, Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation. This documentary (from the Fluoride Action Network at fluoridealert.org) provides concise, factual information on water fluoridation from doctors, dentists and a Nobel Laureate. Please spread this to others who may not know the dangers of fluoride in the water.

Episode 170 – The Coming Anastrophe

In this age of economic and societal Armageddon, everyone is looking for peace and stability: so why are so many agitating for violent revolution? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we take a page from “It’s A Wonderful Life” to explore the possibility for peaceful, community-based solutions to our problems and attempt to answer the question: what is the opposite of catastrophe?

Episode 169 – Argentina and the IMF

This week we cast our eye to South America to focus on Argentina, a country that has found itself in the grip of the banksters for decades. We talk to Argentinian writer and researcher Adrian Salbuchi and Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky as we interrogate the Argentinian dilemma.

Episode 168 – 2009 Video Archive

This week on Documentaries That Matter we listen to the audio of The Corbett Report’s new DVD, the 2009 Video Archive. Please support The Corbett Report by buying a copy of the DVD at corbettreport.com

Episode 167 – Social Engineering and You

The technocrats have been in the labs for years crafting their science of societal control. Now, after decades of experimentation the public is under all-out psychological assault. From learned helplessness to brain implants, this ain’t your grandaddy’s social engineering…


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