
Interview 1704 – The War is Actually Begun! on Declare Your Independence

Interview 1704 – The War is Actually Begun! on Declare Your Independence

James joins Ernest Hancock for his regular weekly appearance on the Declare Your Independence radio show. This week James and Ernie discuss the growth of anarchism, the Canadian trucker convoy, the DOJO chip and Musk’s FSD takeover, the mass formation “psychosis” phenomenon and the destruction of our cultural heroes, the Pentagon’s missing trillions and the steps toward a coming great power war.
Interview 1703 – Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality

Interview 1703 – Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality

Riley Waggaman, aka “Edward Slavsquat,” joins us today to dissect the propaganda myths that continue to swirl about Putin and Russia in the so-called alternative media and the sobering reality that Russia is neither singularly evil nor singularly good and that Putin is not a freedom fighter valiantly battling the globalists.

Interview 1702 – James Corbett on The Subtlecain Podcast

Interview 1702 – James Corbett on The Subtlecain Podcast

via The Subtlecain Podcast: James Corbett of The Corbett Report joins us for an important conversation on the biosecurity ssate and the implications of some of the trends we are seeing in society in general. We also discuss his Solutions Watch endeavor and how important it is for us all to be actively engaged in our resistance to tyranny.
Interview 1698 – James Corbett Lays Out the Biosecurity Agenda

Interview 1698 – James Corbett Lays Out the Biosecurity Agenda

via (RECORDED FEBRUARY 3, 2022): James Corbett discusses where his head is at after all these years of doing what he’s been doing and what’s most pressing on his mind at the moment. He agrees that the COVID1984 biosecurity state is one of the central problems facing humanity today. The Digital ID system is being implemented in the very near-term and will then be forwarded through social credit scores and CBDCs. James warns against hopium and that although we’ve won some battles, we are not winning the war. He discusses how he views the elite global power structure and their visions of the future such as eugenics, transhumanism, and technocracy. He gives his thoughts on the prospects of future war, how to think about deep politics, as well as solutions.


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