
Interview 1472 – Kashmir in Crisis with Mohamad Junaid

Interview 1472 – Kashmir in Crisis with Mohamad Junaid

The Indian government has created a crisis by stripping the state of Jammu and Kashmir of its former semi-autonomy and splitting it into two territories. What are the roots of this crisis and what can we expect to develop in this volatile region? Joining us to dissect the past, present and future of Kashmir is Kashmiri scholar Mohamad Junaid of the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.
Interview 1471 – 9/11 Revisited with Corbett, Gage and Grove

Interview 1471 – 9/11 Revisited with Corbett, Gage and Grove

In this conversation, James Corbett of The Corbett Report, Richard Grove of and Richard Gage of talk to Christopher McMillan, a student of the AUTONOMY course at about 9/11. Topics discussed include an investigation into the destruction of WTC 7 at the University of Alaska and the recent call by New York City fire commissioners for a new investigation into 9/11. They also answer questions from the class.
Interview 1470 – Financial Survival in the Everything Bubble Pop

Interview 1470 – Financial Survival in the Everything Bubble Pop

James joins Melody Cedarstrom of the Financial Survival radio show to discuss negative interest rates, derivative black holes, currency wars and other signs of the coming financial apocalypse. In the second part of the conversation, James and Melody explore the FBI’s recent attempt to categorize “conspiracy theorists” as domestic terrorists.


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