
Interview 1327 – Jeffrey Tucker Bids Farewell to Net Neutrality

Interview 1327 – Jeffrey Tucker Bids Farewell to Net Neutrality

Jeffrey Tucker of joins us again to discuss his latest article, “Goodbye Net Neutrality; Hello Competition.” We explore the details of the net neutrality discussion that is being ignored by nearly everyone, including how the corporatocracy actually favours net neutrality and how government regulation of the internet is precisely what is keeping prices high and access to the market restricted for would-be competitors.
Interview 1326 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Middle East

Interview 1326 – James Corbett Breaks Down the Middle East

So what was the Saudi purge about, exactly? And what does Yemen have to do with this? And how about the South Pars oilfield? And what does all of that have to do with the price of tea in China? Confused? Well, you’re not the only one. Join James and Ernest Hancock on this special commercial-free edition of Declare Your Independence for a breakdown of the latest turmoil in the middle east and what this means for the future of the world.
Interview 1322 – Sharmine Narwani on the Changing Face of the Middle East

Interview 1322 – Sharmine Narwani on the Changing Face of the Middle East

Today James talks to political analyst and commentator Sharmine Narwani on the explosive events in the Gulf this week and what they tell us about the changing power relations in the Middle East. From the wind down of the Syrian terrorist insurgency to the shock resignation of the Lebanese PM and the Game of Thrones in the House of Saud, a new regional picture is emerging, one in which two power blocs are competing for the upper hand in the new Middle East. Narwani breaks down this new dynamic and paints the picture of where things are heading in this dynamic region.


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