
Episode 218 – Philosophy of Freedom: The Magna Carta

In this age of the destruction of our long tradition of western jurisprudence, it is a document that everyone has heard of but very few have read. The Magna Carta was written nearly 800 years ago, yet still has a profound influence on our thinking about law and government. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we rediscover the tradition of liberties and freedoms affirmed in this ancient agreement.

Episode 217 – Against Technocracy

We are told that an elite class of experts (or perhaps some benevolent supercomputers) can transform our world of want and despair into a world of milk and honey. But this is not a new idea, and it has always been propounded by the very elites who have put the current system into place. Join us in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report as we go digging up the roots and examining the fruits of elite-sponsored technocracy.

Episode 216 – Who’s Gaming Who?

Science-fiction fantasy is becoming mundane reality and video games are increasingly merging with 21st century combat. The DoD recruits youth through traveling arcade exhibitions and new recruits are just as likely to end up behind a keyboard as behind enemy lines. What does this mean for the future of our predictively programmed world, and should we be worried. Find out more in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

Episode 215 – History Repeating: My Lai, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan

From My Lai to Abu Ghraib to Afghanistan, we have seen the all-too-familiar pattern: denials followed by excuses followed by faux apologies and offical handwringing. What is never examined is how each event fits into the bigger picture of the dehumanization of war. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the thread that connects our own time to the history that helps to explain it.

Episode 214 – Truth Music III

In this third installment of the “Truth Music” series, we shine the spotlight on more artists who are channeling their creative energies into raising awareness of truth issues. This time we highlight the work of: Blakhatz, JJ Jones, The Robots, Dan Dicks, James Evan Pilato, Mike von Hash and Alan Watt. See the links in the documentation section for more about these artists and their work.

Episode 213 – Revisiting Psychopathy

It’s been a while since The Corbett Report last examined the topic of psychopathy, and in the meantime a number of articles, papers, documentaries and books have emerged to shed more light on the issue. But as this growing understanding of psychopathy begins to shape the way we understand the global economic collapse and the moves toward political tyranny, do we run the risk of starting a new witch hunt? Find out more in this week’s edition of the podcast.

Episode 212 – Remembering Mae Brussell

Incensed by the lies told to the American public about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Mae Brussell transformed from an ordinary Beverly Hills housewife to a voracious researcher and tenacious broadcaster. Overcoming the incredulity of the public, the prejudices of her peers, and death threats from the establishment, Mae took to the Santa Cruz airwaves in 1971 to inform the public about the real powers behind the throne and didn’t stop researching, writing or broadcasting until her untimely death in 1988. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we shine a spotlight on the life and work of Mae Brussell.


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