
Episode 169 – Argentina and the IMF

This week we cast our eye to South America to focus on Argentina, a country that has found itself in the grip of the banksters for decades. We talk to Argentinian writer and researcher Adrian Salbuchi and Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky as we interrogate the Argentinian dilemma.

Episode 167 – Social Engineering and You

The technocrats have been in the labs for years crafting their science of societal control. Now, after decades of experimentation the public is under all-out psychological assault. From learned helplessness to brain implants, this ain’t your grandaddy’s social engineering…

Episode 166 – Human Resources

This week on Documentaries That Matter we take a listen to Scott Noble’s new film (and the follow-up to his excellent Psywar, which was previously featured on this podcast), Human Resources: Social engineering in the 20th century. This disturbing overview of the science of behaviorism and its implications for our future will leave you riveted.

Episode 165 – How to Talk to Others

From 9/11 truth to the banking hoax, from murder and cover-up to the eugenicists best laid plans, The Corbett Report has covered some incredible information over the years…but how to pass this information on to friends, family and strangers? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we attempt to overcome the failure to communicate by examining some examples of effective

Episode 164 – Dark Legacy

This week on ‘Documentaries That Matter’ we bring you the audio of John Hankey’s landmark documentary Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy. This film is also known by its previous title JFK II: The Bush Connection. Please visit thedarklegacy.com for more information and extras related to the film, but please buy your copy of the DVD from Amazon under ‘JFK II’ in order to make sure the money goes to the filmmaker directly. A version with Japanese subtitles is available.

Episode 163 – Meet James Corbett

On this special edition of The Corbett Report, longtime listener of The Corbett Report Jamie Owens interviews James Corbett about his background, what motivated him to begin The Corbett Report, and what he aspires to in the future. James Corbett also reveals the new website and DVD that he has been working on during the hiatus.


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