Solutions Watch

Truth Finds A Way – #SolutionsWatch

Truth Finds A Way – #SolutionsWatch

In this first #SolutionsWatch of the year, James highlights some creative and fun ways that people have circumvented the censors in the past. So put your thinking caps on, everyone: how can we employ these types of techniques to circumvent the censors of today?

2022 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

2022 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

Another year of #SolutionsWatch has come and gone and so it’s time for James to take a moment to take stock of this year’s episodes. What resonated? What didn’t? What can be applied moving forward? What new developments have taken place? Don’t miss this comprehensive year-in-review edition of Solutions Watch.

Eye-bouncing – #SolutionsWatch

Eye-bouncing – #SolutionsWatch

Propaganda is only effective if we watch it. In fact, if we let it into our consciousness, then it doesn’t matter how we react to it; they’ve already got us. Today on #SolutionsWatch, James explores the idea of eye-bouncing and how we can use it to turn our focus away from what we don’t want and towards what we do.

Giving Thanks – #SolutionsWatch

Giving Thanks – #SolutionsWatch

As those in the reality-based community know, we live in dark times. But if we cannot acknowledge the good that is in our lives, then what are we fighting for? Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he explores the whys and hows of giving thanks and cultivating a spirit of gratitude.

Auditing the Police – #SolutionsWatch

Auditing the Police – #SolutionsWatch

The agents of the government claim the right to audit you, right? But they’re our “public servants,” aren’t they? So surely we can audit them to make sure they are doing their job, can’t we? And if not, why not? Join James for this important edition of #SolutionsWatch as we dive into the wild and wooly world of sousveillance, copwatching and public servant auditing.

Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch

Simple Sabotage – #SolutionsWatch

Most people think of sabotage as explosive and sometimes deadly acts of violence against property and machinery. But from lying flat and quiet quitting to water-level tinkering and other subtle acts of mischief, there are many nonviolent and potentially extremely effective ways to fling our sabots in the gears of the New World Order.

Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

If only there were some handy-dandy websites for finding out more information about the people and organizations we see mentioned in the news. Oh wait, there are! Join James for today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he guides you through an exploration of Peter Thiel and shows you some interesting websites along the way.

Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Frequent Corbett Report guest Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us once again to discuss the newly revised and updated website. We also talk about updates to Translate the Truth , the next installment of The Pyramid of Power series, updates to How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State, and the next edition of The Greater Reset Activation.


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