Episode 471 – The 8th Annual Fake News Awards

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Podcasts, Videos | 51 comments

Aaaaaaand now, from the subterranean depths of a conspiracy realist’s worst fever dream come to life, it’s the 8th Annual Fake News Awards? What crimes against humanity did the mockingbird repeaters of the dinosaur media manage to whitewash last year? And what disgusting dissembler of deceptive disinformation will walk away with the biggest dishonour of them all, the Fakest Story of the Year? Find out in this year’s Fake News Awards!

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Xinyu Guo, Liang Dong and Dingjun Hao for “Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway,” a paper that was published in the Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology journal in February . . . and then promptly retracted because it was, in fact, completely fake, AI-generated garbage.


India Today and The Street and The Federalist and Nasdaq and literally dozens of MSM-tail-chasing, supposedly “independent” media blogs and channels for “The death of the petrodollar,” a viral story that claimed the petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US expired on June 9, 2024.


The UK Met Office for literally making up 103 fake temperature stations!


Morning Joe and his wife Zbigniew (along with CBS, CNN, MSNBC and every other three- and four-letter alphabet souper in the den of fake news vipers) for “This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever!”


CNN’s Jomana Karadsheh for “CNN Exclusive: Syrian rebel leader says goal is to overthrow Assad regime,” which, in addition to sporting the most obvious, inane title of all time, features a pandering, softball interview attempting to excuse, justify, overlook or ignore the reprehensible war crimes of the so-called “moderate Syrian rebels” and their de facto leader, the globally designated terrorist known as “Abu Mohammad al-Jolani” (aka Ahmed al-Sharaa).


ANNOUNCER: Aaaaaaand now, from the subterranean depths of a conspiracy realist’s worst fever dream come to life, it’s . . .


. . . bringing you the worst deuces dropped in the turdbowl of journalism over the past year!

What crimes against humanity did the mockingbird repeaters of the dinosaur media manage to whitewash last year?

What absolute steaming crapola did the fibbing fabulists of the increasingly laughable establishment lapdog press try to shove down your throat in 2024?

And, most important of all, what disgusting dissembler of deceptive disinformation will walk away with the biggest dishonour of them all, the Fakest Story of the Year? Will Benjamin Netanyahu retain his title as the most despicable liar on the face of the planet, or will some upstart come along to take his place? Find out in this year’s Fake News Awards . . .

Brought to you by our corporate sponsors:

Jaguar – Copy Nothing. (No, seriously, don’t copy our ad campaign, guys, you will go out of business.)


Neuralink – Come on…get the chip! Yeah, it’s exactly what Klaus Schwab and the entire globalist class want to use to implement their transhuman New World Order . . . but Elon Musk is that cool space guy!

And now, emerging from whatever subterranean layer he lives in the other 364 days a year, here’s your host for tonight’s agony:



BENT KROCKMAN: That’s better.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, lords and ladies, assembled liars and sycophants, revolting reptiles and technocratic tyrants of all stripes.

I’ve just been informed that Trump, Clinton and Biden are arriving at the venue now and the Zuckerborg is helping himself to some refreshments backstage. And Kamala . . . Kamala is . . .

. . . well, she might show up later. So, I think we’re ready to start!

Thank you once again for joining us here this evening. This is the 8th Annual Fake News Awards, and, as you know by now, this is the only ceremony in the nauseatingly smug, gag-inducingly fake, wretch-provokingly self-congratulatory award season that is ACTUALLY worth watching.

This is the show where we bestow The Dinos…


. . . where we bestow The Dinos of dishonour on the biggest liars in the lying dinosaur media over the course of the past year.

Yes, tonight we have five awards to hand out to the repeaters and mockingbirds who vomited establishment-approved lies into the mouths of the unsuspecting public and bid them to swallow it—a disgusting metaphor that only begins to do justice to the disgusting nature of the fake news disinformation that these toadies to the technocrats and establishment-favour-currying “journalists” are inflicting on us on a daily basis!

So, without further ado, I have in my hand the first Dino of the evening:


And the runners-up are:

— Stanford professor Jeff Hancock, whose biography claims he’s “well-known for his research on how people use deception with technology,” for apparently using deception with technology by citing numerous academic works that “appear to have been made up by artificial intelligence software like ChatGPT.”

— Amazon Fresh for their “Just Walk Out” “AI-powered” cashless video surveillance system that in reality turned out to be 1,000 underpaid Indians.

— And Meta for their nightmarish plan to unleash AI-generated characters—complete with profiles, backstories and “personalities”—on all their garbage social media platforms . . . which, it quickly emerged, they’ve already secretly been doing for years! (Just ask “Liv,” Meta’s “black, queer” AI chatbot masquerading as a regular user, or “Grandpa Brian,” an “African-American retired entrepreneur who was born in Harlem in 1938 to Caribbean immigrant parents” but who never actually existed! But don’t worry, guys, Zuckerborg is totally based now and he’s part of that cool Thielverse thing you haven’t been hearing about, so I’m sure it’ll all turn out well!

And the losers are:

Xinyu Guo, Liang Dong and Dingjun Hao for “Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway,” a paper that was published in the Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology journal in February . . . and then promptly retracted because it was, in fact, completely fake, AI-generated garbage.

The first tip-off to this report’s unreliability? The AI-generated image accompanying the article, depicting a rat (helpfully labelled “rat”) standing upright like a squirrel and sporting a massive penis several times bigger than its own body and not one, not two, not three, but FOUR testicles! To top it off, the grotesque image was accompanied by nonsensical labels of made-up AI-hallucinated gibberish words like “dissilced,” “testtomcels” and “senctolic.”

As the Twitterati observed, the horrors of Figure 3—depicting some monstrous, gelatinous AI-hallucinated rendering of some vaguely cellular objects labeled with more “sanallib on cthe jcike” computer-generated babble—is somehow even MORE horrific than the rat penis overlord!

Perhaps the Dino should go to the journal itself, however. Witness the retraction notice:

Following publication, concerns were raised regarding the nature of its AI-generated figures.  . . . Frontiers would like to thank the concerned readers who contacted us regarding the published article.

In other words, the editors either didn’t bother to even read the article they approved; didn’t understand that it was gibberish; or thought you were too stupid to know! But some readers brought the problem to their attention, so down the memory hole it goes. But remember, folks: Trust The $cience™!

Truly, this Dino is for the paper’s authors, the journal’s editors, the computer circuitry that hallucinated this revolting rodent into existence and the scientific community at large for allowing digital drivel like this to undermine the public’s belief in the scientific process itself. Un-congratulations, losers!


Well, I don’t know about you, but now I feel like I’m covered in gag-worthy nightmare fuel. And the night is only just beginning! Strap in folks.

And, incidentally, if you want to follow along at home, all of the articles, videos and reports dishonoured in tonight’s proceedings will be linked up in the hyperlinked transcript at corbettreport.com/fakenews8. That’s right! The Fake News Awards are the only awards show with show notes! (Eat your heart out, Oscar!)

Now, let’s keep this show rolling. It’s time for our second Dino of the evening:


And the runners-up are:

— Intellectually challenged New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman for “Understanding the Middle East Through the Animal Kingdom,” a piece of pop punditry so mind-bogglingly stupid that even the mind-bogglingly stupid Thomas Friedman should be ashamed. The piece attempts to dumb down all of Middle East politics for American readers, whom Friedman obviously despises, insulting them with a turgid stream of journalistic junk as offensive as it is idiotic. Comparing Iranians to “parasitoid wasps” and Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq to caterpillars, he then lionizes the US (literally) before comparing Netanyahu to a “sifaka lemur.” I swear I am not making this up.

— The American Farm Bureau Federation for “Thanksgiving Dinner Costs Are Down Again,” a piece of PR bunkum that tries its darndest to flatly contradict the self-evident reality of inflation by telling Americans that Thanksgiving is cheaper than ever! . . . before quietly admitting that while costs are down from last year, they are in fact up 19% since the scamdemic. They then double down on the idiocy by claiming that “If your dollar had the same overall purchasing power as a consumer in 1984” then Thanksgiving would cost less than before…except for the pesky fact that the dollar doesn’t have the same purchasing power as it did in 1984. As Off-Guardian.org puts it: the argument breaks down to “If food were cheaper, dinner would cost less,” which ranks up there with the dumbest sentences ever reported in the fake “news.”

— And China’s National Bureau of Statistics for “Preliminary Accounting Results of GDP for the Third Quarter of 2024,” which reported a completely fictitious 4.6% growth rate for China’s GDP in the 3rd quarter. Not only did former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang privately admit in 2007 that “China’s GDP figures are ‘man-made’ and therefore unreliable,” but prominent Chinese economist Gao Shanwen—the chief economist at China’s largest state-owned investment holding company, SDIC—called out the ChiCom’s fake GDP number late last year, calculating that China in fact averaged “around 2%” of GDP growth in the last two to three years.” So, what’s Shanwen saying now? No one knows! Since making his comments, he’s been placed under investigation by the Chinese government and banned from speaking publicly for an unspecified period of time!

And the loser is:

India Today and The Street and The Federalist and Nasdaq and literally dozens of MSM-tail-chasing, supposedly “independent” media blogs and channels for “The death of the petrodollar,” a viral story that claimed the petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US expired on June 9, 2024.

The problem? The petrodollar agreement was in fact never a formal agreement and thus has no “expiry date,” meaning it can’t be “cancelled” and doesn’t need to be renewed!

That’s right, folks, as very few pundits at the time seemed to realize, the petrodollar system was a backroom deal cut by Kissinger on behalf of the Rockefellers and the US deep state to entice the Saudis to price oil in dollars in exchange for military protection from Uncle Sam. That secret, informal deal was derided as conspiracy theory until it was finally acknowledged by the mainstream liars in 2016 (a story covered by The Corbett Report nearly a decade ago, for those keeping track at home).

No, what ended on June 9th was not the petrodollar system but The U.S.-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission On Economic Cooperation, which was not a formal part of any non-existent petrodollar “agreement.”

So how did this story get reported and picked up and spread around the world literally hundreds of times before anyone even thought to question it? Because all most repeaters do is sheepishly repeat things they read without ever looking at source material or seeking to confirm reports.

As Derrick Broze noted in his detailed debunking of this petrodollar nonsense for The Last American Vagabond, a number of outlets that first misreported the story—including The Atlantic Council and TipRanks, whose ironically apt tagline is “Know Who To Trust”—had to walk the tightrope of issuing retractions, corrections or clarifications when their fake news turned out to be a pile of steaming horse manure while simultaneously not admitting that they have no idea what they’re talking about. Worst of all, it gave the usual gaggle of “fact checkers” an easy slam dunk by correcting the record on all the blogs that immediately ran with the story.

So, in short: the death of the petrodollar has been greatly exaggerated, and don’t believe everything you read on the internet (whether from establishment sources or supposedly independent ones!). And to the liars goes the Dino.

OK, now that we’re sufficiently warmed up . . . let’s cool down! That’s right, now it’s time for a word from our corporate sponsor:



Welcome back, folks. It’s now time to present our third Dino of the evening, the award for:


And the runners-up are:

Sky and the BBC and Australia’s ABC and a slew of other fake news MSM outlets for blaming an imaginary air turbulence  problem on fake weather gods

— The UK Met Office for telling the public that the cold April they experienced was all in their heads.

— Every mainstream media outlet and every establishment institution and every scientific paper that assert in a self-deconstructing argument that every country is simultaneously warming faster than every other country!

— Columbia Climate School for fearmongering about the Great Barrier Reef, which, in reality, just hit a new record coral cover for the third year in a row.

AxiosThe Washington Post, the Associated PressUSA Today, and the New York Times, and dozens of other dinosaur media liars for ginning up a fake news fear campaign over heat deaths during the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia, incorrectly attributing them to angry weather gods instead of cyclical weather patterns because “climate” is only “weather” when it’s cold outside.

— Michael Mann and his colleagues for forecasting an “unprecedented 33 named tropical cyclones” in 2024, a prognostication that turned out to be the “wrongest count ever predicted.”

— And the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service for using their climate crystal ball to “report” in advance that 2024 will be the hottest year ever—a claim that comes from their “reanalysis” dataset that only goes back 80 years and doesn’t even use actual thermometer readings, instead combining “past observations with models to generate consistent time series of multiple climate variables.”

And the loser is:


That’s right, as originally reported by Ray Sanders and followed up in a series of extensive reports by The Daily Sceptic, the UK’s national weather and climate service has been involved in a massive, ongoing scheme to control the future by controlling the past, creating data for 103 of their 302 weather stations that seemingly do not exist!

The site for “Dungeness,” for example, provides 30-year rolling temperature averages from 1960 to 2020 but fails to disclose that the station in fact closed in 1986. Through diligent efforts and actual reporting, Sanders was able to obtain records via a Freedom of Information request that allowed him to determine which stations actually exist.

Keep in mind, this is the same Met Office that lists an airport weather station that goes back to 1873 (30 years before airplanes were invented!) and that keeps a record in which 80% of their listed weather stations are sited in locations that had internationally recognized “uncertainties” between 2-5°C, making the purported tenths of a degree of “global warming” in recent decades statistically meaningless!


WAIT JUST A SECOND! THIS JUST IN: this whole story has been “debunked by “Science Feedback,” a Meta/TikTok/IFCN/EU/Google News Initiative-funded “fact checker” site that claims the whole “inventing stations” idea is fake news because:

Certain weather stations collect decades of data, but later need to close down. Rather than letting this data go to waste, scientists are able to combine this past data with more recent data from nearby well-correlated stations (i.e., those with similar trends) to look at long-term climate trends. This is a scientific method that is published in reputable peer-reviewed papers and is used by other organizations around the world; it is not “data fabrication.”

But, as The Daily Sceptic notes in a detailed rebuttal (that is well worth the read), the Met Office in fact goes out of its way to use “adjusted, amended, modified and likely corrupted” data from inferior sites over long-term, reliable data from top quality Class 1 sites because: a) Almost all of their weather stations are listed as Class 4 or Class 5 sites (i.e., junk sites with unreliable data unfit for weather reporting) by the World Meteorological Organization and b) Class 5 junk data sites are more likely to report anomalous “hottest ever” temperature readings.

So, what does all this mean? It means don’t trust the UK Met Office to tell you the weather in 2125, that’s what it means! It’s fake news!

So, here’s your Dino, Met Office. You earned it for one of the most shameless attempts at lying to the public in a field overwhelmed with people shamelessly lying to the public. Let’s hope the public finally sees through your charade and completely and totally eliminates your funding forever!

Alright, folks, moving right along, the penultimate award of the evening is in my hands right now. This is the Dino dishonouring this year’s:


And the runners-up are:

— The BBC for “Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl,” which reports on a gang that used threats, violence, rape and torture on a 13-year-old girl, making her life a “living nightmare”  . . . and then casually admitting at the bottom of the article that the leader of this gang of despicable child rapers was lauded in a 2016 BBC puff piece on the plight of Syrian refugees in the UK at the same time that the gang leader had been charged with sexual assault. Whoopsie.

— The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists for “Chinese nuclear weapons, 2024,” a Pentagon-sourced hit piece that uses scary-looking pictures of inflatable domes to conclude that China will have 1,500 NUCLEAR WARHEADS BY 2035!!! You can take that fake news prognostication to the bank because when has the Pentagon ever lied about a foreign enemy’s nuclear build up (or a foreign friend’s nuclear stockpile)? (And, in a Dinos first, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists gets a special bonus nomination for: “PRESS RELEASE: Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight,” an embarrassingly stupid piece of propaganda that would better be summarized as “EXTRA! EXTRA! Doomsday Clock doesn’t change!” or, as Off-Guardian admirably summarizes it: “Made-up clock tells imaginary time.”

— And The New York Times for “Kennedy’s Vow to Take On Big Food Could Alienate His New G.O.P. Allies,” which included a “fact check” claiming that Kennedy was wrong in asserting that the American Froot Loops ingredients list differed from that found in foreign versions of the product, with the crack repeaters at the Old Grey Presstitute claiming, “The ingredient list is roughly the same.” When this flatly incorrect statement was absolutely obliterated on social media, it was magically changed to clarify that “[h]e was wrong on the ingredient count, they are roughly the same.” Remember, folks, The New York Times thinks so poorly of your intelligence that they buried their “correction” at the very bottom of this 41-paragraph article and hoped you would be too dumb to notice! Remarkably, The Times then doubled down on this fatuous food falsehood with, “Sorry, but This Is the Future of Food,” in which they argue that eating healthy food and using organic, regenerative farming practices will anger the weather gods so . . . shut up and eat your Froot Loops, you ungrateful peasants!

And the loser is:

Morning Joe and his wife Zbigniew (along with CBS, CNN, MSNBC and every other three- and four-letter alphabet souper in the den of fake news vipers) for “This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever!”

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And eff you if you can’t handle the truth.


This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I have known him for years. The Brzezinskis have known him for 50 years.


If it weren’t the truth I wouldn’t say it.


SOURCE: Why ‘this version of Biden’ is best version of Biden

KROCKMAN: Uh, Joe? Is everything OK over there? Blink twice if Mika has a gun pointed at you off-camera. I mean, when you say “this” version of Biden . . . which version of Biden did you mean, exactly?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: There is some movement . . . and I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna . . . [inaudible] choose my words.


[. . .]


BIDEN: And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen President Putin.


[. . .]


BIDEN: I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, did I think she would was not qualified to be President.


[. . .]


BIDEN: There’s some movement . . . there’s been . . . a response.


[. . .]


BIDEN: And I sat down and I said “America’s Back!” and Mitterand from Germany . . . I mean from France, looked at me and said . . . uh . . . s-said . . . ya know . . . what, why, “h-how long you back for?”


[. . .]


BIDEN: We hold these truths to be self ah-vident. All men and women created by th- . . . oh you know th-, you know the thing.


[. . .]


BIDEN: . . . from . . . the ah . . . . . th-th…there’s been a response.


SOURCE: Every time President Biden stumbles, misspeaks, and falls asleep at crucial moments

KROCKMAN: “Yes, trust us, guys! We’re the mainstream media! When have we ever lied to you?”

Exactly! So, shut the F up and believe us when we say BIDEN IS TOTALLY FINE!!! and if you think otherwise you’re probably a cheapfake-believing MAGA cap-wearing Russian disinfo bot!

. . . Oh, wait, he’s totally fighting dementia. Who could have known?

. . . Except absolutely every member of the public whose face you unashamedly lied to, that is. (And you know what? Maybe we NEED cheapfakes to make Biden look young and virile again!)

Now, to be fair, Morning Joe was not the only one playing this game.

Take Noah Berlatsky, who brazenly asserted, “There’s virtually no evidence that Biden is in cognitive decline” just months after special counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute the puppet-in-chief for illegally and improperly storing classified material because of his “diminished faculties and faulty memory.” (Let’s just hope for Noah’s sake that no one follows the link in the transcript for tonight’s award show to Shoe0nHead’s takedown of Berlatsky to find out what he really advocates.)

But, truth be told, it was every clown in the entire establishment media clown world circus who told us with a straight face that Biden was (SAY IT WITH ME NOW!) “sharp as a tack.”

MICHAEL DOUGLAS: And the people that I’ve talked to and everybody that I have, say he’s as sharp as a tack.


SOURCE: Michael Douglas – Biden Is Fine, Sharp As A Tack


EUGENE ROBINSON: He’s as sharp as a tack.


SOURCE: Morning Joe Says Biden Sharp As A Tack



UNKNOWN CONGRESSMEN: He’s sharp, he’s fit. He’s always answering questions.


SOURCE: The “Joe Biden is Sharp as a Tack” Hoax


UNKNOWN MSM TALKING HEAD: I think that Joe Biden’s mental acuity is very, very on. He’s one of the smartest, sharpest people I’ve met in D.C.


SOURCE:The “Joe Biden is Sharp as a Tack” Hoax


NANCY PELOSI: This is a very sharp President.


SOURCE:The “Joe Biden is Sharp as a Tack” Hoax


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: He’s sharp, he’s engaged.


SOURCE: ‘He’s Sharp’: Karine Jean-Pierre Defends Biden’s Mental Fitness Based On Her Personal Experiences


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS: Incredibly sharp. Incredibly probing. Incredible command of the details.


SOURCE: Mayorkas Dismisses Biden Health Concerns: “Incredibly Sharp, Incredibly Probing, Incredible Command”


KROCKMAN: Ow! Watch out everybody. This guys is sharp as a tack!

I wonder what animal the disgusting dissemblers of disinfo who sold this lie most closely resemble. Quick. Someone get Thomas Friedman on the line.

Well, since there is (alas) only one Dino to hand out, let’s throw it at “Morning” Joe Scarborough. Hey, at least if he’s busy gaslighting the public with self-evident falsehoods he doesn’t have time to be killing his interns, amirite?

Alright, folks, it’s that special time you’ve been waiting for. The most important moment of them all. The climax of this WHOLE EVENT! . . .

. . . Another word from our corporate sponsor!




. . . Aaaaand we’re back!

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you’ve suffered long enough. And now it’s time for the moment you’ve really been waiting for, that moment where we bestow the Dino of Dinos on the smelliest fart to drift across the fake newswires over the course of the previous 365 days.

The moment where we hand


to the biggest liar of 2024!

And this year the un-prize goes to:

CNN’s Jomana Karadsheh for “CNN Exclusive: Syrian rebel leader says goal is to overthrow Assad regime,” which, in addition to sporting the most obvious, inane title of all time, features a pandering, softball interview attempting to excuse, justify, overlook or ignore the reprehensible war crimes of the so-called “moderate Syrian rebels” and their de facto leader, the globally designated terrorist known as “Abu Mohammad al-Jolani” (aka Ahmed al-Sharaa).

JOMANA KARADSHEH: Taking Hama . . . after taking Hama . . .  I mean, how significant is this for you right now?


[. . .]


“You know, listening to speaking, you’ve gone through quite the transformation. Once an al-Qaida leader. Your group has had affiliations with al-Qaida, with ISIS, and now you are projecting this image of a moderate leader in a moderate group. What is HTS right now?”


[. . .]


AHMED AL-SHARAA: A person in their 20s will have a different personality than someone in their 30s or 40s, and certainly someone in their 50s.”


KARADSHEH: So are those days behind you?


[. . .]


CNN ANCHOR: A fascinating interview there. I want to thank Jomana Karadsheh and her crew for that exclusive.


SOURCE: CNN Exclusive: Syrian rebel leader says goal is to overthrow Assad regime


KROCKMAN: Oh yes, a “fascinating interview.”


“Quick, Jomana, here’s a despicable, admitted murderer who, for whatever it’s worth, is still a wanted terrorist with a $10 million bounty on his head, but the new State Department script calls for us to ignore all that and celebrate the overthrow of the Syrian government. Now go!”


“Uhh . . . so . . . how does all this make you feel, Mr. Jolani?”






Yeah, top rate journalism there.

Now, to be fair, it wouldn’t be right to pin this “moderate rebel” softballism on Karadsheh and her CNN accomplices alone. There have been any number of fake news pieces by establishment toadies attempting the same whitewash of terrorist atrocities throughout the dinosaur media.

There was “How Syria’s ‘Diversity-Friendly’ Jihadists Plan on Building a State” by Aaron Y. Zelin of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an Israeli front that Mearsheimer and Walt described as “part of the core” of the Israeli lobby in the US in their groundbreaking 2007 book on the subject.

There was the BBC lecturing us on “From Syrian jihadist leader to rebel politician: How Abu Mohammed al-Jolani reinvented himself” like he was Madonna emerging from another one of her plastic surgery interventions and embarking on a new world tour.

There was The Washington Post describing al-Jolani as a “pragmatic” and “charismatic” leader in “Who is Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, the Islamist rebel leading the Syrian advance.” (Oh yes, Bezos lackeys, spill the tea!)

And who can forget the PBS Frontline interview that marked the beginning of Jolani’s reputation-laundering fake news media blitz back in 2021?

SMITH: Jolani’s stated plan was to topple Assad, seize Damascus and set up an Islamic state in Syria under sharia law.


The U.S. State Department put Jolani on its terrorist watch list. But he insists he used the funds he got from Baghdadi to strike military targets, not civilians.


AL-JOLANI: [speaking Arabic] Did we use this money to hurt people? No. We used this money to confront an unjust, tyrannical regime that is killing people. We are defending the people.


SOURCE: The Jihadist

KROCKMAN: But why stop there? We could go even further back!

Remember in 2014, when the same crack squad of PBS presstitutes went undercover in Syria to report on the covert US program to arm, fund, equip and train the “moderate” Syrian rebels that—WHOOPS!—gave birth to ISIS.

REBEL COMMANDER: [through interpreter] This is a locally made mortar. It’s a 120-caliber round. We captured a destroyed tank from the army. So guys from our weapon-making team removed it from the tank. We used this piece, cut it and put it on a reamer and turned it into this. And this is how we make missiles.


NARRATOR: But in recent weeks, they say they have been receiving more sophisticated weapons. It appears the Obama administration is now allowing select groups of rebels like them to receive U.S.-made anti-tank missiles, known as TOWs. Many of the fighters have filmed themselves firing the missiles. In addition to receiving weapons, the commander says he and his men were taken on a long journey to a secret training camp.


SOURCE: Inside a Covert U.S. Program to Arm & Train Moderate Syrian Rebels (full documentary) | FRONTLINE


BEN SWANN: You mentioned about Al Qaeda during your speech. Going after Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, certainly going after them in Yemen as well. And yet there’s some concern about the US funding the Syrian opposition when there are a lot of reports that Al Qaeda is kind of heading up that opposition. How do you justify the two?


OBAMA: Well, I share that concern. And so what we’ve done is to say, “We will provide non-lethal insurance to Syrian opposition leadership that are committed to a political transition, committed to an observance of human rights.”


SOURCE: Ben Swann interviews President Obama NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan


LT. GENERAL MCINERNEY: “Syria we backed, I believe in some cases, some of the wrong people, and not in the right part of the Free Syrian Army and that’s a little confusing to people, so I’ve always maintained and go back quite some time that we were backing the wrong types.


I think it’s gonna turn out maybe this weekend, in a new special that Brett Baer’s gonna have Friday, it’s gonna show some of those weapons from Benghazi ended up in the hands of ISIS.


So we helped build ISIS. Now there’s a danger there and I’m with you.”


SOURCE: Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS

KROCKMAN: No, let’s not ask about how the obliteration of Syria started in the first place.

Let’s not talk about the billions of dollars of CIA funding (not to mention the Saudi and Qatari funding, the Turkish backing, and the Israeli support) that made this coup possible.

Let’s not discuss the atrocities committed by the terrorists.

Let’s not acknowledge the Syrians trapped in terrorist-held territory and used as human shields.

Let’s not question the ways children were used as political props over and over again throughout the assault on the country.

Let’s not examine the evidence that those very same “moderate rebels” actually beheaded children and ate the hearts of Syrian soldiers on camera as part of their demonic campaign of terror.

Let’s not tell the public about how false flag event after false flag event was falsely blamed on the Syrian government in order to turn world opinion against Syria, and let’s not talk to those valiant journalists and scientists and investigators who stood up to blow the whistle on these false flags.

Let’s not expose the cheesy, fake Hollywood theatrics of the White Helmets and their founder, a former British military intelligence officer under contract to the US and UK governments.

Let’s not trace the thread of violence in the country backwards—from the mysterious provocateurs who turned the “peaceful protests” in Syria in 2011 into active gunfights with police and military; to the leaked 2006 cable showing that the overthrow of the Syrian government was a top US government priority for years before the so-called “civil war” ever started; to the 2001 Pentagon plan to topple seven countries in five years (Syria included, naturally); to the 1995 neocon-penned Clean Break document suggesting that Israel (or its allies) would have to destabilize the Syrian government in order to “secure the realm” for incoming Israeli PM Netanyahu.

No, let’s not acknowledge ANY of that documentable history. Let’s not ask a real question of this man who, by his own admission, was an agent of Al-CIA-da and I-CIA-SIS before dressing in a suit and calling himself a diversity-loving, moderate political leader.

No, let’s ask him how he feels about the destruction of Syria.

Yeah, heck of a job, Jomana. Maybe you can talk about what it’s like to order a suicide bombing in a crowded market the next time you’re chit-chatting with this serial murderer over tea and crumpets while you’re at it.

And so the decade-long plan for the decimation of Syria has finally come to fruition. And, just like the obliteration of Libya before it, it ends with the regime change that the Western Empire wanted finally coming about as planned.

The only difference this time is that Assad fled to Moscow before he could be sodomized with a knife in a gutter somewhere. Sorry, Hillary, no chance to showcase your psychopathic bloodlust this time.

HILLARY CLINTON: Yes! We came, we saw, he died! [Cackles maniacally]


INTERVIEWER: Did it have anything to do with your visit?


CLINTON: No. I’m sure it did.


SOURCE: Clinton on Qaddafi: “We came, we saw, he died!”

KROCKMAN: And the worst part is that, as always, it’s the Syrian people who have to pay the price for the grand game of the geopolitical chess players.

It’s Syrians who have had their country ripped apart by a decade and a half of brutal violence.

It’s Syrians who have to live with the terrorists who have taken over.

And it’s Syrians who will be left to deal with the mess once the imperial bird of prey has moved on to its next victim.

“Won’t someone think of the poor Libyans?” the interventionists cried 15 years ago as an excuse to go in and bomb that country to smithereens. And once their mission was accomplished, they just up and moved shop to Syria. And now? The Libyans? Open air slave markets? Total chaos? A failed state? WHO CARES! That was so 2010.

Now it’s Syria’s turn. Will Syria descend into never-ending sectarian violence? Splinter into a dozen pieces? Will open-air slave markets pop up? Will Syria become the new home base for I-CIA-SIS, giving the real terrorists in Washington and London and Tel Aviv another chance to extend their never-ending war of terror. WHO CARES! It’s on to the next square on the chessboard now.

Well, this Dino is here as the silliest token of our resistance. We do NOT believe your lies. We do NOT submit to your Big Brother inversion of the truth. We do NOT give our attention to Jomana or CNN or the BBC or any of the other known liars, who have done nothing but lie in service of their masters for as long as we can remember.

Take your prize, you losers. It’s all you’re going to get from us.

And that’s the fake news awards, everybody! Have a great year. And remember, if a dinosaur media journalist’s lips are moving, that means they’re lying!

See you next year!



  1. It seems to me “fake news” is redundant, since, on some level all “news” is fake.
    News is:
    -A report of recent events
    -Previously unknown information
    -Something having a specified influence or effect

    In nation after nation, the first things the globalist zionists do it take over the media, news papers, publishing houses and the like.

    I always remember Mark Twain’s great quote, one of many, “if you don’t real the news paper you are uninformed, if you do, you are misinformed”.

    I have always taken that wisdom to heart, everything they allowed to be printed is to further a particular agenda.

    I forget the exact date, I think it was 2010 when I first heard of ASIS. But more than just heard of it, I was suddenly inundated with the idea of ISIS. One day I had never heard a word about this terrorist organization, the next day it was everywhere and I mean everywhere. There was not a media broadcasting system that I turned to that was not reporting on this latest boogeyman. I’m in marketing, and this felt like a marketing campaign, one that was well beyond anything I could comprehend in its breadth and scope.

    There it was, like 9/11 before it, Covid today, the touch stone to the system’s true power to control information. There was not one place I turned that was not reporting the same warning of this dread threat to our “homeland”. The system tries to keep us deluded into thinking the world is fine, except for some disparate bad actors, but that is an illusion. We are already living in a NWO, Iraq and the “coalition of the willing” demonstrated it to a degree, Covid certified it.

    With every event, you see instantly the Overton window is established, especially now with “alt-right” and “influencers. Jeffery Epstein either killed himself or was murdered, he certainly wasn’t spirited away to Israel, “that is crazy conspiracy talk”. Because him being murdered would not be a conspiracy?

    “Covid was real”, it was either made in a weapons lab in China, game and function and all, or it was naturally occurring, but it had to be real. Of course The lab grown theory they pushed the most, a disease made by man, would by necessity need a cure made my man. The main stage was NYC with they control 100%, and after the theatrics were all over, NY Gov Cuomo quietly exited stage left, a $10 million dollar book deal waiting for him for his loyalty to the Tribe.

    And when they were ready to turn the page on Covid and study the mountains of data they had compiled during the Covid scam, it was suddenly out of the media and we were onto Ukraine. Like a switch, Covid was no longer a story, we had moved onto the Ukraine. Covid has its sign of compliance, the mask, Ukraine with its yellow and blue flags that popped up everywhere. They had to up the ante to make this war even more of a threat to humanity, so it was all about Russian nukes and escalation.

    Media, entertainment, politics…all choreographed, all to bring billions of people under a NWO out of Eretz Israel.

    • Just to put my comment into better focus, James often discusses narrative control, to which the main questions which must “inform” the public are quickly disseminated: The who, what, when, where, how, and why. The What, where, when and how, give the story weight, those are the tangibles that the masses can easily grasp, it is the why and who that are often the most slippery.

      Well, I’m here to tell you that is all nonsense, meant for lesser minds to pacify. Below is a basic introduction to the who, it is just food for thought, planting a seed, one which will grow as we move through Trump’s Presidency. This is knowledge that is easily verified, around the world this group has 5000 locations, and growing. This IS the NWO, they surround every political leader from Trump and Netanyahu, to Putin and Jinping, and everyone in between. The NWO might be as benign as just implementing the Noahide Laws, or something much more dire…but it is by far the most likely “who” that can be established with any credibility. Understanding the who, makes answering the why, a bit more apparent.


    • This is the best Fake News award show that I have seen so far. I am only 1/2 way through and have had many good laughs, thanks James, looking forward to seeing the rest.

    • Excellent show, I applaud your choice for the biggest loser, a sickening and putrid gang of characters to be sure.
      Kent Brockman would be proud.

  2. That rat was actually a really good advertisement for the new viagra.


    • On that Rat Study by Xinyu Guo, Liang Dong and Dingjun Hao, Bent Krockman mispronounced one of the names. Liang is pronounced “luong”… …”luong dong”.

  3. What about the Trump “ass-ass-ination attempt?” Was disappointed to see no stories about the Orangeutan in general, just a few tangential mentions and cameos…


    “Former President Donald Trump was evaluated with a CT scan after he was grazed by a bullet and sustained a 2 cm-wide wound to his ear last week, according to a new memo from Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who previously served as his physician.

    The memo, which Trump posted on his Truth Social account on Saturday, is directed to “concerned citizens of the United States” and comes one week after a shooter narrowly missed Trump as he gave a speech at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.”

    See also:


    2 cm is 20 mm, or 0.8 inches, over ¾” wide.

    Less than two weeks after getting a 0.8″ wide chunk of the top of his ear blown off, Trump is seen and photographed without the bandage. The report was that he received no stitches, no plastic surgery…


    “Meanwhile, Dr. Ronny Jackson, Trump’s former doctor, painted a gruesome picture of what was underneath that bandage. Jackson looked at the ear after the shooting and described it while on “The Benny Show” on July 15. “And [the bullet] just took the top of his ear off,” Jackson said. “It was bleeding like crazy because the ear is pretty vascular and bleeds pretty badly,” he added. In a separate interview with the Daily Mail, Jackson said Trump did not receive stitches because the top part of the ear was not “amenable” to that treatment. “So they just basically have to kind of, you know, let it heal in,” he told the outlet while mentioning that the wound would be fine over time.”

    “Just under two weeks after the rally shooting, Donald Trump went out in public without any bandages covering the wound on his ear. On July 26, he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and photos captured the one-time POTUS showing his exposed ear to Netanyahu. Images of the exchange were not crystal clear, but Trump did not seem to have any major scarring, and his ear looked basically the same as prior to the shooting.”

    “That same day, Trump spoke at the Believer’s Summit in West Palm Beach where he made his first public appearance without bandages. “As I think you can see, I’ve recovered well. And, in fact, I just took off the last bandage off of my ear,” he told the crowd, per Fox News. Trump appealed to his audience while referencing his bandage-free ear. “I took it off for this group. I don’t know why I did that for this group, but that’s it,” he said.

    THAT, friends, is some fake ass news.

    • It’s only fake news if it is stated as such, otherwise it is just another conspiracy theory. Even in the world where conspiracies theories are proven conspiracy fact, there is a significant lag time, when a conspiracy theory can actually be accepted as probable.

      I remember when Epstein “died”, VERY few did not buy into one of two obviously nonsense options, “he was killed or suicided”. The idea that he was spirited away was not allowed. I watched Whitney Webb feverishly back trach and deny that she ever believed Epstein was secretly moved to Israel. That was when I was more than sure that is exactly what happened. Everything should always be on the table, when an obvious possibility like he was spirited away is not anywhere even discussed, you know the fix is in. THAT is when you get to see the REAL internet and the level of control they truly have over it.

      The Trump fake shooting was beyond obvious, yet you had the usual suspects saying “we can’t be sure, how do you know?”. Which I respond, I don’t need to see a bird fly to know that is what they do. It is truly shocking how oblivious most are, even here. Trump is a long term project, do they think they would allow him assassinated. That place was crawling with agents. THEY are the terrorists, THEY do the assassinations, not US. Yet most Americans are far more worried about their gun owning neighbors than their murderous psychopathic government.

      What we witnesses was a public murder. That poor MK ultra patsy was obviously set up, and we witnessed the military shoot an American citizen in cold blood-funny how THAT narrative never saw the light of day. Nope, they were all focused on the theatrics. Fe noticed the Kabbalah red bracelet, the military sniper who killed the patsy was wearing.

      The default should ALWASY BE THEY DID IT. Like this Black Hawk helicopter “accident”, that should NEVER happen, so when it does, the default should be it was purposeful. You can’t go wrong thinking it was on purpose, murder by a remote controlled helicopter killing American citizens. But instead cowardly Americans will look for the excuses, which the Zios are happy to provide, “DEI incompetency” is the meme of du jour. All the murders of Americans is now blamed on DEI…the crashes, the fires, the destruction of Hollywood, all blamed on ANOTHER carefully constructed narrative to be used to cover up the Communist’s villainous actions.

      That is how you can often tell what is an accident and what is real, how quickly the accident is blamed on the boogeyman of the time: Muslims, Gays, Trans, DEI, Global Warming, White Supremacists and above all NAZIS.

      Oh yeah, Covid really woke people up, and quickly they went right back to sleep.

      • I was unaware of the chopper/jet crash until you mentioned it, but I find this bit to be very important, and have been suspicious of the situation for some time:


        “A shortage of air traffic controllers in the United States in recent years has spurred safety concerns. At several facilities, controllers work mandatory overtime and six-day work weeks to cover shortages. The Federal Aviation Administration has about 3,000 fewer controllers than it says it needs.”

        Sounds like a great setup for transferring air traffic control from humans to AI.

        (My sarc below)
        “Not only are humans incapable of handling such complex tasks as well as AI, but they’re too lazy, uneducated and unpatriotic to even apply for such jobs anymore. We need AI to ‘keep our skies safe…”

        They want to replace the bulk of the government with AI, so this probably won’t even be noticed.

        As for the Epstein “suicide,” I was also very disappointed in the coverage. I never once accepted the assertion of his death. The alleged evidence consisted of paper work, talking heads, and a brief video of a pale body on a stretcher. A little makeup, some hush money, some NDAs, and some makeup – that’s all that was needed to achieve the deception as presented. No intelligent, clear thinking and objective person, much less a journalist, can be legitimately fooled by such nonsense. But none of the “champions of alt media” were discussing the paucity of evidence, only hypotheses of explanation of the given narrative.

        And the “assassination” – I saw The Last American Vagabond and others combing through the purported “facts,” looking for various angles, but again there was no questioning of the lack of falsifiable evidence.

        Whether the result of clandestine mind control, threats, or flat out being willing controlled opp agents, there are certainly many very important issues that are completely ignored.

        Glad to see I’m not the only one who notices.

          • I assume you sent me this because I mentioned that I’m a Bible scholar. If so, you should also know that I reject the mainstream version of Christianity. Broad and careful study from not only the canonical books but also the apocryphal and “heterodox” literature, focusing on the original languages, the archaeological evidence, and various relevant historical contexts, destroys the mainstream narratives of not only the Hebrew Tanakh (Torah-Nevi’im-Kethuvim), but the misleading suggestions that Y’shua claimed to be the son of YHVH. His entire career was to expose the programming of the priesthood and their newly forged scrolls which asserted that YHVH was the Supreme Being. YHVH was just another Anunnaki. Not ‘divine,’ but a liar and a monster, who had fooled the Hebrews into submitting to a totalitarian regime, mediated via the Jerusalem temple and its priesthood. Y’shua was not a Yahwist, he was an anti-Yahwist. Yes, the authors and later editors of the various books of the New Testament did add some revisions which make it seem otherwise, but even in the canonical books, a careful study shows that that was indeed the case. None of the books of the NT were written by anyone from his inner circle. They were all dead by the time those books were written, and other than the epistles of Paul, who never met Y’shua, they were all either written anonymously or were pseudepigraphical, meaning that the claimed author was someone else. Also known as forgeries.

            Adam Green’s major errors are, among others;

            1) he lets his (supposed) opponents frame the argument

            2) he’s not a good researcher or philosopher, which is one explanation for the aforementioned error (but there are other possible explanations).

            3) he lets emotion drive his arguments, and the small amount of research he does. This leads to taking the first available option that appears to solve a problem, and leads to the end of real education, ie stopping at a dead end.

            His recent guest, Gnostic Informant, is far more knowledgeable, and he’s much closer to the mark than Mr Green is, but he’s still blinded by his own biases, and allows knee jerk reactions (and subscriber counts and funding) to drive him.

            In many ways, both of them are limiting themselves to fighting only against the mainstream narratives of Judaism and Christianity. I allow myself to go far beyond that. There are very few scholars or researchers who follow the evidence all the way as far as the Hebrew texts, but I know of none who do so with the Y’shua mystery. It is very hard work, and information is difficult to find. But by having an open mind, the available research bares new (and strange) fruit.

            Be careful about thinking you’ve reached the height of understanding. You’re a very intelligent being. Don’t tie yourself to midwits.

            • I sent it because it is a window into what is going on. Religion, like most things coming from the Jews is just a distraction, a framework towards world domination.

              I don’t buy into the Jewish Abrahamic nonsense, one way or the other.

              Anything that leads to the destruction of humanity I am against.

            • I don’t really care about Adam Green’s flaws, they are irrelevant.

              I don’t derive my understanding from him, but he shows what Rabbis are thinking, what our politicians are up to and what Jewish prophesies say. With this information, one should be able to derive at their own conclusions.

              Adam Green is obviously a controlled asset, or he would long since be removed or dead. These psychopaths are not playing, anyone in their way would not be around for long. Nevertheless, controlled or not, he does show great truths that are totally absent from most conversations.

              From each of these pod casts one can fit together a decent understanding of what is going on and why, as good as anyone can.

              • You should care about Adam Green’s flaws, because obviously you share them in common, to your detriment if left unaddressed.

                You’re letting the adversary frame the argument.

                You assume that the most obvious answer is the only one.

                I can assure you, there are larger agendas and more imminent threats than the rabbis and their “religion.”

                But, stay in the cul de sac if you like, looking to controlled opposition and the lower level players he discusses for your answers.

                Meanwhile, I’ll be studying what they are working to hide.

              • Here is an idea that might make your argument a bit less arrogant and assumptive, give an example of your opinion, instead of stating your OPINION as a fact.

                “You’re letting the adversary frame the argument.”

                “You assume that the most obvious answer is the only one.”

                “I can assure you, there are larger agendas and more imminent threats than the rabbis and their “religion.”

                You make all these statements yet you do not give one example to support your argument, you just insult my reasoning.

                I often find this type of arrogance dealing with Christians, you argue from a place of faith, not facts. You can’t actually argue with supporting facts, because you don’t have any facts.

                What is the threat greater than Rabbis, and who said Rabbis where a threat, I said Rabbis reveal an agenda, an agenda that is playing out.

                Unlike you, I can argue fact not just condescend to your ideas.

            • Adam Green does have some interesting guests. I really enjoyed the book “From Yahweh to Zion, Jealous God Chosen People” which Adam Green draws from.

              I do recommend the book even if someone is just interested in the Jewish religion based on the Torah alone. Forget about the Talmud, look at the bible.

              And yes, it’s good to note that there are other things going on and the religious aspect of this isn’t the only conspiracy to pay attention to.

              It’s bigger than the weird rabbis and their end time prophecy and the tunnels in NY and the other sick weirdness going on. But these people do have power in Israel and people should understand how they think and how they view other non-Jews.

              With that said, I think they don’t care for regular “Jews” who by no choice of their own are just born that way. Those people don’t matter either.

              But there is something there that Adam Green speaks on or has a platform to discuss and I think it’s worth at least being aware of.

              I’m not a person who adheres to any particular faith as the end all be all answer to the question of why we are here and if God exists.

              • This one fellow assumes much…

                Adam Green is great, insofar as he reports on matters no one else touches. It gets pretty deep, but I think Adam Green is what they use to relive their Karma, “If they tell us their plans and we don’t do anything about it, the fault lies within us”, kind of insane thinking.

                But the idea Adam must be flawless, assumes those who watch don’t think for themselves.

                I take information from many sources, NONE of them are perfect, not one, but together I can put pieces together, evidently few can.

                To say the religious aspect of this is somewhat unimportant, is ludicrous, considering we are talking about Israel, basically a theocracy. We are witnessing Jewish prophesy fulfillment, that is beyond evident, a fact well supported when watching Adam Green.

                To put a finer point on it, I am confident that the Abrahamic religions were created to bring about a New World Order, with sociopathic Jews to manage it. There is ZERO evidence for any aspect of that religious paradigm to be true, and mountains of evidence to show they are being played.

                Is the religious angle the ONLY angle, of course not, but it is the ONE group where we can glean much of what their plans actually are.

                The Protocols of Zion are infinitely more prophetic than the nonsense Bible which is nothing but a Jewish tool to destroy indigenous cultures and religions, which is EXACTLY what it did. The Bible is full of plagiarisms, contradictions and myths, that are so open to interpretation it has sprouted some 40,000 variations of Christianity…exactly what a tool to manipulate would to, easily shaped to fit any would be cult.

                Adam Green, is far from perfect, but he shares knowledge that is profound and key to
                understanding our distorted history and where they are taking us.

            • Also with respect to IQ score, there were plenty of high IQ people who went along with Covid. So, IQ number alone isn’t enough as a determinant of who to listen to.

      • Oh, and I wouldn’t say that covid woke people up. I’d say that it slightly altered their sleep patterns and the content of their unconscious dreams, as a means of setting up the next steps of the psychological manipulations which are still unfolding. Programming needed an update. And it was very successful.

    • From my perspective, the idea that he actually did get shot is the most likely, but of course that could change with new convincing information. I would expect that the doctors took pictures?

      • I would expect that if you typed in, “image of trump’s ear after attempted assassination,” the results would be as trustworthy as any other image that might be available from the tech bros that run PR for trump.

        • I took your advice and searched images for 10-15 min and only looked for A) Clinical setting, none exist or B) the time it actually happened on camera. Anything else is too suspect to waste time on.
          I found several photos of the side of his head with the SS all around him and enhanced as best as I could. Sure looks like a tiny nick near the top of his ear and I mean small, about half the size of a pencil eraser and the location corresponds to later bandage photos when the bandage was smaller, not covering the entire ear.

          Add to that the photo showing a bullet passing by his head, the several places other rounds landed, other people shot, I believe the guy was shot, just nicked. Occam’s razor and all that.

          Full disclosure, I voted for the guy. Crazy times when the best candidate for that high office looks like he cant figure out how to use Coppertone faux tan but it is what it is.

          You have to give it to him, he has some balls to stand up and pump his fist in the air. Deep state tried to kill him as so many had predicted, more than one time even.

          Here is one for you to consider, what if it really was a miracle and he really was saved by Devine intervention to help make things better in the world? An honest person would have to admit this too is a possibility no matter how far fetched anyone thinks the idea is. I have not seen any solid proof of Devine intervention, I wonder what that would look like…

  4. Why is my comment “awaiting moderation?”

    • Rules MagneticReversal, rules.
      More than one hyperlink offered.?
      More than 3000 characters.?
      You are on some NoFly list.?
      You are from Birmingham.?
      You won the fake News fake posting que award.?
      You said something with great insight. ?
      Just not your day?
      You said something about Smashing Pumpkins?
      You need a full cavity search but not compiling?

      You will have to wait in that que over there , It’s almost midnight in Osaka , James will be in to review you case around 7 am on the 31st of January. Please be patient.

    • MagneticReversal.
      Now you Know, #2 .
      Solution, break it up into 3 separate posts. 1 link per post. Rules….!
      Glad it wasn’t any others on my list.

      • I guess the rules were expounded somewhere here when I joined, but I’ve never really paid attention to anything other than the objective rules, such as the laws of physics which I observe first hand.

        It was posted, so I guess there’s no need to go back and read them now;)

  5. It has been going on for sooo long.

    “The real mass media are basically trying to divert people.” …
    “Let everybody be crazed about professional sports or sex scandals”
    – Noam Chomsky
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “In March 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press …

    They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”
    – U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “There is no such thing… in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…

    The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

    You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.

    Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
    – John Swinton, the former chief of staff of the New York Times, called by his peers, “The Dean of his profession,” in a speech at the New York Press Club.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    I would add as I have said before, far too many cut and paste ego driven commenters on websites pushing lies, overtly or covertly. “Everyone’s an Einstein til they are not.”


  6. Thanks for that excellent exposure of the fake AI “scientific study”, so important to keep in mind when we are researching things now.

    I have had several people send me images of totally fake AI generated “food forests” recently and they are asking me to identify what trees are in the images.

    I tell them there are no trees in the image, just a bunch of high rez CGI stuff and they get all bent out of shape and tell me I don’t know what I am talking about! (AI is wasting so many moments of my life now a days, Sigh…)

    By the way, there is some really trippy stuff going on with your glasses and the greenscreen effects that keep giving you momentary glowing red eyes in the video haha

    Looking forward to watching the rest of this when I have time.

  7. I like how you had a sign pointing at Bill Nye saying “Not a Scientist” on that press release image of “the doomsday clock” 🙂

    That guy really is such a sell out clown and corporate shill, a total disgrace.

    • Bill Nye is a poster boy for the “trust the science” narrative.
      He can also hold hands with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and both kneel at Elon Musk’s feet.

  8. Those Biden clips were quite priceless. Vice president Trump. What a preposterous joke. I would like to say something along the lines of “poor old demented man” but who the hell knows who that man even is.

    • “This ‘version’ of Biden…” LOL!
      They are literally telling (a.k.a., mocking) everyone and blatantly admitting there are other “versions” of Joe Biden – basically saying that, yes, there are other phony, fake, dummy “presidents”.
      Oh well, nothing new, really.
      And, while it will be no surprise to see many other “versions” of Trump conking out and sputtering like Biden in the near future, Orange Man is such a dupe that it will be hard to tell the difference from one to another.

  9. About AI slop that is taking over youtube and such:

    AI is ruining the internet

    Youtube is obsessed with AI

    People thinking AI is real

    Looks like AI is replacing social media with very low intelligence

    Deepseek explained by retired MS engineer
    It is just a mixture of AI-algorithms that can run on low cost software.
    But it is bad news for the AI sellers that try to sell very expensive hardware.

    Software makers are realizing
    AI isn’t a co-pilot; it’s a junior dev faking competence

    BONUS: for those who are concerned about DEI politics:
    Worst of Woke aWards 2025 (2h16m video)

  10. James, just a small note – “Dungeness” has a soft g.

  11. Where can you get these WEF calendars? that was great.

  12. Fabulous job, James! I especially laughed extra hard at the Schwab calendars (and your portrayal of him). All the best!

    • do you remember the pocket cock rocket commercial they did? that was absolute gold. it was a fake sponsor for the new years/ old years end of year NWNW I think in ’22 or ’23. sooo funny

  13. Truly enjoyable and a great reminder of the worst of the MSM. I had already forgotten many of these stories. Also loved the silly “commercials.” Should come with a warning not to view while dining as the toilet humor in the very beginning night disturbs ones appetite.

  14. Joy of joys!!! Many thanks for this long awaited award show. Been waiting since last year….

    Had a bit of a moment bc i am listening to Mr. Richard Gage on twitter and he played a clip of Mr. James Corbett. Mr. Gage is doing great! Pulling apart all the lies about Gaza & 9/11.

    Old State Saloon on twitter:

    On rumble:

  15. Brain compression…

    The quantity of information, humor, and clever graphic interjections compressed my brain cells.

    I will be rewatching this masterfully designed 8th Annual Fake News Awards while also following the transcript. Some stories flew past me so fast, that I have no clue what was being talked about.

    Part of it is my own fault for laughing so much.

    For example:
    10:00 mark
    As OffGuardian.org puts it, the argument breaks down to,
    “If food were cheaper, dinner would cost less.”

    “No way!” respond Bill and Ted.
    3 seconds

    [Clipped from the classic 1989 “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”. (one of my favorite movies)]

  16. You’ve certainly worked hard on this project, and it shows!

  17. That’s another very impressive piece of work James; I hope that you are sufficiently proud of it. It shows that you must really enjoy putting together a production like this but I can’t imagine how much time it took you and Brok to produce. The fun and frivolity of the first 30 minutes or so was very entertaining albeit with serious undertones. The last ten minutes though was deeply profound and resonated with some of my recent thoughts. The whitewashing of the terrorist “moderate” head-choppers in Syria has been one of the most disgusting events of recent times though I would not place it above the disgusting mass murder in Gaza. The idea put forward to western audiences via their dinomedia that Al-Qaeda is now a legitimate government in Syria is a measure of how moronic the powers-to-destroy-entire-countries think that the average normie is. Now the job is done; Syria is hardly mentioned in the msm despite the ongoing atrocities targeting minorities. The new Syrian foreign minister, co founder of Al-Qaeda, has even been to Davos and “interviewed” by the Blair creature. It’s too much to bear but the show must go on I suppose. Respect James for covering this.

  18. The BIDEN item has a typo on the paper; it doesn’t say ‘this version of biden, intellectually, analytically is the best biden ever!’

    it says

    ‘this version of biden, intellectually, ANAYTICALLY is the best biden ever!’

    is that on purpose or was that really the page they published?

  19. that calender bit, klaus schwab, was so funny I almost pissed myself. Absolute comedy gold james. 10/10 and 5 stars!

  20. What a great Showman you are James, I loved the Sword-Dancing and the Klaus Calendars.
    Interesting Red Glinting Specs as well, reminded me of certain transhumanist videos.
    Congrats with Broc on a well put together show for this year’s Dinos

  21. Fantastic and highly entertaining and thought provoking as ever. You’re a great actor!

  22. Fantastic show – easily the best award ceremony of the year!
    Great choices all over!
    I’d like to have pitched the memoirs released by Angela Merkel late last year, sardonically titled “Freiheit” (freedom). What a bunch of propagandistic nostalgic bs scribbled together by some stenographers of this socailist/green (funnily enough fronting a self-proclaimed “conservative” party) totalitarian NWO puppett.
    Didn’t have the time to enter this into the race, but your selection was definitely outstanding and relevant!

    Also: Laughed my ass off seeing the Sword Dancing for Dummies intermission! What a hoot!

  23. This was most enjoyable. James you missed your calling, you should have been a stand up comic. And the video work was superb, so shout out to Brock for all his hard work making this year’s The 8th Annual Fake News Awards the best ever! Thanks so much for your hard work, research and of course humor!! Peace & Blessings to you, your family and loved ones. Nana Baakan

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