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James Corbett joins Walter Hendricks of The Solvinur Event to discuss social engineering. In this wide-ranging conversation, James and Walter break down propaganda and PR, advertising and education, how the media is used to form our habits and opinions, and how to fight back against the social engineers.
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Propaganda by Edward Bernays
Carroll Quigley on the Bank for International Settlements
Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution
How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions
B.F. Skinner’s Shaping Experiment (“Skinner’s Box”)
Most Disturbing Presentation Ever
José Delgado stops a bull in its tracks with electromagnetic mind control
“Discourse on Voluntary Servitude” by Étienne de La Boétie
This is one of the most important podcasts you have done. I will save it and pass it on. I have just finished an essay called Art and Society which deals with the subject at an earlier stage. What you call social engineering I call moulded consciousness. I have shown the undeniable proofs of how writers, poets and composers stepped out of the moulding, dissociated themselves from it. But I still have trouble with musical friends who suffer severely from cognitive dissonance and determinedly refuse. Even ritually repeated performances of Beethoven are absorbed into manipulated consciousness that don’t look at what he is trying to say in his music. Samuel Beckett is rendered harmless and the capitalists make money out of him. I have met anarchists in London who have no idea about how much they have absorbed capitalist values. My essay is a struggle to dismantle such conformism. James, you are interested in the arts.I would so much like to send you this essay. I have your e-mail address and will plonk it o there. You are under no obligation to read it and can delete it.Thanks again for the important work you are doing.
Looks like Gladio A, B or C (take your pick) is alive and well in Germany, as the far right that brought us the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, are now using “their” asylum seeking jihadis to overthrow Merkel. Timely, just as the German elections draw near.
I (and perhaps JC and most here?) would argue that it is “both/and”. It is both the centralization of power into governments and corporations that is the problem… The decentralization of power from both public and private institutions is the only solution. This includes both national and international institutions and governance. In our present system, governments, banks and big business will always be in bed together. Governments, “representation” and “democracy” are used and needed to placate the masses, to give them a placebo that they are being represented. Governments are crucial for a buffer between the corporate, banking elite class and the masses.
I’m definitely anarchist leaning. But I think my perspective might be a bit unique in that spectrum. In my view, it is not the overthrow of all corporations and governments that is necessarily the answer tho… because other institutions and circles of power would just rise up in there place imo. Destruction or deconstruction alone is not the answer. The only long term answer that makes sense to me is a perpetual process of decentralization that each individual, community, collective and all humanity generally must be engaged in. This requires a dramatic growth in awareness and “careness” amongst us all in order for this to happen and be effective. Like Corbett argues, ideally we can move more and more toward a world where typical corporations and existing governments are becoming mostly redundant and obsolete.