July Open Thread (2024)

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Articles | 190 comments

Happy Canada Day, everyone!

That’s right, July is upon us already, so it’s time for the July Open Thread.

What’s on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett Report community? What questions do you need answered? What news do you have to share? As always, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their thoughts, news tips, questions, comments and musings in the comment section below.

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  1. The Maldives are growing.
    The Mainstream is groaning.
    I shouldn’t talk religion,
    With such evil, dry derision.

    • Global temps are rising
      Carbon creds are enticing
      The story about are climate
      Would not fool a primate

      • True enough, but I wonder if you could fool a primate if you could print bananas out of thin air…

  2. thelastamericanvagabond.com is down

        • tlv got blocked 2 days ago, then allowed, today (thursday in Aus) its blocked via aus telstra. Ive tried 4 ways and cant get past the “unsecure site’ wall

          • Ryand from TLAV got to connect with Corbett and Pelato about getting a wordpress instance setup, learning how to manage the instance himself, and finding a good hosting provider. Could be a solutionswatch

  3. Curious article posted in The Wall Street Journal on June 29, 2024. I expected the WEF would have been able to keep their dirt under the rug, but maybe they don’t care about public opinion.

    Behind Davos, Claims of a Toxic Workplace
    “Despite its lofty goals, the World Economic Forum has faced numerous accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and Black people”


    Excerpt (emphasis added)
    “The Journal interviewed more than 80 current and former employees ranging in tenure from as far back as the 1980s through the present day. Some of them have bonded over what they describe as shared trauma in a WhatsApp group called “WEFugees” that has hundreds of former employees.”

  4. I would like to highlight a most interesting book that sheds light onto the forces behind the current disastrous developments. “The big deception” by Thorsten Schulte: https://rb.gy/gna3e9

  5. It is odd thousands of people going to hear Fraudsti speak. He is promoting his new book.

    It is ironic the left are protecting this mass murderer. Many on the left trusted him and got this poison EUA MRNA injection that doesn’t work. He betrayed the left during the HIV/AIDS scamdemic too. They used the unreliable PCR test to label other people as having HIV. He recommended AZT ( a dangerous chemo drug) to non symptomatic HIV patents which resulted in many of their deaths: https://www.bitchute.com/video/msqdiqUhAbkm. See him recommending NON SYMPTOMATIC (means your healthy) HIV taking it. Just like with CV19 and HIV. Healthy people (non symptomatic) told they have deadly disease. Sounds familiar with CV19? Want to know more about other scamdemics, read Virus Mania book. When you watch this video, you see many on the left defended this mass murderer whom many will die from taking this MRNA injection that doesnt work. It works in changing your DNA though.

  6. You should have MD come on and speak about all vx are frauds. They dont use true placebos and they are full of toxins. They use other adjuvants and vx as placeboes.

    Also, you should interview the authors of the book Virus Mania talk about many previous scamdemics such as HIV, Spanish flu, CV19, etc

    • That’s your allowed “two shoulds” a day, Have a lovely remainder of the day, “should” free.

      • mis spell-ing is not a bad thing so long as the meaning is understood .. I’m dsylexic myself or perhaps mal adapted for my indoctrination. Who invented English and defines whats correct anyway and why should they even hold that authority? Why should correct spelling be given so much importance anyway.

        • There is a problem of degeneration of language.
          It is mainly done by changing meaning of words.
          But bad spelling is also degrading.

          The low quality language causes low quality discussion.
          And lead to low intelligence.

          • I think you spelled your name wrong.

        • Not sure how this relates, but as you are asking…..

          In order to cast spells, the apprentice must learn the “techniques/technology” of “spell casting.” Perhaps the first technology?
          You’ve had the “spell” of this stupid word, “dyslexic”, oh, there’s the x, always, cast upon you. Dump it. Doctors are as dumb as the money they love. Plumb dumb.

          Alternately, Jane Wagner gives her character in “The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in The Universe” this great line:

          ” I figure humans created language out of our deep seated need to complain. ”

          Most of my miss spelled typos lately are actually more revealing than what I intended!!!

          The “Machine” is trying to act “smart”, and damn if ,when passed through my warp zones ,it ain’t got a great sense of humor!! “It” tries.

          Just as the not quite humans amongst us are jealous of our livingness and the creativity and joy that come with it. They cast as many spells as they can to drag us down to the dead level they exist here on.

          Listen, if we’re gonna survive, we’re gonna have to get a little bit crazy, right?
          Now, the Japanese write and read from right to left.
          Does that make them some kind of warped-illness tribe?

          Whenever someone qualifies or quantifies you, ask yourself, “Says who? How does this serve them? ”

          YOU are not “dyslexic”. YOU are a human who reads differently. YOU were not created to Fit Into The Machine.

          • Just wanted to say I appreciate the reply. Very thought provoking. The more we obsess with the rules of language the more language defines the way that we think. We can think in many different ways in mathematics or visualize. The modern society indoctrinates us to think in words. Thought bound by language I feel inhibits or example our intuition. Intuition is a self defense mechanism and its absence in modern society is a cause of great ill.

  7. I’m reading ‘Can you catch a cold? Untold history & human experiments’ by Daniel Roytas. It’s fascinating how unestablished the science for any kind of ‘contagious’ disease really is. I’m sure he’d make a great guest.

    “The idea that the common cold and influenza are spread via coughing, sneezing, and physical contact has been firmly implanted in our minds since childhood. However, the results of human experiments cast doubt on this theory. Researchers have failed to consistently demonstrate contagion by exposing healthy people directly to sick people or their bodily fluids. These findings suggest that our understanding of infectious disease is incomplete and challenges the long-held belief that a cold or flu can be ‘caught’.”


    • That flies in the face of my lived experience .. Getting sick following a girlfriend or family member getting sick is pretty much the only time I get sick. I cant even count the number of times my brother would come over coughing use my bong and then I got a sore throat or cough immediately following. I also have young children who often get the same symptoms as their friends do. What is the alternative explanation for this phenomenon that is widely experienced by just about everyone?

      • Well, they used to refer to it as “influences”. And that is the word “influenza” as we know it. Influences. There are many, no?
        When the plague in europe brought about an opportunity to gain huge detailed control over the population on a daily basis, health and illness entered the realm of “bio-politics”. And more: The “military dream of the plague” became evident. Foucault writes of this in “Abnormal”.

        If you really want to have some knowledge about this, read, more than once, very carefully, “The Birth of The Clinic”, by M. Foucault, which gives an excellent history of the morphing philosophies of the practices of “medicine”, human physis, and “illness/dis-ease”.

        Richard Grossinger “Planet Medicine: From Stone Age Shamanism to Post-Industrial Healing” One of the best writers I’ve ever been privileged to read. His book “Embryogenesis: From Cosmos to Creature ” is simply outrageous. It’s a journey to everywhere and beyond and back again over and over.

        For forty plus years I’ve noted entire communities saying “something is going around” , and in the very organic health oriented major mountain destination I lived in then for twenty years, every time this occurred there was only one reason:
        The Highway – I-5 – had just been sprayed, they do it on a seasonal schedule, as well as the train tracks running through the center of that small highway crossed town. Also, at the times when the city dumped chemicals in the water supply to “clear the pipes from summer growth”. When we walked by a lawn mower spewing “Weed and Feed” all toxic chemicals, ran home as I know the smell of poisons, and got so poisoned , myself and two children, three actually, that it was three days before I could remember what I’d known and done for years. Get some wheat grass juice. Pesticide poisoning is over lickety-split if you drink fresh wheat grass juice, see? That’s what animals do when poisoned….they stay in the shade and eat only grass.

        • Right. They advertise “pure water” right there in front of city hall with a fountain. And the water is butt ass cold out of glaciers, ancient ones, year round. So it ain’t making no problems in the pipes, except for the ones they cause with that crap.

          Oh, they also spray the shit out of the “golf course”, golf courses get six times the amounts of pesticides that agriculture does. That spraying gets everyone within miles “ill”/poisoned. People spray for everything, like lazy idiots. It’s cheap, it’s easy, and they can get back to eating in front of the boob tube.

          I heard of a book once, in an interview with the author, titled “Shiva’s Irons”, about golfing, and the guy was saying he had all these high fallutin’ “visions” while golfing.

          No shit Sherlock. Hallucinating from massive pesticide exposure on the golf course. A “god” game, Shiva you know. Knocking it hard.

          I’m 73 years old, birthed and raised six, four born at home, never any “drugs”. Herbalist. Vegetarian. Focus on quality of water. Know that pesticide harms through accumulation, until exposure cannot be dealt with and the body becomes “toxic”.

          I’m never ill unless I’m exposed to pesticides. And I’ve had to live outdoors year round in the past six, seven years, except for occasional weeks here and there in the winter. You wouldn’t “believe” what I”ve made it through.
          Fasting is central to health. You can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.
          Far as I can see at this point, there’s two kinds of attitudes toward health.
          Those who take responsibility for their own lives, and practice healthy living.
          And those who complain that someone needs to cure their illnesses for them.
          And tell them what they got, And all that.
          Same same with “allergies” Only time I ever experienced springtime “allergy” was after a massive pesticide exposure. Only twice in my life. Ditto for my children.
          The first two got ill regularly when very young because they were “vaxxed” a couple of times, Thank goodness that was early seventies. Other four never had any of that crap, except for the effects of eggs on us for some years there. So we didn’t eat them until we could get good ones that didn’t do that.
          Your body is either clearing and cleansing all these toxins, or it’s accumulating them.
          That’s your choice. Fasting is pretty darned simple. Starts there.

          • OL
            “I’m 73 years old, birthed and raised six, four born at home, never any “drugs”. Herbalist. Vegetarian. Focus on quality of water.”

            I’ve been having a gulp about every 20mins, (we do have best quality spring water) and have noticed feeling more (forgive the pun) fluid, agile, alert, light footed, clear,,,

            based on recently listening to DR Batmangehelidj, who has protocols for healing with just water. He reckons most disease begins with dehydration., I reckon he’s onto it.

            His book is “Your body’s many cries for water”. “you’re not getting sick you’re just thirsty”


            • Yes, that book came out years ago, “You’re not sick, you’re thirsty. ”
              Many “modern” people don’t drink much water, because their “tap water” is so poisoned. So they drink “drinks”, flavored waters. If it’s organic herbs, great. If its sugar and chemicals, not good.
              Look to a body’s pH, as that is the measurement of the body’s voltage capacity.
              Water is the Universal Dissolver.
              Thanks for testifying. And in crisis, don’t wait, don’t doubt the power of urine therapy. It works, amazingly. Filled with stem cells. But make sure it isn’t poisoned with alcohol results, etc.
              Mostly, we eat far more than we need to.

      • This is a little more complex than we are led to believe. If Dr. Andrew Kaufman did a little demonstration, it would help settle matters. He quotes studies written by doctors during the Spanish Flu crisis 100 years ago. They could not transmit the disease when they exposed themselves directly to the mucus and fluids of the sick people. Dr Kaufman accepts this as solid fact.
        He would do us all a favor if he publicly repeated this experiment on himself and his kids. Is he really that sure about this?

        I wanted to link to that 2020 presentation but it has been taken down.
        Maybe this was it.

        • It’s been done many times, most famously with smallpox.

          Every “pandemic/plague” on the planet corresponds to changes in electromagnetic realities at the time.
          The “Spanish Flu” was the result of vaccinating soldiers who then went on to do wire work for the war, under the wires. With no former exposure to electricity.

          Fauci himself was one of the authors of a paper published since 2000 which stated as conclusion , after reviewing all of the “spanish/spinach flu” realities, that most persons died from bacterial pneumonia from wearing “masks”.

          Get it? Read “Dissolving Illusions”. For starters. Focus more on how a body works well.
          Frankly, if men took as good care of themselves as they do their cars,…….

      • Yes that has been my experience as well. Got a lousy head cold for the first time in many years back in March after being trapped in a delivery van with a young guy who was coughing his lungs out for a week.

      • I agree with benab. I remember Dr. Andrew Kaufman citing a study where several men were exposed to women with syphilis and they never contracted it. When I was in the Philippines at Clark AFB. I was exposed to several women on on different occasions who had VD. I wound up with the Clap every time. I went to the base MD who treated me then showed me several huge volumes with the photos of the women from every bar in Angeles City. I looked through them until I found the one who infected me.

        On another occasion I visited my niece who warned me that her son, who was only about 4 months old at the time, had a cold, so it would be advisable not to to come. I went anyway and at one point was holding Skyler when he reached up and put his little hand in my open mouth. The following day I became sicker than I’ve ever been. Far more than the baby, who only had a runny nose. Whatever it was, put me down for 3 weeks.

        Much of what is being discussed is covered in this interview with Dr. Lorraine Day on Odysee’s Doctor Yourself channel – https://odysee.com/@DoctorYourself:d/Dr.-Lorraine-Day—Germs-do-not-cause-disease—how-to-heal-from-cancer—lorraineday-:0

        I only discovered her recently so began watching other interviews. On “The Cosmic Cowboy” with Daniel Ott (can no longer find the interview on Odysee) she mentioned turning 86 the week previously. Imagine my shock to discover not long after, on Nov. 2nd, 2023, she suddenly collapsed unconscious, dying 3 weeks later. If anyone has more info on her death, I would sincerely appreciate an update. Thanks – Phil

  8. Had a lot of fun one year on Salt Spring Island watching the greased log walking contest over Ganges Bay. Cold cold water there. Brave folks.

    However, I just chanced going into Bitchute again, which I found yesterday had gone bitzarre. I went to a site I like, and opened this up quick as it was on topic.


    Open it and you’ll find a big surprise, not in the topic title.
    More than twenty “Masonic Diversion Tactics”
    Indeed. I’m screen-shooting them, but there’s a pdf available for those who can do that.
    No longer “findable” online, from a saved file.
    Interesting, and very very familiar.

    • Correction on the above post. Dr. Day died 8 days after collapsing. More info on drday.com. I’m not a christian and in accord with some of her beliefs, but she was a courageous woman who paid dearly for speaking out about the current agenda and who’s behind it. RIP Lorraine.

  9. PRELUDE — For those Texicans who don’t speak the foreign language Metricanese, 32C equals a cool 90 degrees F. (100 F = 38C) With the recent heat wave near 100F and no rain, those chiggers are vicious.

    Monday July 1, 2024 – Irina Slav
    Climatism killed football. And not just.


    Thirty years ago, Bulgaria’s national team made football history by coming fourth at the 1994 World Cup. The championship was held in the U.S. and I remember how commentators constantly fretted about how hot it was and how the boys were struggling to play in the heat. We fretted, too, stuck to our TV screens, watching history being made. Despite the heat. 1994 was a happy year for a lot of us.

    This year, the Euro 2024 championship was held in Germany. Temperatures, I gathered from online weather services, were around 31-32 C, at least for the games I watched. Imagine my shock when smack in the middle of one of those games the players suddenly left the pitch… for what I soon learned was “a cooling break”. I witnessed two of these “cooling breaks” that apparently also involved snacks.

    Thirty years ago, footballers played. They may have struggled in the heat but there were no “cooling breaks” for anyone. Thirty years ago, sports were not just a show but a demonstration of skills, resilience and talent. This year, football died of dehydration and extreme weather—those 31-32 C were accompanied by a red code for excessive heat. Red code, the highest alert in the EU’s colour code alert system. For temperatures that are so typical of the season formerly known as summer no one used to even notice them.

    I fully expect that in less than a decade there will be no more football championships to save the lives of the players. Sure, they make a lot of money but is it worth risking so many lives, people would start wondering. Is it worth doing any sports on a boiling planet, the question might eventually become, further evolving to whether it is worth doing anything but sitting home and receiving some universal basic income, enough to cover a few hours of power a day and some basic — vegan — groceries.

    It makes for a bleak image, granted, but we would have entertainment although it wouldn’t be called that. It would be called news, as much of current entertainment is called, and will probably deal with ambitious climate change fighting plans such as building a lift to the Moon to import critical materials.

    You think this is a fantasy? Well, so is the idea of a 2,500-mile cable to bring wind and solar power from Morocco to the UK but there are people actually investing money in it — and a lot of other fantastical ideas. Because before climatism killed football, it did common sense in, brutally….

    • Professional football players have short careers, and exit with many lifetime injuries. They wear enormous amounts of padded clothing in order to survive the brutality. And most don’t survive it psychologically.

      Perhaps the industry has noticed all those folks dropping on the field while clutching their hearts? Perhaps they are trying to mitigate that possibility? Perhaps 32 C is hot for Germany? It’s not a warm country, and gets not much sun, at least in the past.

      Also, it’s just not possible to pretend that ionosphere heaters all over the planet are not heating things up. Sure, they can force things to look somewhat normal with incessant chemical ice-nucleation, but the planet is burning down from this microwave warfare agenda.

      Were the great men of the past incessantly exposed to massive radiation fields every day, every where? Were they carrying jail cell phones 24/7?
      Do you have any concept of the field created when hundreds and thousands are gathered, all using those weapons incessantly? Each one of them amplifies the signal.
      Not to mention the mordor towers everywhere. What happened to Real Men? Geez, I wonder……

  10. BitChute, where my music has been located for the past 3+ years decided to make itself look like youtube :-/ and turned it into a POS wannabe.

    * When visiting no longer the most popular videos listed on a right side column.
    * No longer the comments about my video to viewers (the sell) is gone from the front page.
    * Fonts have turned into prescription bottle sized and I don’t know how they must even be seen on a phone since I use a flip phone.
    * All the hype from them is about “new” and “improved” and fast, and just what a 20 year old wants I guess.

    Point is from my 50+ years of counter culture activism this is yet another breakdown of our ability to communicate with each other. From text speak to no more hand written letters it is draining us of our humanity. The more difficult to communicate the easier to control.

    Take a look. Can you tell right off which vids have thousands of views?
    Any idea what the vid is about?
    Do you have to squint to read the small font info??

    “We accept the reality of the world we are presented.”
    “Christoff” from The Truman Show


    • The thing I noticed (on my laptop) was the unnatural splitting of words in the video descriptions. And there are other bugs. But you can still, for the moment, access the old Bitchute by typing “old” before the domain name.

      • Thanks, I noticed that too.
        They have been good folks so I don’t think the changes are anything more then not well thought out in an attempt to gain more viewers/customers.
        They don’t get mentioned as a source very much. But they do very little to no nanny state censorship. I talk and sing about stuff that would get me blocked on youtube.

        The link BitChute sent and typing “old” doesn’t work for me for some reason. Doesn’t matter, I have to deal with the “new” site as that is where folks will be.

      • Thanks, found a link that works:

        I am putting an essay together on the connection between the effort towards an AI run society and the tech addiction people have and/or are putting up with.

        In 1970, Henry Kissinger said: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” And no in our case 54 years later, with the advent of SMART tech and such the use of fear of “security” breaches and so forth people have to keep buying and buying more upgrades, faster this and that.

        My off line computer is a 1999 Apple Pismo on which I write books, music, make slide shows, etc. and the 25 year old applications are still running perfect.

    • Bitchute seem to be getting more aggressive with its cookies as well.

      • Doing digital business with strangers 1000’s of miles away one has no real feel on what they are really about. For 3 1/2 years my first site in the AM was BitChute, it was “quiet” no ads, a simple efficient site, and everything worked.

        So with no idea of boards of directors or ownership direction, etc. a change like this can only, IMO, be about $$. Like the nonsense at the Olympics, feeling bad cuz you are the 2nd or 3rd best in the world.

        I only get about 2 dozen cookies from their site. Hell, I get 127 from James :-O

    • yep, bitchute’s gone…we’re getting “out of control”….we have to do it more, we need to really show them what “out of your control” means.

      If we can figure that out. Each for ourselves, as always.

      How much would their little minds be blown if we all just abandoned all this tech? It’s called a “Strike”.

      • @openlens
        “The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself… Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”
        – H.L. Mencken

        The majority of my life has been without “tech” but I’m old and have had a lot of life pass. When people have been born after 9/11 and are customer service reps and technicians, they have no idea what it is to live without it.

        That is why I wrote this 4 years ago after 50 years of no commercial TV, no Movie attendance, only a flip phone, etc.

        GET OFF THE PHONE (song)

      • @openlens
        In my decades of activism I have recognized the psychopathic brilliance of the controllers. For me it started with JFK’s assassination. A horrible gut feeling that nothing was going to ever be the same. They play us like a script of madness.

        The murders, the “shortages,” the new enemies, chemtrails, toxic food and water, the creating of us/them paradigms of hate and malevolence, the stealing of elections, the dumbing down of the public and addiction to celeb/shiny stuff/sexual perversions worship and practice, the breakdown of the nuclear family, etc.

        The clever introduction mid 60’s by CIA operative “journalists” using the terms “conspiracy and conspiracy theorist’s” to evoke immediate skepticism then about anti war activism and now about anyone and any idea that doesn’t follow the “legitimate” doctrines of the state.
        The “N” word for true investigators.

        And now with the advent of an amazing research/communication tool…the web, with careful harvesting of information and “friendships,” a great light is being held on most of the “truths” and “history” once thought of as immutable to criticism, questioning how horse and buggy cultures could possibly have constructed world wide, the 1000’s of incredible buildings of marble 100’s of feet tall; the discovery of the “mud flood” devastation where building are at least one story deep into the ground; tunnel systems of immense proportions, etc.

        James’ openness to allow us to chat like this is comparable to the role of the white blood cells that rush to parts of our body to fight “infections,” in this case the infection of the destruction of humanity’s natural evolutionary process.

      • @openlens

        In 2018 I wrote over 35 songs, a very productive year for sure. One of the songs All Your Days came from a discussion quite similar to ours today. I was talking about how as a young man I just didn’t seem to “get it” relating to life and peoples behavior.

        Something seemed off or wrong. At first as most folks do, I attributed it to my lack of knowledge or awareness. But then LSD, the 60’s exploration of higher consciousness and truth that freaked out the controllers brought the insight to me about the incredible manipulation of our reality/thoughts/truths, etc.

        I posted it today from our discussion. Enjoy.
        (BTW, ironically when I posted it the old BitChute page came up??
        I look pretty tired in the thumb nail :-))

        The “Old” BitChute

        The song: https://old.bitchute.com/video/duIQ3uDzbXu5/

  11. So the QLD government was asked to provide the medical evidence for all of the COVID tyranny they imposed on the state only to reply, ‘ve know nuzink’. We need 15 bits of paper all signed off with fees applies of course just to build a fence in our backyards but some people are free to destroy thousands of lives and businesses based on unrecorded lunchtime conversations?


    At least 3561 Queenslanders recently petitioned state parliament to release the advice of the chief health officer that Dr John Gerrard and his predecessor Dr Jeannette Young provided to then premier Annastacia Palaszczuk that led to the vaccination mandates and movement restrictions. The petition called on the parliament to direct Premier Steven Miles to release “medical advice used to enforce the Covid-19 mandates that would discriminate against people on the basis of their Covid-19 vaccination status, isolate our most vulnerable from their families and force Queenslanders to have Covid-19 vaccinations that appear to have increasingly alarming safety and efficacy statistics”.

    In making these public health directions the chief health officer relied on advice from a variety of sources. “Specifically, the chief health officer met daily with doctors, epidemiologists, infectious diseases specialists and public health experts about Covid-19 and the extraordinary and emergency measures necessary to protect public health,” she said. In spite of all these meetings and advice from all these experts, it seems that nobody ever thought to write anything down.

    How extraordinary. How wonderful it must be to be blessed with a memory that does not require you to keep a record of the input which was received, according to Minister Fentiman, from “a variety of sources”. You might also wonder why, if the government was only following the medical advice which seems to have magically disappeared, it felt the need to spend $500,000 on polling to assess how its actions were affecting its popularity and whether rather than acting on medical advice, Palaszczuk’s actions were driven purely and simply by political considerations with scant regard for the cost in human suffering.”

  12. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐲 : This post endeavors to further deconstruct and illuminate the true nature of the religion of Statism



    An excerpt from the post linked above:

    I used to celebrate Canada Day loyally, I would declare this nation as the best one on Earth, wave flags and sing the national anthem enthusiastically. That was the result of a lifetime of indoctrination into the religion of Statism.

    I love this land (that was once called part of Turtle Island by it’s inhabitants) however, this entity that some are celebrating today (called Canada) is hardly something worthy of saluting… its history is stained with the blood of those who stood in the way of the profits and genocidal delusions of government authorities (and their corporate puppet masters).

    It is a nation state that is not on a path guided by compassion, nor humility, nor valor, nor courage, nor freedom. It is a country where the majority have allowed themselves to become mentally enslaved, subservient to an unelected plutocratic constellation of criminal corporations (and their puppets in government) and that is nothing to be proud of.

    I am all for celebrating my love for the land and the good people I share this land with, but knowing what the nation state called Canada really is, how it came to be, and what it is about today, I personally would never go about celebrating those things by waving a flag and supporting statism.

    If you love the land, express your love and gratitude for the place where you live in a way that the living Earth can sense and receive. Plant a Regenerative Garden, plant a tree, give your attention and time to get to know some of the more than human co-inhabitants of your local community and plant seeds in the living Earth.

    If you love the people you share this land with, take time to share seeds, stories, nutritious meals (using locally sourced produce) and culturally enriching experiences that involve reciprocity and nurturing gift economics with those in your local community. Become an exemplar in your community and begin to plant the seeds for SOCs (Self Organizing Communities) that embark upon an ethnoecologcally defined ethnogenesis that leaves Statism and involuntary governance behind to leave this world a little bit more beautiful than it was when we got here for those that will call this land home after we are gone.

    We can engage in this sacred process in the garden, in the forest and in our dealings with both human and non-human beings within “civilization”.

    Thank you for reading and thank you to those of you that already express your love for the land and your fellow beings in these ways (whether you live within the organized crime syndicate territory called “Canada” or not)

  13. I’d like to know more about the Australian Cult called The Family specifically about Julian Assange’s connection with it. I recently listened to 2 interviews about The Family that were only recently conducted. One interesting tidbit that was mentioned was that there were only 2 psychologists in Australia that were authorised to work with LSD. Both were cult members. Also one of the methods that was used to recruit cult members was for these shrinks to administer LSD to a patient and then the cult leader would present herself as the reincarnation of Jesus to the patient “My Life in Australia’s Most Infamous Cult: The Family” https://youtu.be/CoeBZxV8kjc?si=BKztODvKsrdFhIQd and “I Brought Down Australia’s Most Infamous Cult” https://youtu.be/TUBhHyk5hVw?si=3SS1k2GmtgibXGOG

  14. Been a fan of corbett for a long time now. And like on most forums, including this i just dont bother to have or take part in discussions these days, the things people say and choose to think aboput is a lot of times just so strange Nutty fartnoises pple call thoughts.. And I get it, mostly. The why and howcomes and our flawored difference and blablal.. By any means do nottake this to heart and im might just be in a mood, -I am not sure if my obsevation has any real merrit, but i just find Peoples subjects and random things wierd and strange,

    • What do you think about? What sort of things would you like to discuss?

  15. This is kind of cool organized activism… Citizens of Dallas intend to force the City to follow the laws and ordinances. Government officials’ immunity to lawsuits will not apply.

    Saturday June 29 – The Dallas Express – By Sydney Asher
    [See the linked website of “Dallas HERO”]
    Citizen Driven Charter Amendment Organization Clears Major Milestone

    A Dallas-based non-profit organization cleared what it described as a major hurdle earlier this week as it seeks to give voters a chance to amend the City of Dallas Charter, according to a press release.

    The City’s initial count of petition signatures — of which 20,000 must be successfully matched to voter rolls for a proposed amendment to make it onto the November ballot — numbered well over 50,000 for each of the organization’s three proposed amendments.
    That matching process, called validation of signatures, begins next.

    Dallas HERO describes itself as a citizen-led, bipartisan organization. After months out on the streets of the city, the group delivered over 165,000 signatures to the City Secretary’s Office last Tuesday, June 18, according to a press release.

    Those amendments are to improve public safety and make City leaders more directly accountable to the residents of Dallas, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

    The group’s first proposed amendment would increase the number of sworn officers in the Dallas Police Department from 3,000 to at least 4,000, for a ratio of approximately three officers per 1,000 Dallas residents.

    The second hopes to increase accountability for the city manager, a position that is filled by appointment rather than election yet pays more than the U.S. presidency, by tying compensation to performance.

    The third amendment would allow citizens to take government officials and staff to court if they fail to follow the laws of the City Charter, City Code, or State of Texas.

    Dallas HERO’s honorary chair, Stefani Carter, addressed the Dallas City Council last Tuesday. As she spoke, the organization’s executive director, Pete Marocco, was a few floors away at City Hall, delivering the nearly 25 boxes full of petitions directly to the City Secretary’s Office.

    “We believe Dallas has fallen short of prioritizing our city’s most pressing problems and has failed to solve them through policy and budget prioritization,” said Carter in a press release….

  16. I have a question: What do we do when documentaries about important topics include info that is BLATANTLY false alongside info that is generally solid?

    For example: this doc about the Oct 7 attack on Israel was mentioned on TLAV.


    The doc outlines several instances of how Israel knew about the attack ahead of time, and has screenshots of newspaper articles to this effect, as well as clips of interviews with former IDF soldiers.

    But it also has segments like the part at approx 22 minutes, where it claims that Israeli soldiers “opened a gate” in the border wall and allowed two Hamas trucks “with a thousand soldiers each” through the wall.

    a) they’re pickup trucks. I’m assuming the “thousand soldiers” is just hyperbole.

    but more to the point

    b) the wall is obviously blown open — there are large blocks of concrete laying on the ground in front of the solid part and stray wires and bars flailing on each side of the metal part. It’s clearly NOT a gate.

    also somewhat less obvious but still pretty evident

    c) the narrator claims that Israeli soldiers on the other side of the wall “guided the trucks through” — but the dudes he’s claiming are Israeli soldiers are wearing the same tactical vests that the Hamas soldiers are.


    so what do you do when there’s creditable info alongside info that could easily be pointed out to “prove” that the doc should not be taken seriously?

    it’s not my job (and I’m not inclined) to call the filmmaker out.

    I have similar bones to pick with Mikki Willis’ Covid documentaries.


    • edit to above: it’s not my job (and I’m not inclined) to call the filmmaker out *directly* — as in emailing them to ask why they chose to do this.

      maybe I should? idk.

      I have a ton of mixed emotions — grief over the horrible things that are happening, outrage at the people who (allegedly?) allow these things to happen, hope that valid, quality reporting can help illuminate the truth, and then bewilderment when people creating that content do a sloppy ass job.

      all this to say, Mr. Corbett, thank you for all you do in creating your content and the care and integrity you bring to it!

  17. It seems the world keeps turning with its endless Zionist atrocities, Trump/Biden shenanigans, wokism, racism, anti-semitism, feminism, trans, and on and on and on…all distractions from the insidious cancer of organized Jewry, through Hedge Funds, buying up everything that is for sale: companies to be pillaged then destroyed, water resources, land, housing, you name it, they are buying it up. Through one scam after another they have RAPED the masses of their wealth, and are now using that ill gotten gain to buy the world. At the same time they are building the world wide surveillance superstructure to manage the coming world gulag they have planned for us. Once they have that control, our ability to avoid their poisons, vax, GMO, and so much else quickly come to an end.

    • It’s well delivered, yes. But I don’t know about “working hard to give children smarts”. I would say the vast majority of parents these days are idiots. They would not know smart if it bit them in the ass.

  18. Keep your eye on the US elections, they are moving the pieces for another theatrical performance.

    In many states the Democrats did not even hold a primary.

    The Presidential “debate” between Biden and Trump was before each parties convention, that is unprecedented.

    Then we have the fact that there was not even an audience, so it was PURE made for TV propaganda. Likely edited for effect.

    But for me, the evidence of a psyop always comes down to the talking heads, the “influencers, the filthy POS that are used to construct the narratives, the Jon Stewarts (Liebowitz), the Bill Mahers and Tucker Carlsons, all come out pushing the disastrous outcome of the debate, “Biden is finished”.

    Don’t get me wrong, Biden is a disaster, but the Zionist jews who control 100% of our so called “elections” are making sure he is seen as the disaster he is.

    The question with EVERYTHING that they push is why, not if or how, but why?

    Right now, I think this is about making a Trump return to the white house a sure thing in the minds of the people. Making it look like he will win with a MANDATE. The Zionist Jews always want their puppets to look like they have the support of the people, insuring some authority the people bestow on the President to carry out their plans.

    The “we live in a demonocracy” belief is fading fast, but the ZJ’s need it to last just long enough to get their man Trump (understanding every President since since Wilson has been their man, to one degree or another) back into office and start what I am sure will be one hell of a Presidency, which may make Moa and Stalin look like Mother Terresa.

    Interestingly, I have noticed no signs supporting Trump or Biden, no bumper stickers, nothing signaling we are heading into an election.

    These demons are playing a race against time, they need to dismantle the West in order to get their psychopathic Talmudic prophesy BS fulfilled, much of their actions are becoming known and the shine is coming off their fantasy world. They are setting up the West for a great fall, they just need time to finish planting the explosives for the demolition, before enough people wake up to what they are up to. Once Trump is in office, a few well placed false flag terrorist attacks and we will be off to the races.

  19. https://tinyurl.com/2hzy4jws

    “CANADIAN “health” authorities are pushing back against the world-wide awakening to the dangers of Covid vaccines and the lifting of criminal bans by governments on the effective treatments ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

    They are also reportedly preparing to require all Canadian doctors to take the dangerous mRNA H5N1 bird-flu vaccines whose side-effects can be fatal.
    Last month two Canadian doctors were suspended by the Colleges of Physicians and fined large amounts of money for prescribing Ivermectin. The province of Saskatchewan suspended Dr Tshipita Kabongo for one month, with a fine of $44,780 for prescribing the drug.

    According to William Makis MD, a radiologist, oncologist, cancer researcher and author of 100-plus publications, it was the largest penalty ever issued in the world for prescribing Ivermectin.

    On June 20, Ontario province suspended Dr Jeremiah Hadwen for eight months, with an $8000 penalty and re-education training ordered, for prescribing Ivermectin, after an employee of the college went undercover dressed up as a trucker convoy member and wearing recording devices in order to catch Dr Hadwen prescribing Ivermectin.

    “I’m not aware of any other sting operation using an undercover investigator to try to catch someone prescribing Ivermectin,” Dr Makis posted on X. “This is like a movie. The Canadian healthcare Mafia is completely out of control. These Canadian doctors have been persecuted for discussing Ivermectin for treating COVID-19, or very similar COVID crimes.
    soon, Canadian doctors will be mandated to take Influenza H5N1 mRNA vaccines, which will have severe side effects up to and including death.

    “Failure to comply will come with huge fines, re-education camps, or license suspensions. That’s why Dr Tshipita Kabongo was hit with an unprecedented $44780 fine on June 17, 2024 and Dr Jeremiah Hadwen is being sent to a re-education camp to be re-trained in “ethics” after his eight- month suspension is over.

    “They are being made examples of, so that the remaining 100,000 Canadian physicians keep their mouth shut and comply. ”

    More at the link. Don’t you love when people who train as medical professionals for many years have all of that training and knowledge (FWIW) totally disregarded at the stroke of a politician’s pen?

  20. Hello James,

    I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on the “debate” between biden and trump ,and is it about time people understand that they are two sides for the same technoratic coin ? because I can not help but wonder how come one not even doubt that those so called debate are a mere play to keep the masses hypnotized , I’v seen far many people finally waking up to the fact that its nothing but a joke, so do you have any expectations or high hopes in the american people for this time ?

  21. There is something called a “word cloud” or word visualization, a tool to visualize which words are used in media, social media, politicians, you name it. It is a constructive tool to understand how media manipulates us with words and their goals. Take for instance, Hollywood’s use of New York City as “America’s City”, yet it is likely the least “American” city I think of. NYC is either the location the movie takes place, the area the main characters originate and love, the place idolized, but somehow NYC is in the mix, directly or indirectly. If NYC’s size could be visualized as to its use in movies, it would take up some 90% of the US, with LA taking up another 5%, and the rest of the cities in America taking the remaining 5%.

    We see a similar exaggeration (not to mention total fabrication) when it comes to historical events as well, WW2, and Nazism in particular, perhaps even dwarfs NY in its usage in Hollywood movie. You have movies about WW2, movies about the Nazis, movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark which simply have Nazis as villains, you have movies like Star Wars which simply based their villains on Nazis, and on and on and on. If the history of man could be visualized based on Hollywood’s preoccupation with WW2 and the Nazis, the period of 1939 to 1945 would take up the VAST majority of human history, and even within that time line, only Germany and the Nazis would be the principal focus there.

    I mention this because we all know who runs Hollywood, and I don’t mean run passively, but with an iron fist. Hollywood is run in a way, so brutally, so maliciously, so completely, it makes the worst depictions of the Italian mafia look compassionate by comparison.

    We see how 9/11 (Interesting number since WW2 started on 9/01 and ended on 902-these psychopaths love their numerology) and Covid, both ground shattering events that used NYC as their base of operation, no coincidence I am sure.

  22. Had to break this comment into two;

    And the use of “Nazis” to depict anyone who questions Jewish machinations whatsoever. You question Jewish control of Hollywood, Wall Street, Big Pharma, High Tech, Each American President’s Cabinet, The “Federal Reserve”…”You are a Nazi”. Honk Honk from Truckers in Canada, was not about protesting Vax mandates, it meant “Hail Hitler”…

    Our world, especially in the West, is so Jewish centric, even Christianity is nothing but a Jewish sect, which successfully destroyed European culture, ancestry and religion and gave us the Dark Ages and the Crusades, which we are still participating in today. Now, with my aware eyes, when I see the absolute abomination of Christian Missionaries raping another indigenous culture in Africa of South America, I know they did the same to my ancestors centuries ago. All based on the outrageous belief that only they know the “way to salvation”…

    We can easily see how what they have pushed down our throats for decades/centuries/millennia is being used in their maniacal world domination plans. Not only does it show their focus, but how long these plans have been in the works.

  23. It’s general election day in the UK so I will be making sure not to switch the TV on and spend today outdoors in the glorious weather. Looks like we’ll have a (Sir) Keir Starmer government after today (and also the guy who was head of the UK prosecution service when they refused to prosecute Savile while he was still alive). The hopium has been sort of meh. Starmer has zero charisma and it’s really about getting the tories out. We are now probably one government away from far right populist, with reform being seen as the alternative to the establishment, what a time to be alive.

    Anyway, want to ask you about health systems. In an agorist, anarchist world, what would healthcare look like? Would we have doctors? What would be there role?
    In the UK we have the NHS, which is ‘free’ to use (not really as we are taxed for it) but it is still the same allopathic model of treat everything with either poisoning or surgery, so I don’t participate. I would say though that if I end up in an accident and break a bone, I will be very grateful to them in that scenario and glad to not have a massive bill totalling thousands for the pleasure.
    To me we don’t have healthcare, we have drug dealers and butchers in the main and anyone who dares to question it or to ask about natural or alternatives are seen as wackos. I despair how tied to it people are, more so after the control exercise that was covid. People are defending a ‘vaccine’ out of morality, rather than facing the reality. Cheers.

    • The current medical systems are a sham. The costs are greatly overinflated by design.

      I don’t have difficulty imagining something like “worker co-ops” (or any other sort of gathering of the people) where one would have access to services for a modest monthly membership fee. I think if you put 5k people together paying 100€ per month, a lot of good things could happen to them and their families.

      For example, currently I’m coughing up almost 500€ monthly for “free” healthcare and when I do need something the service is absolutely ghastly. So I end up paying more when I need it. Experience shows you are either footing the bill immediately or you’ll be doing it down the line so better not delay.

      The whole thing is a massive scam, but nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.

  24. I have been diving into 9/11 truth lately and one main thing still puzzles me- how did they rig the Twin Towers with explosives? I mean, as far as I can tell, there were explosives not only in the base of the buildings, but the upper floors as well, but I can’t seem to find any material explaining how this was done. Thanks in advance.

    • I’m sure that James goes into that to a degree in his various works. But I’m not sure anyone could tell you exactly how it was accomplished.
      From what I understand, the explosives were placed by crews disguised as elevator workmen. Since the buildings were owned by a friend of Netanyahu. It probably wouldn’t be difficult to arrange.
      I just watched this video. And while it may not be quite up to Corbett Report production standards, it is up to date and pretty well done.
      It sums up the Zionist involvement in not only 911, but it’s influence on the American government since the JFK assassination.


    • Look into the use of a new building security firm and the claim that building security was off for several days before the events, on a weekend if I recall correctly. I do not recall the sources of this information, but if true, it contributes to the vast mountain of circumstantial evidence.

    • There are many theories on how this was done and nothing looking like a final solution to this quandry is going to become apparent any time soon. If ever.

    • AnCap94,
      That would be a great Questions For Corbett QFC.

      There definitely is material out there on the topic, but I don’t have time to wade through stuff.
      James Corbett would be your go-to man.
      Richard Grove and Kevin Ryan probably have some interesting information on that.

      You may want browse here…

      • Thanks all! I have never been on 9/11 blogger before. Will definitely check it out.

      • This website has a plethora of information.
        The International Center for 9/11 Justice is a nonprofit research and educational institute dedicated to establishing an accurate account of the 9/11 attacks and to fostering a global realization and reckoning about the causes of this world-changing crime against humanity.

        Related: to ic911 – Corbett Report
        Interview 1832 – Ted Walter on Peace, War and 9/11

    • REFERENCE (Logging reference)

      July 16, 2024
      Who Had Access to the Twin Towers? – Questions For Corbett
      If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11.
      If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you!
      Join James for today’s edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan’s groundbreaking article on “Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers,” the pre-9/11 WTC power down, and other long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

      • I watched that QFC. It’s cool that my question got selected. I’m glad I became a member.

    • You think Biden could not pull this off? He has one big advantage over RFK jr, being undead and pumped daily with used latrine water and all, Biden is preety much immune to everything (besides his wife). He may mumble and stumble around, but that snake would be gotten. Maybe it would take a lifetime, but it would be had.

      If there ever was such a guy deserving of his wife, that’s Biden. At least this version of him that we see in the media.

    • Here’s a relatively recent (compared to examples given in the linked article) example where Vladimir Šeks (one of the more prominent Croatian politicians since the inception of then independent republic, no longer active, now in the role of the grey eminence, and a devout drunkard) lays out the truth on the national TeeVee. This was some 8 years ago, I’m not certain of the date. Translation mine.


      :The power is not in the Croatian parliament. That’s one big illusion.
      Male talking head: [mumbles something, likely wanted to change the topic]
      Female talking head: Where is the power, then? [plays right into it]
      : The power, political power, is, already in entire Europe, in the hands of informal groups of gremlins, political gremlins [I am not 100% confident about the “gremlin” translation, but it fits] who bring about real political decisions, which are then technically carried out by the executive branches and the government. And finally brought about as law in the parliament [the drunkard mumbles a bit here]
      FTH: What’s the point of all this, then? [meaning the selection, this was recorded on the selection night]
      : The twilight of parliamentary democracy has been long in the making in the entire Europe, and the same can be said of Croatia. Executive government [the prime minister, practically] dominates. According to the constitution, the government answers to the parliament. In practice, in the actual political life the opposite is valid. Political government dominates while the parliament is merely a stage on which decisions, made in a different time in a different place, are being voted on.
      FTH: Mr. [whoever] you are nodding your head in agreement?
      Whoever: No, but sadly this is so, but isn’t it now the best time to change things and to return the power to the parliament?

      • Thank you for posting.

        That sounds like what I have pictured in my mind, except I think some of the politicians and judges don’t know about the power structure yet. ‘Political gremlins’ likely will set them straight soon enough. I suppose that is why the media outlets are so corrupt; if they are not an actual gremlin (deep state actor) themselves, they surely must have learned about the fate of journalists and politicians who have tried to oppose or reveal the power elites.

        • I am very condifent most of them don’t know about it. Many of those who do know something, they feel something is off but the can really put a finger on it.

          My experience with the court system here is such that it reeks of incompetence. The lower level “judges” (court helpers they call them, not sure how to translate their function) are embarassingly incopetent in their lack of knowledge of the law. While they are supposed to be business professionals. Court stenographers, those that I have met, punch the keyboard with two fingers.

          These people don’t know anything, they can’t even be utilized as useful idiots. Their function is solely to delay the meltdown of the court system.

          One thing we have to understand: most of these people went straight from the indoctrination system to an institution that was assigned to them. They have no hands on, real life experience. They never learned how to think, they have for the entirety of their lives been told what to do.

          That’s why a recording of a drunkard such as linked above, taken in a rare moment of clarity, is a very valuable commodity.

          • This excerpt had me laughing. The punch line was prime punch.

            mkey says:
            “..One thing we have to understand:
            most of these people went straight from the indoctrination system to an institution that was assigned to them.
            They have no hands on, real life experience.
            They never learned how to think, they have for the entirety of their lives been told what to do.

            That’s why a recording of a drunkard such as linked above, taken in a rare moment of clarity, is a very valuable commodity.”

            • Hope you and yours are not in this week’s hurricane / tropical storm disaster area. I am prepping for the related rain and localized flooding (my basement), expected later this week in the northeastern USA.

              • Pipe some of that H2O down to north Texas. 😉
                We need it.
                North Texas got a sprinkling yesterday morning Mon 7/8, but we have had no rain for weeks with temperatures ranging near 95-100F.

                Even with that bit of rain, I was looking at cracks in the clay soil 1/2″ to 1.5″ wide or more.

                Typically, the TX/La coastlines get soaked with the storms. One year in the Houston area, my brother’s neighborhood had 5 feet or more of water. His family had a mess to cleanup.

  25. PAUL CUDENEC published an article (originally posted on Winter Oak) describing a new 32-page guide that links all “conspiracy theories” to anti-Semitism.


    But it goes even further by effectively coming up with an all-embracing conspiracy theory of its own – namely that anti-semitism lies behind all conspiracy theories!

    It also triumphantly produces a diagram to show how it thinks this works.

    Maybe wise to check your local laws for new rules regarding the “crime of anti-Semitism”?

  26. Short lesson posted in LewRockwell.com:

    Infrastructure Failures and the Deep State
    John Bartel

    Murray Rothbard was famous for his willingness to consider and advocate “conspiracy theories.” As Charles Burris ably recounts on this blog, Murray engaged in detailed historical analysis, Power Elite analysis, and economic analysis before pushing a “conspiracy theory.”

    Today, in our “Age of Rage” (hat tip to Jonathan Turley), every train derailment or cargo ship crash or factory fire must be due to Deep State actors. Well, let’s look at some of the data. It surprised me, perhaps it will surprise you.

    He covered trains and ships. Wished he posted data on food factory fires. Surely someone has done that already, right?

  27. The poll for my next Book Club selection are open! 🙂 (link to poll below)


    Now that those of us who participated in the previous book club session have chosen to embark on a journey together to learn more about the immense power for healing, nourishment, abundance and regeneration that is contained within a handful of seeds and (by the end of this month we will have also learned about) the ancient gift economy that is embodied in the living soil, next I would like to invite you all to combine that knowledge with a study of the learned elder rooted beings that become manifest when those photosynthetic embryos are planted in the Rich Earth. When we combine a handful of seeds with living soil, what we have is the potential for a thousand forests to be created.

    Reaching out with their branches and allowing the leaves to catch silt and seeds on the wind, depositing them onto the ground below, increasing fertility and biodiversity. They even sequester CO-2 from the atmosphere and add it back to the soil structure turning gas into SOM which can give to the unfolding of countless beings for many generations to come (through creating deep and fertile soils that hold water and enrich the health of the beings that live on them).

    Trees even help to stabilize and shape the weather of entire geographic regions (and in a much more beneficial and holistic manner than human’s hubristic geoengineering programs) by taking in water from the ground, breathing it out through transpiration (helping to form clouds) and then seeding the rain drops with their leaf litter particles. Thus trees even help to ensure that the clouds give their life giving rains to the patch of earth the trees call home.

    Watchful, silent guardians of the Earth…they have sculpted and enriched countless landscapes and given homes to a myriad of species as they found their place in the world.

    Even after the trees themselves fall back to the earth, the soil that their leaves created will stay for millennia acting like a shadow of the love and life that the tree shared. An echo of love that whispers for eons to come telling the story of sunshine, wind, rain along with the strength and beauty of the tree that shared all that it was with the earth.

    Thus, I now invite you all to embark on yet another journey with me to learn from our rooted elders for the next book club adventure (you can vote for what book we will all read together in August and September through the link above).

  28. So did the global loons just announce the date of the next scamdemic?


    “Well Bill Gates and the WHO have ran a simulation of the next pandemic, coming soon to a government near you in 2025. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. The phenomenon is dubbed SEERS, Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. You ready?”

    Hmm, 2025? Wasn’t that when one of the doctors (Meryl Dorey?) predicted the damage from the injections would be at it’s peak?

  29. 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭/𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬:

    This post offers specialized preventative/mitigative dietary approaches that focus on whole foods and medicinal plants/fungi that increase one’s health sovereignty.


    Linked above, is the first official post of a number of posts I will be sharing on here that offer intel on specific foods and/or medicinal herbs/fungi that can help you to heal (and/or optimize the function of) particular parts of the body as well as to protect your body against external sources of toxicity, inflammation or other deleterious effects on your cells.

    These posts represent some of the specialized dietary lists I will including in my next book (Stacking Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet : The Regenerative Way From Seed To Apothecary).

    I have witnessed a notable increase in concerns in those close to me (and many acquaintances) regarding people feeling helpless in the face of the hazards posed by the proliferation (and unpredictable nature) of sources of ionizing radiation and artificial EMFs (given the precarious situation in the middle east, China and the US and Europe and the proliferation of 5G tech in urban areas as well as Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite grid). As someone that also sees the inherent dangers of these realities (and someone that is always seeking to facilitate people being able to access increased levels of health sovereignty) I decided to do a deep dive into what solutions Mother Nature offers us in this plight. The post above is focused on a solutions based approach to these hazards that can empower individuals to be able to look to ‘nature’s medicine cabinet’ and make choices to protect themselves and their loved ones in this time of uncertainty.

    This info is also about stacking functions in that it offers you pathways to eat delicious and nutritious foods that inspire the senses, optimize the function of many parts of your body, increase your longevity as well as protecting your cells and organs against artificial forms of radiation.

    The path I walk in this life involves gathering knowledge, revealing truths and formulating actionable intel that can empower everyday people all over to take back their health sovereignty, withdraw their support from parasitic corporate systems and divest from statist regimes and their scams through aligning their own health and access to abundant food (and medicine) with the health and inherent abundance of nature.

    We can become resilient against the worst the oligarchs can throw at us if we align with the regenerative capacity of the Living Earth, eat real food as medicine, create a reciprocal relationship with the land and treat our body as a temple.

    So it is and so it shall be.

    • I did too. The Jimmy Dore show is where I first heard of James Corbett, so I am forever grateful.

      And yeah- I agree with James a Corbett that elections mean very little in terms of the policy that is implemented, but I think they may be of use in that they demonstrate what clowns the people who rule over us really are.

      • Absolutely. I’ve known James for years since back in the 9/11 truth days, and discovered Jimmy during the pandemic nonsense. Saw him perform live in NYC, was amazing. Two greats finally coming together!

  30. For those who enjoy crime mysteries, Pete Quiñones recently discussed Larry Romanoff’s essay, “The City of London,” which posits that the world’s top power brokers are those who operate above the law in this sovereign city-state. Interesting essay and the thesis sounds plausible. Something to listen to while prepping and creating parallel systems?

    Episode 1076: Who Runs the ’City of London?’ w/ Phil Gibson

      • Thanks for posting this. It was a very interesting article and the photo of Charles and Evelyn de Rothschild is pretty funny, and I think very telling.

    • Look no further than City od London (finance and trade), Vatican (religion) and Washington DC (military). They all have autonomy and are not subject to peasant law. Three centers to rule them all.

    • Thanks for sharing this link. Reading it makes me wonder if the whole conspiracy of Venetians/the Black Nobility holds any water. Everything I can find on it just seems like “conspiritainment”, but it is still an intriguing concept.

      • I haven’t read about the Black Nobility, so am unable to offer an informed opinion. Perhaps both conspiracies are real, originally as competing plans and later as a joint effort?

  31. Hello friends,

    I’ve just put together some new music with themes of independence, environmental consciousness, and self-discovery. I thought this might be a good place to share. I’ve linked the album below. The band is called Beautiful Flowers, a reflection of the beauty of the cycle of life, an ongoing circle connecting us all. Happy for any feedback or discussions or any kind of interaction whatsoever.

    Hope you’re all having a nice summer!


  32. Holy Moly.

    I just learned that two of the three owners/builders of “substack”, aka SS, are from the Washington Post.

    Here’s an awful interesting post from the third owner. Which most likely got me thrown off SS forever. LOL. Typical of me. Well, been harassed for three months anyway, by a monied, therefore empowered, twit. Don’t need it.


    I’d love to read here some comments on this post.

    What do you think , folks?

    (He’s not much of a writer, there’s a bit of a brain fart in the beginning paragraphs there.)

  33. Just curious if anyone else has the same feeling of “if you can’t beat em, join em.”? After my daughter literally died from medical shoddiness and then was resuscitated after 12 minutes of CPR, I stopped worrying about fighting the evil technocratic overlords . Now I’m playing the stock market and using all the technology, Chat Gpt, Siri, Alexa, Meta AI. I even bought Nvidia and Palantir stock. God is in control of life. He showed me that. Might as well make some money because none of us knows how long it will be until they implement CBDC. I’d rather be able to pay my bills up until they execute me for not getting the mark of the beast. We can’t stop the beast system . But we can choose to love people and share what we have . If we do that more, God might delay the coming wrath. I was searching the archives here and noting how many years the same topics have been causing people extreme anxiety. Let it go! It’s interesting but it’s not worth getting ulcers . I enjoy listening to James and I will continue. But really he could talk about anything and I would listen. So maybe consider some new topics ? I’d like to see you address why Japan is the hottest country to visit right now. What new topics would you guys like for James to research? Happy listening! And God bless you all. Jesus is coming back . Will he find you faithful?

      • Trump’s first statement after the shooting.

        “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania.

        Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured.

        It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country.

        Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead.

        I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.


  34. This one is for all of you out there that love Mexican food. I have been experimenting with combining my passion for making tacos, burritos, enchiladas, fajitas and heuvos rancheros with my more recently acquired knowledge of healing herbs and medicinal grade foraged ingredients/spices.

    What has resulted are some pretty epic taco nights where I have used things like pan fried regeneratively grown Wild Rice from northern Ontario, fresh nettles, goji leaves/shoots, five flavor berries, chipotle peppers, goji berries, homegrown oyster mushrooms, wild ramps, organic red wine, regeneratively grown cacao beans, frozen organic corn, dried beans from last year’s harvests (soaked for 24 hours before cooking) and other herbs and spices to make a highly versatile taco mix that leaves you coming back for that 5th taco (even when you are already full) 🙂

    I am always experimenting with formulating versatile and delicious meals made with fresh homegrown and/or foraged ingredients as I aspire to Stack Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet and put together recipes for my next book.

    The following is the inevitable result of what happens when you combine a permaculture designer that loves spicy food with about 20 books on herbalism and nutrition and give him a few years to experiment in the kitchen.

    This taco mix is not only delicious and filling, it offers adaptogenic, radioprotective, anti-tussive, hepatoprotective, anti-allergen, cognitive function enhancing, anti-aging, anticancer, platelet aggregation suppression, cardioprotective, tumor suppressing, neuroprotective, wound-healing and mitochondrial health optimizing benefits (as well as being packed full of antioxidants).

    It is something you not only enjoy eating, but it is something that makes you feel great for the entire day after you eat it.

    Nutritionally this stuff knocks the ball outa the park and it is great for taco salad, taco casserole, deluxe quesadillas, burritos or as a nacho topper. It freezes well so I make big batches and then have individual dinner sized portions ready to go in the freezer for quick taco nights.

    Here is a link to the recipe for those that are interested in giving making your own version of this a try:

    Gavin’s Super Taco Mix (2024)


    • That sounds pretty good and healthy, Gavin.
      I’m kind of laughing… Canadian International Tex Mex.

      Those old school, famous Pace Picante Sauce commercials probably won’t fly in this Millennial / GenZ age.
      Pace Picante Commerical 1993
      30 seconds

      • @HRS

        Thanks man! 🙂

        Whoa nice flash back, I actually used some Pace Salsa to add thickness to my left over garden pico de gallo today! They make pretty good stuff.

        (here are a couple pics of the pico I made the other day that I extended with some Pace salsa)


        There is a local (Canadian) company that makes even better salsa called Neal Brothers. They make a mean organic Habanero salsa that I like to stock up on when it is on the shelf here locally.

        Thanks for the comment.

      • @HRS

        “Neal Brothers Salsa on FoodFactory”


        (PS – I will share an anecdote on how this Canadian with Gaelic blood in his veins came to be such a pepper head and lover of all foods south of the border in another comment when I have more time).

        What is your favorite salsa brand? and what is your favorite hot sauce brand my friend? 🙂

      • @HRS


        So, my journey to become hopelessly addicted to Capsaicin began at a young age. My grandparents (my dad’s parents that ran a bed and breakfast/restaurant where I helped out in the kitchen as a little kid) liked to travel to Mexico and South America, collecting recipes from their journeys and making mouth watering salsas with home fried tortillas, tamales and mole sauce. I would help chop up the veggies and taste the finished product, and though I found it spicy at first, the rich and vibrant depth of flavor kept drawing me back for more… I begin sampling more and more bold foods that contain that fiery essence of chilis from cultures all over.

        Ten years go by and I am now in the only desert in Canada (the South Okanagan of BC) where my parents are growing apples, cherries, apricots, peaches and wine grapes on ten acres of premium farming land. Sandy loam with ancient silt deposited from the meandering of the Okanagan river centuries prior before humans straitened the river out to avoid flooding risk). My parents also travelled to Mexico quite a bit, they made friends in the Yucatan (Playa del Carmen) and in Mazunte (Oaxaca), I went down there myself a couple times as a kid. Recipes were gathered (received a gifts from locals), invitations were offered for them to visit the farm. We did a Mexican night every week when I was growing up. Epic taco nights where we shredded up a roasted chicken and had a platter of diverse ingredients and everyone built their own custom tacos on homemade tortillas.

        People from Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and Nicaragua came to visit and work on the orchard in the summer. My dad offered them a place to stay (pickers cabin with an outdoor kitchen in the middle of orchard) and access to endless homemade red wine on tap (as long as they could practice self control, show up when needed and do good work). I showed these travellers the beautiful hidden gems in the canyons, mountain tops and forests westward.. they shared their family’s cherished recipes. Many apple wood roasted meals were had and some recipes were scribbled down on hot sauce splattered papers.

        Fifteen years later I write a book and share the rough draft with some of those peoples from down south that came to work on my parent’s orchard. They approved! Is it cultural appropriation for me to share Mexican, Mayan, Aztec (Triple Alliance) and other southern recipes in my book? Perhaps… but I got two thumbs up from my Mayan and Peruvian buddies, so that is good enough for me! 🙂

        Now here I am, growing 11 different types of heirloom chilis from 5 different countries and creating fiery dishes that are imbued with both the cultural stories of those that gifted this passion to me, and also with the spark of my own creativity and unique taste.

        And that is the journey of how one Canada born man with Gaelic blood becomes a pepper and spicy food lover.

        Cheers from the north buddy! 🙂

        • BUMP

          What a cool descriptive anecdote!
          It really paints a picture, and I especially like the flavor of the “humanity expressed” with the friendly intercultural/inter-economical interactions and finding commonalities.
          The joy in all that transmits.
          We need to bottle it and get it on the open market.

          • @HRS

            Thanks for reading and for the thoughtful response.

            I like to open source the recipe(s) for that kind of joy and gift them into the ethers like when I release those soft and feathered milkweed seeds offered to the wind with an open palm and a prayer.

            Such was the main reason I wrote my book, as a way to infuse the seeds for joy, resilience, empowerment and regeneration into words that could be transcribed into flavors, colors, aromas, traditions, rituals, friendships and deep dark soils that stand the test of time.

            As far as putting some of that essence in a literal bottle however, this recipe is one way I like to do that: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/fire-roasted-fermented-bourbon-infused 😉

    • what are your recommeded herbalist books? Start my day with stinging nettle (help liver and lower sbgh) and end with passionflower

      • @larmex8

        Sounds like a wise ritual.

        I am actually germinating passionflower seeds right now as I want to begin including those in our garden designs.

        RE: “what are your recommeded herbalist books?”

        I will make a standalone post that focuses on that particular subject in the future and share here if I can remember but for now you can check out the link in the shownotes of the Regenerative Agriculture Solutions Watch episode ( https://corbettreport.com/regenerative-agriculture/ ) where James was kind enough to link to a post where I share a list of some books from my library (including some herbalism books). The link in the shownotes you are looking for is titled:

        “Regenerative Resources (a recommended reading list from my library)”

        How do you like to ingest passionflower and can you offer any tips for growing it?

        Thanks for the comment.

        • I will check that out and take passionflower via tea

          • @larmex8

            Thanks for the response. I will try it as a tea.

            I wonder what passionflower infused kimchi or kombucha would be like?

  35. This is what happens when people use poison to control rodents:


    The youngest, smallest owlet received less of the poisoned meal than its siblings, but it also nearly died. It spent a painful several hours, but survived. The mother tried to remove the dead chicks, but could not. A volunteer rescuer cleared the nest, and the parent owls are caring for the surviving chick.

    This happens in nests all over the world where people are using rodenticides. The same thing happens to insect eating birds and their chicks wherever people use insecticides. In addition, the poisons enter the environment and are harmful to other animals and people as well.

    Please send this video to your city council members, legislators, and congressmen, and ask them to ban the use of rodenticides and pesticides.

    Rodent pests can be controlled by encouraging owls to nest in the area, and diatomaceous earth (silica) kills insects. It does also kill bees, so it must be placed carefully with that in mind. It is entirely harmless to birds, animals, and people, so long as they don’t breath the DE dust. It is even beneficial, in that it kills internal parasites.

    Please actively support the banning of poisons for controlling insects and rodents.

    The owlet can be seen on live camera here:


    The parents feed it mainly grasshoppers and moths, usually between about 10 pm and 4 am.

  36. Highlights from the PDF I listed above:

    Some more highlights from the BF PDF above.

    Law Enforcement Agencies:

    • Safeguarding Vaccine and Essential Goods Delivery
    • Managing Surge in Crime During Pandemic
    • Controlling Social Unrest and Public Disorder

    First Responders: Fire Department:

    • Conducting Mass Vaccination Efforts
    • Enforcing Quarantine Measures Effectively

    Hospital and Emergency Medical Services:

    • Allocation Planning for Supply Chain Interruptions
    and Establishing Stockpiles
    • Addressing Reduced Response Capacity and
    Staffing Challenges
    • Maintaining Operations with Decreased Workforce

    How to Effectively Counter Mis- and Dis-information

    • Fact-Checking and Debunking
    • Monitoring and Response to Misinformation
    • Utilizing Digital Platforms and social media

    Military Preparedness & Response Plan
    for Pandemic Influenza:
    • Real-time Tracking of Avian Influenza on Military
    • Strategic Defense Plans for Mitigating Pandemic
    Influenza Impact
    • Collaboration with Civil Authorities for Seamless
    • Coordinated Regional Efforts: Lessons Learned and
    Best Practices
    • Inter-agency Communication and Resource
    Allocation in Pandemic Response

    Surveillance & Data Management:

    • Enhancement of AI Surveillance Testing in
    Human & Poultry Population: Innovations and
    Best Practices

    Mass Fatality Management Planning:

    • Activate Fatality Management Operations
    • Conduct Morgue Operations

    Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Continuity of
    Government Planning:

    • Strategies for Operating with 50% or More
    • Dealing with Successive Waves of Pandemic
    • Ensuring Continuity of Government Functions

    Business Continuity Planning:

    • Ensuring Safe Travel Policies
    • Decision-Making for Reducing or Closing Operations
    • Implementing Remote Work Policies and Flexible

    Emergency Management Services

    • Handling Panic and Maintaining Public Order

    Funny how this operation is being ‘predicted’ to happen around this time next year (2025), coincidently the same time a few doctors have predicted the worst damage from the covid shots to start manifesting?

  37. Poll Of The Month: What single leverage point would have the most universally beneficial (equitable, regenerative and ethically sound) ripple effects for our human family and non-human kin?

    (vote through link below)


    Just to clarify on a couple of the terms I used in the polls linked above (I have a limited character count to contend with for poll options so it is not easy to be precise and explicit).

    When I say “mandate” in one of the poll options that would refer to a government imposing a law on those people under it’s rule, threatening them with fines or kidnapping (incarceration) if they refuse to comply.

    When I say “incentivize” in one of the poll options that would refer to a government allocating money that they stole from some people using the threat of violence (aka via “taxation”) and then giving it to another group of people as a bribe to encourage specific behavior patterns.

    When I said “keep oligarch money out of politics” I meant devising some kind of system of democratic election process that bans the accepting of private/corporate “donations” to those on the campaign trail (which inevitably makes them beholden to said oligarchic/corporate interests after being elected).

    When I used the term “over-unity energy tech” I was referring to the types of technology referenced at the bottom of my Substack article titled “Childhood’s End”.

    When I said “teach all children Self-awareness” what I meant is, teach and guide children to be capable of nurturing their innate connection to their own eternal soul, encourage them to look within and truly come to know the permanent aspect of their being that existed before they came to live a life on Earth and that will continue to exist after the particular life they are living on Earth ends. In other words, I meant give them time to nurture the garden within first and foremost, before forcing them to learn a bunch of dogmas and perspectives that are manmade and may or may not be helpful in allowing those children to unlock their true potential and use their own unique God given gifts for the betterment of our human family and our non-human kin.

    The option for “none of the above” is intended for those that either feel that none of the options provided would suffice in and of themselves, or that they have their own idea for an option that they feel would do the trick. If it is the latter, please offer an explanation of your option in the comments section of the post linked above.

    If you are unfamiliar with the nature of Involuntary Governance, read my substack article titled “Why Involuntary Governance Structures are Not Compatible with The Permaculture Ethical Compass”

    When I say “Regenerative” in a question for the poll I mean according to the definition I explored in my conversation with James Corbett, which you can listen to via searching for : Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch (in the search bar above).

    Cancer Schmancer’s
    The Master Class Video Database

    On Tuesday July 16, 2024 Fran Drescher sent out the following broadcast email:
    “Cancer Schmancer is thrilled to introduce our exciting new resource: The Master Class Video Database. Every episode of the entire series is now online and searchable by topic.
    Have a question about… Nutrition, Alzheimer’s, New Cancer Treatments, Mental Health, Lyme Disease
    All that and so much more is right there at your fingertips.
    We are proud to provide this database as a public service, absolutely free to anyone 24/7. Please share this invaluable tool with your family and friends.”

    “Cancer Schmancer’s mission is to save lives by transforming the nation’s current sick care system into one that focuses on genuine health care.”
    Who We Are

    March 5, 2019 – CorbettReport
    Positive Propaganda? – #PropagandaWatch
    (8:32 minutes) – https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/positive-propaganda-propagandawatch:8
    —- Empowering Kids with Cancer Schmancer’s “Be The Change!”
    Jamie Foxx joins actress Fran Drescher (“The Nanny” sitcom) to introduce Cancer Schmancer’s “Be The Change!” Sizzle, an uplifting 2 1/2 minute video where different kids, Fran and Jamie join together to point out healthier choices.
    [2 1/2 minute VIDEO at Corbett’s link above.]

    SUB-THREAD with Sub-Threads
    Hollywood and… …Jamie Foxx, Fran Drescher, Dr. Peter McCullough, and more people you know


  39. More from Politico about the “New Right” and “niche conservative writers and thinkers” who have influenced JD Vance.

    The Seven Thinkers and Groups That Have Shaped J.D. Vance’s Unusual World View
    Post-liberals, “crunchy cons” and monarchists.
    By Ian Ward 07/18/2024

    This cohort espouses a variety of sometimes competing viewpoints, but they are bound together by the belief that the liberal project of “progress” — especially in the form of economic liberalization, technological advancement and the leveling of social hierarchies — has in fact been a mistake.”

    Influencers listed in the article: Patrick Deneen, Peter Thiel, Curtis Yarvin, René Girard, Sohrab Ahmari, The Claremont Institute, and Rod Dreher.

    I don’t perceive that social hierarchies have been leveled, so intend to do more reading. I wonder, is the New Right an alternative pathway to Technocracy, or is it a potential remedy? How would they confiscate power and accumulated intergenerational wealth from those currently controlling the world?

    • Update – I just realized they are making changes to the cast – all the old actors are tired, or the peeps are tired of them. The new actors will help move the agenda along nicely, I believe.

  40. I put a lot of attention on disseminating and directing people to Corbett Report.
    Back in April, I emailed this Mike Jones guy and directed him to Corbett Report with a variety of Corbett links.

    Corbetteers will be very familiar with Blackrock, her sisters (Van & StateSt) and her magical Aladdin software, and how the Fed loves Larry Fink running things.
    It is kind of ‘old news’ for Corbett Report Members.

    Well, I don’t know if Mike Jones ever did come to the Corbett Report.
    Regardless, of whether Mike Jones got information from Corbett or not, there is definitely a “seepage” of information. The message is getting out there. Albeit with a time lag.

    The other day, Mike Jones told everyone to be sure to watch his Thursday, July 18 2024 video.
    He emphasized it as important and revealing. It is unusual for this guy to pre-promote a video.
    So, I watched it…

    Thurs – July 18 2024 – Mike Jones Investing
    WOW – This AI Robot At BlackRock Runs Almost Everything On WallStreet Now!
    (17 minutes)
    BlackRock has a secret weapon that has made it the most powerful company in the world. This is proof that Artificial Intelligence like Aladdin, created by Larry Fink, has been running everything on Wall Street for years!

    ~~~ Can you feel it?
    ~~~ Can you see how excited Mike gets when the lightbulb flicks on? He wants to inform everyone.

    I don’t know about you, but over the years I have noticed the “lag”.
    Corbett will carve out some revealing information that is a lightbulb moment for me.
    Then much later in time, others are talking about this information as if it is “new”.
    James Corbett is ahead of the curve.
    Accuse me of being obsequious – I don’t care what you call me.
    It is a fact. Corbett carves out paths, then later in time others follow down that same road.

    • @HRS

      I don’t think your being obsequious, just observant.

      Even in my relatively short time (compared to some Corbetteers) being a part of this community I have observed patterns that fit the description you provide above on a few different topics.

      James sows seeds that set down roots in many seemingly hard to cultivate minds.

      The truth is like a dandelion seed that falls between the cracks in the seemingly impenetrable cement, slowly the seeds grow, the roots punch through the stubborn artificial constructs, changing the soils of the mind underneath, punching through the prison walls some have allowed to be constructed around their minds and bearing the fruit of realizations and one being compelled to take action to sow those same seeds of truth they once received on the wind so they can set down roots all over.

    • Max Keiser has been talking about “trading machines” for decades now.

      • A perfect storm of just exactly the type of problem that could bring the digital world down to its knees.

        • @mkey

          and as the digital world (and those dependant on it) drop to their knees, it shall become ever more evident why those who are still standing are able to do so.

          Old ways that co-create, interact with fellow beings and go about living with reverence and with reciprocity may make you sweat more, make your hands callused and require more work for expanding the capacity of the human mind to recognize (and align with ancient and regenerative) patterns but they are ways that persist, and in the few who embody them today, they offer a type of strength and resilience that no bloated technocratic oligarchy and their fragile centralized systems of oppression and parasitism can even come close to.

          We stand ready, feet firmly supported by the rich living Earth, with a handful of seeds and an unstoppable faith in the hope and promise contained in the act of combining the two with purpose.

    • Blackrock and the Texas Stock Exchange

      Patrick Bet-David once had a business in the north Dallas area. He talks about it in this video.

      In this eye-opening video, Patrick Bet-David discusses the groundbreaking decision by James Lee to launch the Texas Stock exchange.
      With early support from BlackRock & Citadel, many believe it can compete with the mighty NYSE and Nasdaq.

      Valuetainment – July 8, 2024
      “Lost $1 Trillion” – Texas Stock Exchange Disrupting NASDAQ & New York Stock Exchange
      (15 minutes)

  41. For those that missed it.

    The Mounsey Minute (episode 6) BBQ-ing with a Permaculture Twist


    This post shares a video slide show with last month’s Media Monarchy broadcast that featured BBQ-ing with a Permaculture Twist as the Mounsey Minute topic for June.

    Links to pertinent subject matter, articles and topics mentioned in the segment can be found through the link above.

    Happy grilling and soil enriching my friends! 🙂

  42. “30×30” Agenda 2030 strikes New Mexico and Texas

    “Texas Scorecard: Real News For Real Texans”

    July 18, 2018 by Will Biagini
    Texas and New Mexico Lawmakers Push Back Against Federal Land Grab
    A landowners’ meeting in Littlefield scheduled for later this month has been organized to educate the grassroots on the federal government’s land snatch.

    As the federal government puts private land along the Texas-New Mexico border in the crosshairs of acquisition, current and former lawmakers from both states are uniting against the land grab.

    The Land Protection Plan aims to seize 700,000 acres of private land in the Southern High Plains region and put it under federal control. It was finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service earlier this year.

    The plan is also a part of the Biden administration’s since-rebranded “30×30” initiative, which schemes to federalize 30 percent of the country’s land and oceans by the year 2030.

    “I think there’s cause for concern for this particular initiative by the federal government,” said Republican U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19) in an interview with KAMC News. Arrington confirmed that this is part of a broader “land grab by the federal government – a stated goal by the Biden administration for the federal government to own 30 percent of land in our country.”

    In early July of this year, Arrington sent a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expressing his concerns about the Biden administration’s efforts to subdue private lands under federal control in the name of “conservation.”

    Arrington’s letter highlights the concerns of his constituents—which include how the land grab will affect property values and taxation, whether or not the plan will cap economic growth, and what oversight processes the plan will have.

    On the New Mexico front, former U.S. Rep. Yvette Herrell authored an op-ed explaining that the land grab expansion circumvents not only congressional authority, but also private property owners and local governments, who have been excluded from the process. Herrell, also a Republican, argues that the land grab will have devastating consequences.

    “It will eliminate a portion of every local community tax base, reduce oil and mineral production in our state, and cheat private property owners out of future economic opportunities on the lands they have lived and worked on–in some cases for generations,” she wrote.

    In response, American Stewards of Liberty is hosting a landowners’ meeting in Littlefield, Texas on July 25. The nonprofit property rights organization argues that the key to stopping the federal land grab is by educating the grassroots about the problem.

    “Our primary focus for this meeting is to help landowners understand the impacts of this Federal expansion on….

    • They are doing this all over the US. Moving us into the “people pens” and covering farmland with solar and wind farms. The American Policy Center has had some success in the past slowing the land grab. This sucks.

  43. Baby Formula Testing Reveals Toxic Metals
    The infant formula toxic metal study is a joint collaboration project by Zen Honeycutt, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Michelle Perro, MD.

    Three women discuss the findings of the study, baby formulas, breast feeding and the food supply.
    (The Highwire – July 18, 2024)
    (VIDEO 34 minutes)

    Female Babies Likely Androgenized by Glyphosate Exposure in the Womb

    Michelle Perro, MD – GMOScience.ORG

    “Breastfeeding” Search

    (Video TimeStamp – 16:28)
    A Newborn’s Stomach [“Size of a cherry” Image]
    Newborns’ tummies are tiny, and cannot/should not take in large volumes, so they need to feed frequently.

    Weston A Price Foundation – book “Nourishing Traditions”
    Homemade Baby Formula

    La Leche League International (LLLI) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that organizes advocacy, education, and training related to breastfeeding. It is present in about 89 countries.

    In humans, the developing brain experiences a period of rapid neurogenesis in which an estimated 4.6 million neurons are generated every hour between birth and 1.5 years of age.

    The world famous Dr. Phillipe Grandjean testified at the EPA Trial.
    When discussing factors that make the developing brain more vulnerable to the impact of environmental toxins, Grandjean stated:
    “I wrote a book on this called “Only One Chance” because you only have one chance to develop your brain…
    …You’re weakly vulnerable because there are so many processes…that have to happen in sequence at the right time.
    And if something goes wrong, you don’t have a chance later on to remodel the brain.”


  44. by Joseph Addison Alexander

    THERE IS A TIME , we know not when,
    A point we know not where,
    That marks the destiny of men
    To glory or despair.

    There is a line by us unseen,
    That crosses every path;
    The hidden boundary between
    God’s patience and his wrath.

    To pass that limit is to die,
    To die as if by stealth;
    It does not quench the beaming eye,
    Or pale the glow of health.

    The conscience may be still at ease,
    The spirits light and gay;
    That which is pleasing still may please,
    And care be thrust away.

    But on that forehead God has set
    Indelibly a mark,
    Unseen by man, for man as yet
    Is blind and in the dark.

    And yet the doomed man’s path below
    May bloom as Eden bloomed;
    He did not, does not, will not know,
    Or feel that he is doomed.

    He knows, he feels that all is well,
    And every fear is calmed;
    He lives, he dies, he wakes in hell,
    Not only doomed, but damned.

    Oh! where is that mysterious bourne
    By which our path is crossed;
    Beyond which, God himself hath sworn,
    That he who goes is lost.

    How far may we go on in sin?
    How long will God forbear?
    Where does hope end, and where begin
    The confines of despair?

    An answer from the skies is sent;
    “Ye that from God depart,
    While it called to-day, repent,
    And harden not your heart.”

    • Talk of evil, lostness, ruined souls and eternal damnation are anathema in todays world. One hardly dare speak of such things for fear of mocking deprecations. Nevertheless, we must for those we care for. Dallas Willard opines,
      “Is it insulting to suggest that someone is or may be lost? That his or her soul is ruined? There are so many fine looking people all about us! Well, is it insulting to say, in appropriate circumstances, that someone has a physical disease that my be fatal, when you know it to be true? Perhaps, treatment depends upon coming to know it. No doubt, in our hypersensitive and egotistical age that could be insulting to some people. But that merely illustrates the delusional human condition. If I am god, people shouldn’t say such things to ME!
      Lostness is a factual condition of the self, of the ruined soul. You either have it or not, just as you either have a certain physical disease that can kill you. If you have that condition of lostness, you may not know it, because it is inherently a condition of self-blindness. You need treatment nevertheless if you are not to be lost forever, and being informed of your condition, and what you can do about it can help you find relief. Should I say nothing to you merely because you might find it insulting? I must think more highly of you than that. The reality of evil in the human heart is not something to be ignored or treated lightly.
      We should be very sure that the ruined soul is not one who has missed a few more or less important theological points and will flunk a theological examination at the end of life. Hell is not an “oops!’ or a slip. One does not miss heaven by a hair, but by constant effort to avoid and escape God.” Outer darkness” is for one who, after everything is said and done,…WANTS it, whose entire orientation has slowly and firmly set itself against God, and therefore against how the universe actually is. It is for those who are disastrously in error about their own life, and their place before God and man.”

      • “Nevertheless, we must for those we care for.”

        Thank you.
        I’m also reminded that, according to the One who’s opinion counts, caring for, (loving), others is the second most important of the only two commandments that were really important to God. So how could I, as someone who has experienced His grace, not be willing, if not anxious to obey?

        “Hell is not an “oops!’ or a slip. One does not miss heaven by a hair, but by constant effort to avoid and escape God.”

        This is a profoundly true statement. But I would add that Hell is also a constant effort, (or the result thereof), to replace God with gods of our own making. Usually ourselves.

  45. At its core, all the earth is in a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against flesh and blood… We are told this. Working, by the grace of God, in tandem with Jesus Christ, and making a continued effort within ourselves to fully adhere to his commandments and teachings, is the only truly viable course for overcoming the Prince of the Air; Lucifer, and his minions. Therefore, put on the whole armor of Christ. It begins with you. (To fully understand what I am saying, read this book Renovation of the Heart – Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard)

  46. I am no computer wiz but have audited software companies for adherence to validation protocols and defined design standards, including QA testing. This event would not have happened unless it was by design. It’s unlikely that targeted “incriminating” information would be lost specifically, but any “missing” data potentially could be blamed on the crash if the audit trail is destroyed.

    Why I believe the global IT outage by Crowdstrike is not an accident

    Excerpt (ending paragraphs):

    “Why would anyone want to cause such outbreak of so many computer systems? BECAUSE WHEN A COMPUTER SYSTEM CRASHES, IT CAN LEAD TO LOSS OF DATA. Who will want data/information to be lost? People who want to hide things they did. Who wants to hide things they did? CRIMINALS!

    “Can you think of ANY criminal activity that took place in the last week which was SO BIG that could have altered the faith of the world? I’M SURE YOU CAN!

    “So, if you were behind this criminal activity, and needed to erase evidence, WHAT COULD YOU DO?”

    • A couple of points:
      – the whole development cycle can be this bad, yes. Unskilled, overworked people in the technical departments can and often do make incredible mistakes
      – on the business end they are absolutely incopetent enough to make stuff loke this happen
      – loss of data is random

      Besides, if I understood correctly, this issue affected machines as they were booting up. So I would not expect a lot of lost data at that stage.

      If I was trying to delete some unsavory data, I would do it without bringing down half of the internet.

    • jo-ann

      I doubt that- the modern CPU chips have plenty of built in backdoors- IIRC Intel chips have a whole 486 cpu that does ‘its own thing’ aside from the cores the user controls and can probably be used to control the whole PC without leaving a trace. Its hardware, not software.

      If you are old enough to have run Dos or Win 3.1 or 98 on ye Olde machines you may have noticed that new software does not load or run any faster today then it did on those comptuers which were basically pocket calculators…..I can run TWO win 98 machines in virtualbox easily on this 12 year old old laptop I’m typing on.

      The issue is that as machines run faster they are programed by half skilled foreigners who cut and paste whole blocks of code like a kid putting Lego bricks together. Thats why even though computers are basically Super Computers compared to 20 years ago windows 11 runs SLOWER then my old 486 running win 98. Apart from running the new (super bloaty) internet most people could do everything they do today as fast or faster on pentium running win2000.

      Windows is a massively bloated POS (piece of software), made of blocks of code stuck together by low wage keyboard monkeys so the miracle is that we dont more massive shutdowns- I suspect that with the competency crisis we will get used to this kind of thing happening a couple of times a year.

      I use Linux, which is also getting bloaty but will still run a 10, or even 20 year old, PC as fast as a new Windows machine even on the web.

  47. Article about PFAS contamination caused by “clean energy” technology:


    “Many types of PFAS, known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment, are used in the coatings on windmill turbines and are incorporated into solar cells, as well as being used in lithium-ion batteries.

    “But PFAS pollution is not just a concern with ‘sustainable’ energy technologies — the oil and gas industry has used PFAS chemicals for decades, including in fracking operations across the country.”

    • Thanks again jo-ann!
      I often read your comments, but may not ‘reply’.
      I really, really appreciate your posts.
      They help to log a HISTORICAL RECORD at Corbett Report.

      By the way, your PFAS “excerpts” really state the case in a nice summary.

  48. Narrative Trend Shift

    I’m noticing a trend shift on YouTube as more people are talking about “taboo conspiracy facts.”
    Like I said,
    ”I don’t know about you, but over the years I have noticed the “lag”.
    Corbett will carve out some revealing information that is a lightbulb moment for me.
    Then much later in time, others are talking about this information as if it is “new”.
    James Corbett is ahead of the curve.”

    Mike Jones and Blackrock

    July 24 – Kitco News
    WEF’s 2030 Agenda – Why You Need to Be Concerned – Who Are the Members & Why They Are So Powerful
    Carol Roth, New York Times bestselling author of ‘You Will Own Nothing,’ outlines the global elite’s plan for the next decade. In an interview with Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, Roth dives into the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda…. [I personally don’t think much of this Carol Roth person.]

    July 24 – Mike Rowe
    Examining Rising Deaths: Who’s Really Responsible? | The Way I Heard It
    14 minutes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No3dCh2mWcI
    [They discuss Edward Dowd’s book: “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.]

    Mike Rowe – SUBTHREAD

  49. Wednesday July 24 – Big U.S. Stock Market Downward Correction

    US Stocks Sink on Disappointing Tech Earnings
    US stocks plunged on Wednesday, due to a broad tech sell-off after underwhelming megacap earnings raised doubts about the sustainability of the artificial intelligence-driven bull market.
    The S&P 500 sank 2.3%, booking its worst day since December 2022, while the Nasdaq 100 marked its worst day since October 2022, down 3.6% and the Dow tumbled 503 points.
    Shares of Google parent Alphabet dropped 5% on the company’s higher-than-expected spending on AI efforts and disappointing YouTube advertising revenue.
    Tesla’s shares tumbled 12.3% after reporting a 7% drop in auto revenue and a profit miss and delays in the Robotaxi project.
    Visa dropped 3.9%, the lowest since December due to a decrease in payments volume and processed transactions.
    Chip stocks also tumbled as Nvidia sank 6.8%, Broadcom lost 7.6% and Arm fell 8.1%.Conversely, AT&T rose 5.1% after surpassing expectations for wireless subscriber additions. IBM is scheduled to report earnings later today after the closing bell.
    [Taken from news feed of TradingEconomics]

    (Something seems to be weird in the Bond Market, because yields went up while money poured into bonds. Typically, when a bond’s price falls, its yield increases. When a bond’s price increases, its yield decreases.)

    Friday July 19 – Many traders could not trade.
    See Jo-ann’s comment:
    Global IT outage by Crowdstrike

  50. FYI – Hopefully no impact to fellow Corbetteers.

    Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers

    “An unlimited Secure Boot bypass
    “On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro. The cause: a cryptographic key underpinning Secure Boot on those models that was compromised in 2022. In a public GitHub repository committed in December of that year, someone working for multiple US-based device manufacturers published what’s known as a platform key, the cryptographic key that forms the root-of-trust anchor between the hardware device and the firmware that runs on it.”

  51. CrowdStrike blames testing bugs for security update that took down 8.5M Windows PCs

    “CrowdStrike says that these Rapid Response Content updates are tested before being deployed, and one of the steps involves checking updates using something called the Content Validator. In this case, “a bug in the Content Validator” failed to detect “problematic content data” in the update responsible for the crashing systems.

    “CrowdStrike says it is making changes to its testing and deployment processes to prevent something like this from happening again. The company is specifically including “additional validation checks to the Content Validator” and adding more layers of testing to its process.

    “The biggest change will probably be “a staggered deployment strategy for Rapid Response Content” going forward. In a staggered deployment system, updates are initially released to a small group of PCs, and then availability is slowly expanded once it becomes clear that the update isn’t causing major problems.”

    • It wasn’t us, it’s the computer that made the mistake.

      When the dog can’t have had eaten your homework, you have to get creative.

      I can attest to what a house of cards the whole I.T. thing is. It’s the corporate double speak, it’s business oriented decision making, it’s the board posturing, it’s the matter of not one single truth being spoken during an eight hour “workshop”, it’s about being unable to recognize priority, it’s about self aggrandizement.

      When it does come down, they will be ready with their excuses.

      • More background on CrowdStrike – just for context.


        “Kurtz was one of the key personalities in 2010 when McAfee, once a giant in Cybersecurity, created one of the largest glitches in cyber up to that time with an update that shut down Windows XP.

        “Who else was at McAfee at the time? Dmitri Alperovitch, the Vice President of Threat Research who exposed China’s early cyber thefts via the seminal “Shady Rat” report. The 2010 Cyber Oopsie almost forced McAfee out of business until the cadaver was bought by Intel Corporation.

        “Was the 2010 McAfee gaffe, payback for the dirt Dmitri was finding? Unclear, but McAfee is now the Kodak Carousel or Sears Roebuck of Cyber. Like Fauci and pandemics, you apparently can’t have a cyber disaster without Kurtz and Alperovitch.”

        Kurtz and Alperovitch are cofounders of CrowdStrike.

  52. [**AUDIO in article. Listen to the defiant defendant from the 1:50 min to 3 minute mark.]

    Thursday July 25, 2024 – The Dallas Express – By Carlos Turcios
    Forced COVID Masking Makes Return to Tarrant County


    EXCLUSIVE — Dreaded COVID mask mandates appear to be back in a Fort Worth courthouse.
    A Fort Worth municipal court judge recently demanded a defendant be removed from a hearing for refusing to wear a facemask, audio provided to The Dallas Express reveals.

    “You either can walk out of here right now, or as many people as it takes, but they are going to take you out,” Fort Worth Municipal Court Judge Robert Neel McDonald told a defendant in the audio.

    The defendant retorted: “Yeah, I’m not going to wear a mask. I’m not going to play this game.”

    The Dallas Express visited Municipal Court No.2, McDonald’s courtroom, and encountered a sign reading, “MASK REQUIRED BEFORE ENTERING A COURTROOM.”

    …this requirement seems to fly in the face of state law.

    Texas Senate Bill 29, which went into effect on September 1, 2023, banned COVID mask mandates, vaccination requirements, and municipal orders forcing businesses to close, as covered previously in The Dallas Express….

    • This story should get wider media visibility. Thanks for sharing.

    • In other news, judges do not feel compelled to follow the law they are supposed to be promulgating. It’s “their” court room.

    • Saturday July 27 – The Dallas Express – By Charles Grand
      Cowtown Mayor Parker Lassoes Judge’s Courtroom Mask Mandate

      Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker said she is taking action against a forced-masking rule imposed on a municipal courtroom, which is likely violating state law.

      As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Fort Worth Municipal Court Associate Judge Robert Neel McDonald required everyone who set foot in his courtroom to wear a facemask. He even removed a defendant from their hearing because they refused to put on a mask.

      A sign outside the courtroom read, “MASK REQUIRED BEFORE ENTERING A COURTROOM.” A court employee confirmed to DX that everyone entering McDonald’s courtroom was required to wear a facemask.

      “I’ve requested the signs come down — I was unaware they were even up. No masks are required in any City of Fort Worth buildings as it’s clearly prohibited by state law after the passage of SB29 (2023),” Parker tweeted on Friday.

      SB 29, which went into effect on September 1, 2023, prohibits state and local governmental entities from imposing COVID-related mask mandates, vaccination requirements, and municipal orders forcing businesses to close, as covered previously by DX.

      “Requested? Demanded! How did this go on with no officials stopping it Mattie? That defendant needs a different judge,” an X user named David Medlin commented in response to Parker’s announcement.

      In a different thread, someone with the X handle @jehosephanny wrote, “Um, isn’t that unconstitutional? How’s it the judge’s courtroom? Taxpayers paid for it for God’s sake.”

      McDonald serves as an associate judge. He was appointed to the bench in 2006. In addition to trying misdemeanor and felony cases, he is also the presiding judge of the city’s “Environmental Court, hearing cases involving all manner of alleged violations of the Fort Worth Municipal Code Ordinances, among other cases,” according to the City of Fort Worth….

      • That correction was fast.

  53. More background on CrowdStrike indicates this company doesn’t have robust quality assurance / validation procedures and should not be trusted.


    Excerpt (emphasis added):
    “5. Did the company ignore a previous similar outage? A Hacker News commenter working at a civic tech lab shared that, a few months ago, CrowdStrike caused a similar outage for their Linux systems. This dev summarized:

    Crowdstrike did this to our production linux fleet back on April 19th [2024], and I’ve been dying to rant about it.

    The short version is we’re a civic tech lab, so have a bunch of different production websites made at different times on different infrastructure. We run Crowdstrike provided by our enterprise. Crowdstrike pushed an update on a Friday evening that was incompatible with the up-to-date Debian stable. So we patched Debian as usual, everything was fine for a week, and then all of our servers across multiple websites and cloud hosts simultaneously hard crashed and refused to boot.

    When we connected one of the disks to a new machine and checked the logs, Crowdstrike looked like a culprit, so we manually deleted it, the machine booted, tried reinstalling it and the machine immediately crashed again. OK, let’s file a support ticket and get an engineer on the line.

    Crowdstrike took a day to respond, and then asked for a bunch more proof (beyond the above) that it was their fault. They acknowledged the bug a day later, and weeks later had a root cause analysis that they didn’t cover our scenario (Debian stable running version n-1, I think, which is a supported configuration) in their test matrix. In our own post mortem there was no real ability to prevent the same thing from happening again: “we push software to your machines any time we want, whether or not it’s urgent, without testing it,” seems to be core to the model.

    “These details suggest that CrowdStrike could or should have been aware that it can – and does – crash kernel processes with updates. If so, the obvious question is why this outage did not serve as a warning to tweak the rollout process, as opposed to just improving testing?”

    • More of the same, the whole world is a stage.

      Camille, who is the lady that spoke on the open mind conference (at around 13:00)?

    • Many older municipalities in the U.S. are facing a real problem with their water infrastructure.
      Older pipes and systems are giving out, not to mention the problems with lead, iron and copper.
      The costs associated with upgrading things is tough.

    • ‘Anarchist’ artist Richard Ankrom

      Thanks Jo-ann.
      He really had the right approach – don’t go through the government authoritarian bureaucracy.
      If the bureaucracy was an effective entity, they would have already recognized the problem and fixed it.

      PrePlandemic my poor neighborhood had many, many little kids who would play in the front yards.
      Often a ball or something would have them running across the street.
      The street is often used as a main entry into other neighborhoods, and so has “in-a-rush” traffic.

      I befriended a lady who worked as a crossing guard in another area.
      She had a 3 foot visual that she no longer wanted, so I offered to buy it. She gave it to me.
      VISUAL – “Children Playing”
      I weighted it against wind with a large chunk of concrete, and would periodically move it around to different spots (varying locations so it would continue to attract attention units.)
      After many months, eventually someone took it.

      On the streetside easement by the sidewalk of my small front yard is a city speedlimit sign and yellow “kids playing” sign. I have a small wren house on the front side of that pole, a bluebird birdhouse on the sign’s backside. Near the backside for the past several years, I have a patch bed with peanuts and sunflowers. A previous year, I had blue morning glory vines trailing up to the backside of that pole. For two years I had peppermint filling my entire front easment, but eventually the Texas sun eliminated that.
      Technically, the city probably has codes against using the easement this way, but they have never bothered me.

      • Of all the government ills, even considering mass murder, destruction and theft, perhaps the worst is that it managed to convince people that “someone else is going to do it”. It being whatever.

      • Thoughtful, neighborly, and kind. Hoping your behavior gets modeled by others.

        P.S. “‘Gorilla’ or ‘Guerrilla’? If it’s about humans fighting, keep the gorillas out it.”

    • James Corbett’s arsenal of Alternative Platforms is impressive!

      At the subscriber only “Just For Fun” segment below his latest July 28 newsletter, Corbett spruiks…
      Guerrilla Public Service Redux (h/t jo-ann)

      99% Invisible is a sound-rich, narrative podcast hosted by Roman Mars about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.

      “Across a decade now, after more than 430 episodes, 99% Invisible still explains itself as a podcast about design. Which, as the cliché goes, is like saying Moby-Dick is a novel about whales. 99% Invisible, episode after episode, is really about the difference between what you see and a designer sees, what you see and an architect sees, what you see and an engineer sees.” — Christopher Borrelli, Chicago Tribune

      James Corbett’s latest July 28, 2024 newsletter
      Planetary Regime: The Globalists’ Blueprint in Their Own Words

      Corbett Report SUBSCRIBERS can view the “Recommended Reading, Listening and Viewing” links.

      • Thanks for pointing that out as I read the newsletter essay on Substack. If not for your comment, I would never have discovered the 99% Invisible site, nor their article on exterior cat ladders.

  54. REFERENCE CHART pdf via Aaron Siri
    Clinical Trials of Childhood Vaccines: No Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Trials
    Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC’s schedule was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one.

    Aaron Siri says,
    I will also be holding a Spaces event on Twitter this Tuesday (July 30) at noon Eastern time to discuss this chart

    [Aside: Michael Connett, Esq. the Fluoride attorney now works with Aaron Siri’s firm.]

    • No studies on children who get multiple jabs on the same visit, either. I recall a video of a discussion during a vaccine recommendation meeting where they acknowledged there was no safety data on multiple jabs, but ‘expert’ stated it would be safe because they jab different limbs. Our best and brightest?

  55. Col. Douglas Macgregor sounds a lot like Ron Paul.


    “At this moment, the war in Gaza has already destroyed or disrupted millions of lives. Precise numbers are hard to confirm, but hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have been internally displaced, wounded or killed. These aren’t just numbers; they are shattered families and ruined lives. And yet, there are policymakers in Washington contemplating war with Iran. I ask you: If the human cost of the war in Gaza, a localized conflict, is this high, how much higher will the cost of a war with Iran be?

    For decades, we’ve lurched from one costly conflict to another – Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, and Ukraine. The price? $10 trillion and tens of thousands of American lives. But who pays this price? Not the policymakers or defense contractors who profit from these wars. It’s the children of farmers, truckers, nurses, and plumbers who fight, suffer, and die.”

    “This video includes scenes and reports from wounded children in Gaza. If this offends you, please skip over the section showing these scenes in Gaza.
    Col. Douglas Macgregor:”

  56. topic: music downoader / gootube video converter

    I tried to go about it the honest way. The site wanted $40 for 3 albums on a flash drive which then ships. I don’t have time for that and only want the 1 album. I could download it from iTunes, which I would then have to use Google to convert to play on my android. So now am in the ‘market’ for free safe downloaders / converters. I can’t even remember the name of the converter I used to use with so much success. Any tips? Thanks!

    • hamirand,
      I don’t even rank as a novice when it comes to IT and computers.
      And on a pauper’s budget, I avoid buying stuff — so, my experience is limited.

      But this may help in your search. I accidently ran across this…
      Website Informer
      Complete information about any website

      Website Informer is a special service for web masters that gathers detailed information on websites. The service is very easy-to-use — simply search for the URL, keyword or install our Widget and there you go!


  57. More on the theory of the PayPal Mafia attempting to displace the current US regime, plus a solution Pete mentioned. Pete and Tom on the Gold, Goats ‘n Guns podcast (cross-posted on Pete Quinones podcast). Here they discuss what I and others have wondered: how would government managed by the tech bros be an improvement over the WEF technocrat puppets currently in power? Tom Luongo does not believe Trump/Vance will win the election, so it’s likely a mute point. Pete argues the PayPal Mafia bros at least don’t hate us, and want to bring manufacturing back to the USA. Regardless, keep building parallel systems.

    Pete Quinones podcast Ep. 1085 – Pete and Tom Luongo Talk About JD Vance and the PayPal Mafia

    For show notes (and to listen), see:
    Gold Goats ‘n Guns podcast Ep. 185 – Pete Quinones and Why Indifference Trumps Hostility

    The solution Pete mentioned in this discussion is one initiated by someone in his circle. It is a checklist to evaluate local politics, to remove woke politicians and prevent other woke ones from being elected. Pete also suggested creating a way to measure progress, starting from current state to ideal state. Define what success would look like in your local community.

    • Reportedly, Peter Thiel is a member of the WEF Steering Committee and both Thiel and Vance have attended WEF meetings. I am unable to verify because I am unable to link to any WEF sites, perhaps due to my VPN.

      • June 2017
        On the “World Economic Forum” website is a “Business Insider” article entitled:
        Not sure what to read this summer? Here’s what Bill Gates recommends

        If you want to get a little bit smarter for September, here’s what Gates recommends.

        “Hillbilly Elegy” by JD Vance

        Vance, now a successful venture capitalist, grew up poor in the hills of the Appalachia.

        “Hillbilly Elegy” is his account of life during that time — dark moments, times of joy, and Vance’s perspective on the culture that pervades life in America’s forgotten towns.

        “While the book offers insights into some of the complex cultural and family issues behind poverty,” Gates writes, “the real magic lies in the story itself and Vance’s bravery in telling it.”

        • Well, that says something. Thank for the link.

  58. U.S. Treasuries Yield Curves – Predicted Most Recessions

    See the CHART IMAGE (10 year minus 2 year)…
    …or here…
    When the yield curve goes below the zero line “0”, then it is considered to be inverted.

    The yield curve is generally measured by the difference between the 2 year yield and the 10 year yield. In a ‘normal’ economy, the longer duration of a bond, the more interest an investor will demand. This makes sense as the longer someone has to hold an investment, the more they require in interest. This means that generally the yield curve is a positive number.

    When the yield curve inverts it means there is something wrong in the system.

    The yield curve inverted in July of 2022. A two year yield curve inversion is the longest on record. Every time the yield curve inverted it has signaled a recession on the horizon. However, it is important to note that the recession does not usually hit until the yield curve un-inverts. In other words, the inversion is a warning, the trigger is the un-inversion.

    Even when comparing the yield curve inversion prior to the Great Depression, it was not inverted for this long. This is an ominous signal for the future of the United States and much of the world. Investors beware. – Gareth Soloway

    Sunday July 28, 2024
    CHART – Yield Curve Bull Flag Signals Un-inversion Imminent
    Investors need to prepare for a recession. Historically, the data shows that the inversion of the yield curve is just a warning of what is to come. When the yield curve uninverts, that is when the recession hits the economy.
    The yield curve has had its longest inversion in history. This may signal a harsher resecession or a longer, drawn-out recession.
    Using technical analysis on the yield curve, it has been forming a bull flag for the late 2023. Bull flags are bullish for charts and likely signals an universion within the next three months.
    Based on history, this likely signals an recession within six months, or by end of 2024, early 2025.
    – Gareth Soloway

    Are you having trouble sleeping?
    Here is a quick fix – Read this…
    The Impact of an Inverted Yield Curve

  59. UNSW (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) launches the Institute for Industrial Decarbonisation:

    The Institute for Industrial Decarbonisation (UNSW IID) brings together transdisciplinary expertise across UNSW faculties to support companies and industry sectors in achieving NetZero targets. Initiatives span technological, economic and policy innovation, aligned with green industry development opportunities. Advanced clean technologies are being developed in UNSW laboratories. In tandem, teams are working with research, industry and government partners to address the regulatory, finance, infrastructure, integrated design and trade solutions needed to accelerate adoption at scale.

    – Low carbon materials
    – Sustainable mining systems
    – NetZero cities
    – Analytics, carbon accounting & AI
    – Green industry development strategy
    – Future infrastructure

    UNSW IID is proud to work with the United Nations.


  60. School Mandated Masks on Our Kids – “We are suing you!”

    I like seeing people pushback against authoritarians…

    August 1 – Dallas Express – By Carlos Turcios
    Couple Files Suit Against DISD for Harm Caused to Their Children

    Lauren and Ben Davis filed a lawsuit against several Dallas ISD officials and former officials for allegedly abusing their power and harming their kids during the COVID mask mandate period.

    “Those rights you fail to exercise and protect are rights you will surely lose, thus you must defend each of them with vigor and without hesitation. Plaintiffs base this lawsuit on that notably and fundamentally Texan and American concept,” the court document states.

    Lauren Davis, who filed the lawsuit, told DX that her kids were impacted by how Dallas ISD bureaucrats treated her children for refusing to wear masks.
    Davis said the toxic environment created by school officials led her kids to need psychological help and lose friends.
    “There were psychological effects on our children; it ruined our kids’ friendships; it was sick, and it’s very important for kids to have community. Counseling was required for our kids,” Lauren said.

    The couple’s goal is to hold Dallas ISD accountable for how it treated their kids and for the harm caused by the COVID-19 restrictive mandates.
    “This is the final road of me holding them accountable for what they did,” Lauren told DX…

    …As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Dallas ISD former Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa defied Gov. Abbott’s executive order, which banned mask mandates by government bodies.

  61. For those with an affinity to philosophy, I recommend the following inspirational article:

    Organic radicalism: challenging the system to its core
    by Paul Cudenec | Posted on August 2, 2024

    It is therefore of utmost importance to nurture and promote a solid and coherent political philosophy that can act as a foundation for an emerging political resistance movement and prevent it from being hijacked and diverted.

    This philosophy already largely exists, in fact, although there is a further dimension that needs to be added, as I will explain later.

    It is, however, a hidden philosophy, an underground river of thought not visible from the streets and shopping malls of the modern world.

    I call this philosophy “organic radicalism” and in 2019 I launched a website which features profiles of more than 90 thinkers whom I regard as belonging to this tradition. [1]

    These thinkers are not necessarily themselves invisible – it is, rather, the multiple interconnections between the thinkers and the overall coherence of the organic radical idea that have been hidden from view.

    I would say that this idea is, at its heart, just traditional human wisdom – the values, ethics and common sense that had to be pushed aside to make way for the onward march of Profit and Progress.

    It is also the understanding that everything is connected, forms part of one reality, in contrast to the fragmented outlook favoured by modernity.

    Footnote #1 links to a web page that lists these thinkers with hyperlinks to an introduction to their works.

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