Interview 1900 – James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast

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Interview 1883 – The Lamest Show on Earth (NWNW 556)

Interview 1883 – The Lamest Show on Earth (NWNW 556)

This week on the New World Next Week: the Big Tech technocrats conspire to throw themselves and their AI godhood into the government brier patch; some rough Bilderberg beast slouches toward Madrid to be born; and the lamest show on earth hypes up the least important (s)election of your lifetime.


A Brief History of Ukraine

A Brief History of Ukraine

The full-on hysteria that surrounded the announcement of Tucker Carlson's arrival in Moscow and his subsequent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin—including Hillary Clinton branding Carlson a "useful idiot" and Bill Kristol's call to bar him from...

February Open Thread

February Open Thread

Can you believe it's February already? Neither can I. Nonetheless, the calendar seems to indicate we're already nearly halfway through it, so I suppose it's time for a February Open Thread. What's on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett...

2024 and The Pursuit of Happiness

2024 and The Pursuit of Happiness

                          How arrives it joy lies slain, And why unblooms the best hope ever sown? —Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain, And dicing Time for gladness casts a moan.                               — Thomas Hardy Well, here we are. 2024. The year of...

November Open Thread (2023)

Hey, everyone. Remember my challenge at the end of "Context Is Everything"? And here's a challenge for the rest of you: how would you reframe the problem of the globalist technocratic conspiracy in a way that inspires people to take action and make changes in the...

Meet the Russians

Meet the Russians

Here's a simple observation: when knowledgeable Americans discuss American politics, they can talk in detail about the various fault lines in the American government. They can expound at great length on the Squad's role in influencing the policies of the Democratic...

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

I often get asked about an image I've had cause to include in several of my articles over the years. It depicts a television camera capturing a knife attack in such a way as to completely flip the reality of who is attacking and who is being attacked. In case you...

History Repeating: The War on the Kulaks

History Repeating: The War on the Kulaks

If you've read We're All Dutch Farmers Now and We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now, then you'll know all about the concerted war on farming that is taking place right now, not just in Holland or Sri Lanka but in Ireland and Argentina and Canada and Spain and seemingly...