Results for "eugenic"

False Flags Over Kashmir: Prelude to WWIII?

In response to a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed 40 Indian troops last month, the Indian Air Force struck targets in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. I imagine that many readers around the world today would read that sentence the way that readers 105...

Why Technocrats LOVE The “Green New Deal”

You may have seen "Students Love Green New Deal... Until Hearing What's In It" by now, but if not you probably get the gist just from the title. Yes, it's one of those "man on the street" interview videos where random college students are asked whether they support...

The Carbon Bubble Cometh (and Open Thread)

by James Corbett October 9, 2018 So as I (p)reported this weekend, all the usual suspects in the lying, fake news-promoting, bankster-funded corporate mouthpiece media have responded to the latest hot air from the IPCC by dutifully repeating the line...

The IPCC Prepares to Release More Hot Air

The IPCC is preparing to release a "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC." That sentence alone should be enough to make everyone within earshot duck for cover from the coming barrage of climate-related doomporn. But, sadly, half of the public will actively cheer...


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