Results for "hopium"

The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.

Have you heard the latest? Canadians are losing their access to online news thanks to a new bill that would make tech companies liable for so much as linking to news stories. French President Macron is mulling a social media shutdown in the name of quelling France's...

Sanctions Are War By Other Means

Were you aware that nearly one-third of the planet is under economic sanctions of one sort or another? No? Why not? Even those who don't pay much attention to the nexus between geopolitics and economics are likely to find that to be a shocking statistic. For those who...

New World Last Week

Let me guess: you're sitting there in your Corbett Report T-shirt and your (brand spanking new) Media Monarchy baseball cap with your beverage of choice by your side, constantly refreshing The Corbett Report home page in the vain hope that the latest edition of New...

What Is Programmable Money?

There are 3 types of people in this world. There are those who read that SWIFT has "solve[d] the significant challenge of interoperability in cross-border transactions by bridging between different distributed ledger technology (DLT) networks and existing payment...


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