Results for "isis"

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It's something I've referenced a few times because it's a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea. For those who don't know, here's the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to...

Episode 410 – The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

Episode 410 – The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

You've been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It's here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year. Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact...

2022: The Year Ahead

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about...

2021: Year of the Apocalypse

I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is (as attentive Corbett Reporteers will know by now), 2021 was the beginning of the Apocalypse. We are being dragged kicking and screaming into the Great Resetters' dark Vision of the Future. We are being...

How to Win the War on Cash

What was the last thing you bought? A stick of gum at the convenience store? A meal out at your favourite steakhouse? A new vacuum cleaner from the department store? A new car? And how did you pay for that purchase? If you're like the majority of people, chances are...


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