Results for "japan does not need nuclear power"

Episode 354 – Solutions: Open Science

Episode 354 – Solutions: Open Science

In the face of the crisis of science, it is easy to throw our hands up and watch as the old guard of the scientific establishment circles the wagons and goes back to business as usual. But there are real solutions to these problems, and we all—scientists and...

Globalist Conference Season Begins

Oh, pity the poor globalists. They're going to be running around like chickens with their heads cut off in the next few days....Well, OK, more like flying around in their private jets like well-pampered chickens with their heads cut off, but you get the idea. Why?...

Chaos Out of Order

Well, we've all survived inauguration far. That's a start, right? It's certainly a sign of something when we take some measure of comfort in the fact that the world hasn't quite ended yet, but you don't need me to tell you that. Everyone can feel it deep...

2017: The Year of Technocracy

Writing for a publication called "The International Forecaster," it's pretty hard not to throw my hat in the ring with the other prognosticators who are peddling their predictions and pontificating on the prospects for the pursuing year. As I've noted before, these...

2016: Community or Civil War?

Whether economically or geopolitically or socially, 2016 is shaping up to be a year driven by disaster, panic, fear and rage. How we act throughout these crises will either make us stronger in our resistance to the forces of tyranny or see us fall prey to the tyrants'...

3 of The Worst TPP Clauses Explained in Plain English

After years of secretive negotiations in closed-door meetings and James Bond-level shenanigans designed to keep the deal under lock and key, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has finally been released for public scrutiny. But have you actually...


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