Results for "jfk 50 years"

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda

We all know the story of bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the story that was repeated ad nauseam in the days, weeks and months after the catastrophic, catalyzing events of 9/11. So often was that story repeated that the hypnotized public forgot that it was, at base, just that:...

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

The war in Afghanistan is over! Long live the war in Afghanistan! Yes, in case you haven't heard, the US Armed Forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan at the end of the month, and NATO's "Resolute Support" mission—which took over from the NATO combat mission that...

The Truth About Iran’s Nuclear Program

"Be afraid!" say the repeaters of mockingbird media. Afraid of who? Afraid of Iran, of course. Oh, haven't you heard? The Iranian government's stockpile of enriched uranium is about to surpass 300 kilograms! And Iran's store of heavy water is about to surpass 130...

Mais Non! The People vs. The Paris Agreement

"Let them eat carbon!" said French President Emmanuel Macron this week, offering his peasants a six-month reprieve on their coming carbon sin tax. And, kicking his feet up on his desk at the Élysée Palace, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had bought himself some time...

The Greatest President of All Time Is…

Well, another cycle of (s)election hysteria has come and gone in the disUnited States of Amerikkka, Inc., and, as you well know, everything in the world has transformed overnight. Now that the Demopublicans are in control of the House and the Republicrats have kept...


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