October Open Thread

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Interview 1893 – ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? (NWNW 562)

This week on the New World Next Week: the shadow-casters are trying EXTRA HARD to get you to look at the shadows on the cave wall this (s)election cycle; swamp-dweller-in-chief Trump taps Peter Thiel’s minion to be his VP; and the MSM tries their darndest to make Bohemian Grove sound boring and unimportant.

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Pick Your Pieces – #SolutionsWatch

Pick Your Pieces – #SolutionsWatch

Do you feel helpless? Powerless? Unable to achieve your goals? Is that because you are a weak, powerless, helpless good-for-nothing? Or because you have become stuck in a narrative frame that tells you that you are weak, powerless and helpless? And, if the latter, how do you rewire your cognitive circuitry to break you out of that habit of thinking? Joining us today to discuss his answer to these questions and other insights from his new book, Pick Your Pieces – Some Thoughts to Think About, is Joe Plummer of JoePlummer.com.

Interview 1845 – BlackRock and the Oligopoly on Truth Over Comfort

Interview 1845 – BlackRock and the Oligopoly on Truth Over Comfort

via TRUTH OVER COMFORT: In todays video, I spoke with James Corbett, about Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Financial Giants & The Oligopoly. The “big three” asset management corporations own shares in almost every major US company in each industry, making them the top institutional shareholders for these giant corporations. The list is endless… They are also the top shareholders in each other, raising serious questions about competition, consolidation, monopolisation and influence, including in government. We also discuss the general trend of consolidation. Feel free to use Yahoo Finance, type in a company and go to holders to see the top shareholders.

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

…But How Do I Make Money? – Questions For Corbett

“. . . but how do I make money from this information, James?” is a question I receive from time to time. Or, more charitably, “Given the conspiracy reality, how do I invest for my retirement?” That’s a better question, but still, it depends on what we mean by investment, and what it is we’re looking to achieve in the long run. No, I’m not an investment advisor and won’t give you the latest hot stock tip, but I do have some things to say about this topic.

Meet the Russians

Meet the Russians

So, can we arrive at a deeper understanding of geopolitics by challenging this overly simplistic “Putin is Russia” narrative? Let’s find out!

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about it in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Teaching Children About Conspiracies – #SolutionsWatch

Teaching Children About Conspiracies – #SolutionsWatch

How do you introduce conspiracy reality to young learners in an age-appropriate way? Good question. To help us answer it, today Connor Boyack joins us once again to discuss the latest installment in the Tuttle Twins series: The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies. By introducing documentable history from Operation Mockingbird to the Gulf of Tonkin to the Great Reset in a simple and easily understandable way, this book helps adolescents as they begin questioning authority, seeking truth, and learning to speak truth to power.


What Is Programmable Money?

There are 3 types of people in this world. There are those who read that SWIFT has "solve[d] the significant challenge of interoperability in cross-border transactions by bridging between different distributed ledger technology (DLT) networks and existing payment...

The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)

If you're a good, credulous consumer of the lamestream media, you likely take it as a given that Russian hackers present the greatest danger to the human species in the history of our planet. Or is that Chinese hackers? Or maybe North Koreans? Meh, whatever. Details,...

October Open Thread (2022)

It's the beginning of the month, so you know what that means: open thread time! As usual, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and share their thoughts, their questions, their breaking news tips or whatever else is on their mind in the comments below. And...

March Open Thread (2022)

It's March and spring has almost sprung in the Northern hemisphere, so you know what that means: it's time for a new open thread! Are you looking to discuss the most recent Sunday Flashback video on NATO and Anti-NATO: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Do you want to opine...

The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

You've no doubt heard the story of the crisis in Ukraine by now. But, as we've been told all our lives, there are two sides to every story. So, which side of the story have you heard? There's the MSM/establishment/dinosaur media side of the story. Let's call it the...

Agustin Carstens is (Partially) Right!

Things get pretty weird pretty quick when the banksters start talking about the nature of money. For example, take a look at this passage from "The Socio-Political Dimensions of the Currency: Implications for the Transition to the Euro," a research paper by French...