The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

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White Rose Mucho Grande – #SolutionsWatch

White Rose Mucho Grande – #SolutionsWatch

Etienne de la Boetie², author of Government — The Biggest Scam in History, and Kenny Palurintano of the White Rose join us to discuss their new project: White Rose Mucho Grande! Featuring highly thought-provoking visualizations of such convoluted topics of media ownership, seed company monopolization and elitist CFR/Bilderberg/Trilateral influence over government, these downloadable images promises to provide activists with the visual tool to spark conversations that will get people thinking.

How Big Business Uses Big Government to Rape You (And Why You Love It)

FROM 2016: You’ve probably heard all about Upton Sinclair’s 1906 expose of the turn-of-the-century American meatpacking industry and the Chicago stockyards…but everything you’ve heard about it is wrong. The book wasn’t an expose of the meatpackers, the legislation it inspired served to help the industry it sought to punish, and Sinclair himself hated the end result of his book, which aimed for the heart and hit the stomach by accident. Join us for this month’s edition of the Film, Literature and the New World Order as we learn not to trust what’s on the label of mainline history.

Interview 1830 – Modeling Disobedience with James Corbett and Bruce de Torres

Interview 1830 – Modeling Disobedience with James Corbett and Bruce de Torres

via Bruce de Torres: Here, deep into 2023, what are the worst things happening – the most dangerous and important things that we’re facing – and what’s the good news? Who are the people and organizations, besides you, who are trying to wake people up, so more people can resist the total tyranny toward which we speed, and what are some of the things people can learn and do to free ourselves from all that’s trying to enslave and kill us?

A Concrete Solution for Fukushima – #SolutionsWatch

A Concrete Solution for Fukushima – #SolutionsWatch

Last week, TEPCO, in conjunction with the Japanese government, began dumping radioactive Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Joining us today to talk about the consequences of that decision, what it will mean for peoples around the Pacific, and what could be done to mitigate this disaster, is Dr. Robert H. Richmond, Research Professor and Director at the Kewalo Marine Laboratory in the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom

Thank you, comrade! Thank you for doing what's right. Thank you for doing what you know you should do. Thank you for doing what we tell you to do. After all, we couldn't defeat the deadly and oh-so-real threat of the vile Omicron scariant without your dutiful...

May Open Thread (2022)

It's May Day, so you know what that means: Time for the monthly Corbett Report members open thread. As always, Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in and use this Open Thread as an outlet for discussion on any topics of importance. Not a Corbett Report member...

The Greatest Trick of All

Magic is the ability to make someone believe something that isn't true. It follows, then, that most great magicians are keen observers of human psychology and that magic routines are, at base, a skillfully arranged set of techniques for preying on our cognitive...

August Open Thread

Happy August, everyone. It's the first of the month, so let's open the monthly open thread. Would you like to talk about the unfolding of the biosecurity state in your neck of the woods (or, more hopefully, the solutions to that problem)? Would you like to debate the...

Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen

Have you heard of "The Disinformation Dozen" yet? They're the twelve people who, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), "are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms." You see, you might think...

Interview With A Coma Victim

Do you remember how I opened my three-part series on The Year Ahead this past January? As Lenin rightly observed: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen. I imagine that...