Interview 1937 – Duterte Due to Do Time (NWNW #584)

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The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared

We all know the ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times! Oh, OK, it's not ancient and it's not Chinese, but it's a good curse, nonetheless. And it's hard to think of a more apt description of 2025 than "interesting." It seems like every day this year...

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Raising Generation Next – #SolutionsWatch

Raising Generation Next – #SolutionsWatch

In this important and wide-ranging conversation, James Corbett and Ernest Hancock discuss parenting. From corporal punishment to home schooling to protecting children from indoctrination, this edition of #SolutionsWatch explores the question of how to raise free, sovereign, independent human beings.

Back and to the Right: The Pendulum Swings Again

Back and to the Right: The Pendulum Swings Again

The global political landscape has just had a major pole shift. Right wing ideas and parties are in the ascendant and the lefty globalist establishment is on the run. So, what on earth is happening here? Are we witnessing a revolution? And, if so, what does it mean for our future?

USAID is a Deep State Trojan Horse

USAID is a Deep State Trojan Horse

The Trojan horses of our day are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations like USAID that purport to offer “aid” to foreign nations…


The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared

The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared

Do you wanna see the scariest sight in the world? No, I'm not talking about terrorists or ninjas (or terrorist ninjas). I'm not talking about ghosts and goblins. I'm not even talking about Winnie the Pooh and Popeye. I'm talking about this: [video width="640"...

December Open Thread (2024)

December Open Thread (2024)

It's the first day of December, so let's start the monthly open thread. Corbett Report members can use this as a place to discuss the latest news, ponder the bigger picture, share solutions and suggestions, recommend reading and viewing, reveal what Santa left under...

The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!

The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!

By now everyone and their dog has heard about the existential threat of the Chinese bulk carrier fleet. The People of the Free World™ are rightfully cowering in fear of the diabolical Chinese plot to plunge Europe back into the pre-digital Dark Ages by cutting their...

How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

Breaking news, guys! I found this manual for how the globalists plan to implement their digital ID control grid in . . . in a . . . uhm . . . an abandoned photocopier? And now I'm going to reveal it to you! Just don't ask to see the original document. My dog ate it....

November Open Thread (2024)

November Open Thread (2024)

Ahhhh, November! The air is turning crisp, the beautiful fall colours are dappling the leaves and people everywhere are settling in for a beautiful winter filled with family gatherings, holiday celebrations and peace on earth. . . . But for some reason you're stuck in...