Results for "false flag"

False Flags Over Syria

. . . As you can imagine, the gaggle of bloodthirsty neocons that infest Trump's war cabinet are unhappy about the prospect of their golden boys in Syria—those lovely child-beheading terrorists that they have been supporting for the last seven years—being vanquished...

The Deep State Gives Trump His False Flag Briefing

Greetings, Mr. President. Thank you for taking a few minutes to see me today. I understand your time is valuable, so let me get to the point: You thought that whole selection charade made you "the leader of the free world," didn't you? Like you were now in charge of...

US Naval False Flags: A Brief History

The official story: On October 15th the USS Mason picked up two targets believed to be cruise missiles, forcing it to deploy (undisclosed) "counter measures." Notice the words "believed to be" in that last sentence? The Pentagon hopes you didn't, because, as it turns...


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