Results for "isis"

Episode 323 – The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis

Episode 323 – The Saudi Purge is a Global Crisis

The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report...

Yellen: No Financial Crisis In Our Lifetime

It's official, folks: You don't have to worry about a financial crisis ever again! Well, your children might, but you are in the clear! How do I know this? Why, the Empress of the Economy herself, the venerable Janet Yellen, chair of the High and Mighty Federal...

Bombshell in the Gulf: The GCC/Qatar Crisis

So what does a geopolitical bombshell look like, exactly? Well, something like what took place this past week in the Gulf. Namely: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Egypt, Mauritania, Yemen, and the Bayda-based so-called "eastern" government in...

Newsbud Roundtable on the Migrant Crisis

via James joins the Newsbud roundtable to discuss what is being called the 'worst humanitarian crisis' of our time. We take a peek behind the curtain to find the root causes for why and how millions of people are migrating from war torn countries, and who...

The Crisis of Science (is worse than you think)

You may have heard of "the crisis of science" recently. The idea that there is something massively wrong with the way science is being conducted these days is not a fringe anti-science idea anymore. It's being discussed in lamestream milquetoast publications like The...


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