Results for "isis"

Ukrainegate: What You’re Not Being Told

If you're one of those poor deluded souls who get their news from the mainstream media, you'll have noted that the issue of President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is the one and only issue worth talking about in the entire world. In...

Episode 366 – Something Big Has Happened!

Episode 366 – Something Big Has Happened!

The Dissembler-in-Chief took to Twitter this past weekend to let the world know that "Something very big has just happened!" We now know that that something was a daring special forces raid that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden! . . . Or is that Abu Musab...

How to Worship Your Government

"The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven." Thus spake Pat Robertson during the recent brouhaha over Syria, where the unthinkable notion that the US might actually pull out of a war zone instead of sending more troops in began to...

Everything (g)Old is New Again: What QE4 Means For You

After years of denials by the Fed and its minions in the controlled corporate media, the Federal Reserve had to admit this week that it's beginning its fourth round of so-called "quantitative easing" (QE4) since the Lehman collapse and ensuing financial crisis over a...

The World’s Largest (Democratic!) Biometric Prison

Whenever they talk about India and its "inevitable" rise to world economic dominance, establishment hacks like Thomas "Iraq War booster" Friedman always seem compelled to note that the country is "the world's largest democracy." They might want to talk to the...

The Best of The Corbett Report

A lot of people have asked me to post a "Best of The Corbett Report" list so they can get a handle on the vast amount of material in the archives. Although this list is necessarily partial and arbitrary, it provides a window into the type of work...


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