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Remembering Fletcher Prouty (2012)

FROM 2012: Some might know Fletcher Prouty through his involvement with Oliver Stone’s JFK. Others may know his book on The Secret Team. Still others might know of his insights into subjects as diverse as the Gary Powers U2 incident, MKULTRA, and the Origins of Oil. Today we explore the life, the experiences and the secrets spilled by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.

Interview 1837 – Half Way to The 2030 Agenda – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1837 – Half Way to The 2030 Agenda – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the UN globalists meet to discuss their progress toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; the tyrants celebrate ID day with a new push toward the digital ID gulag; and the founder of Foxconn picks a Netflix actress as his Taiwanese presidential running mate.

How To Defeat BlackRock – #SolutionsWatch

How To Defeat BlackRock – #SolutionsWatch

After watching How BlackRock Conquered the World, we know all about the problem: a financial behemoth is flexing its monetary muscle to shape society in its image. So what’s the solution? Boycotts? Buycotts? Can we strive for something different, or are we condemned to forever be out of credit at the karma bank? Find out in this week’s penetrating exploration of the problem of (and solution to) BlackRock.

Episode 449 – How BlackRock Conquered the World

Episode 449 – How BlackRock Conquered the World

What is BlackRock? Where did this financial behemoth come from? How did it gain such incredible power over the world’s wealth? And how is it seeking to leverage that power in shaping the course of human civilization? Find out in this in-depth Corbett Report documentary on How BlackRock Conquered the World.

The Anarchy of Language (2015)

No apostrophes? Misplaced commas? Starting a sentence with a conjunction? Whatever shall we do?! Join James in today’s Thought for the Day as he ponders the miracle of communication, explores the anarchy of language, and celebrates the beauty of spontaneous order.


Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare

We're in the middle of a world-changing war right now. Oh, I don't mean the war in Ukraine, the one that all the media are asking you to focus your attention on. Yes, that conflict continues to escalate. and every day there are new stories about provocations and...

Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny

One thing you learn after spending years in the conspiracy realist space: when the globalists tell you that something is about to happen, you'd better believe they're hard at work behind the scenes to make that "prediction" a reality. For example, when 9/11 suspect...

MIT: Covid Skeptics Champion Science

So you know how anyone who points out any problems with the rush to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental form of gene therapy is portrayed as a stupid, scientifically illiterate, COVID-denying, grandma-killing anti-vaxxer by the dinosaur media? And you...

Mind Control is NOT a Conspiracy Theory

When you hear the words "mind control," what do you think of? Conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats trying to keep the aliens from beaming messages into their heads? Evil scientists using spinning pinwheels and special potions to brainwash their hapless victims into...

May Open Thread

It's a new month (not to mention a long weekend here in Japan), so it's time for the May Open Thread at The Corbett Report. What's next in the unfolding biosecurity nightmare? What are you excited about in the pushback against the encroaching tyranny? And will April...