Results for "isis"

Episode 326 – We Need to Talk About the Iran Protests

Episode 326 – We Need to Talk About the Iran Protests

Are these protests in Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another regime change operation? This week on The Corbett Report, James explores the past, present and future of US and Israeli involvement in Iran, and the attempts to foment unrest in the country. For...

Episode 325 – The Information-Industrial Complex

Episode 325 – The Information-Industrial Complex

Half a century ago, outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term "military-industrial complex" to describe the fascistic collusion between the Pentagon and America's burgeoning armaments industry. But in our day and age we are witnessing the rise of a new...

Forget Russiagate, The REAL Scandal Is Israelgate

Almost exactly a year ago, just as the "Russia hacked the election!" delirium was taking shape, I pooh-poohed the idea that "Russiagate" (as it has come to be known) would persist for very long. Once the Trump administration started plowing ahead with its agenda, I...

The Sugar Conspiracy

An explosive new study in the PLOS Biology journal confirms three things that independent health researchers have been saying for years: Sugar-heavy diets are worse for your health than fat-heavy diets. Researchers have known this fact for decades. The sugar industry...


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