Results for "eugenic"

Episode 441 – Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare

Episode 441 – Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare

We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It's called fifth-generation warfare, and I'm here to...

Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths

In Part 1 of this series on Dissent Into Madness, I recounted the sordid details of "The Weaponization of Psychology," noting how the psychiatric profession has been turned into an instrument for repressing and marginalizing political dissidents. In Part 2 of this...

Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychology

"WA State Bill Will Send Political Enemies to Psych Wards" blares a recent headline from Kurt Nimmo's Substack. The bill in question, Washington State Legislature House Bill 1333, "Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission," would, according to its...

Of Gay Wedding Cakes and Woke Restaurants

Remember the United States Supreme Court's momentous 2018 decision on Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission? Probably not, huh? But what if I say "the gay wedding cake case"? Starting to ring a bell? It probably will ring a bell for American...

What Is Programmable Money?

There are 3 types of people in this world. There are those who read that SWIFT has "solve[d] the significant challenge of interoperability in cross-border transactions by bridging between different distributed ledger technology (DLT) networks and existing payment...

“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars! You heard that right. It won't cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid...


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