Results for "gladio"

Did A New Study Just Find GMOs Safe? – QFC #30

Why does America attack the I-CIA-SIS it created? Was Gladio an outgrowth of SOE? How do you get a loved one out of the military? And did the National Academy of Sciences just find GMOs to be safe in a new study? Find out the answer to these and other burning...

Brussels Is A Hub for (NATO) Terrorism

Brussels has long been a cesspit of globalist activity where the very types of false flag machinations that are now coming home to roost have been hatched, fostered and directed. In this week's subscriber newsletter James delves into the rise of Gladio terrorism in...

Is Erdogan Being Set Up For A NATO-backed Coup?

What's happening in Turkey? Why did they sever their economic relationship with one of their most important trading partners by dramatically shooting down one of their jets? Why is there such momentum around the Erdogan-must-go meme when he was the CIA's golden boy...

Interview 1114 – PFT Live on the Syria Crisis

Interview 1114 – PFT Live on the Syria Crisis

via Press For Truth: Today on Press For Truth Live Dan Dicks is joined on the line by James Corbett of to talk about the downing of a Russian Jet by Turkish forces and what the implications are during the build up toward a Third World War and we'll...

Problem. Reaction. Solution. (Paris Edition)

The meme has already been floated: "Paris changes everything," according to the terrorists in government who stand to benefit from the changes that the Paris terror attacks are bringing about. And in a sense, they're right. They now get to invoke emergency powers and...


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