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Stop Buying Their Crap! – #SolutionsWatch

Stop Buying Their Crap! – #SolutionsWatch

Boycotting evil companies and institutions isn’t a new idea, of course, but as you may or may not have noticed, the idea has come back to the forefront of the public consciousness in recent months. Today, James explores the boycott solution, examines their effectiveness and ponders how they can be used to go beyond the divide-and-conquer culture wars and hit the oligarchs where it really counts.

Are Sanctions War? – Questions For Corbett

Are Sanctions War? – Questions For Corbett

Did you know that a third of the planet is under some form of economic sanctions at the moment? And, more to the point, do you know what that really means? Join James for this edition of Questions For Corbett as he delves into the horrors of economic warfare and clears up the confusion between (voluntary) boycotts and (government-imposed) sanctions.

FLASHBACK FUNNY: “Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!”

A public service announcement on how to talk to conspiracy theorists. Brought to you by the Friends of the Department of Homeland Security, the Information Awareness Office, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the President’s Working Group on Financial Matters, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rhodes roundtable group and the Bohemian Club.

July Open Thread (2023)

Ladies and gentlemen, today marking the 1st day of the month we call July, I present to you (without further ado than is reasonably necessary ((considering the monumental importance of such an event))) the one, the only, the much anticipated . . . July Open Thread.

Episode 447 – Further Down the David Kelly Rabbit Hole

Episode 447 – Further Down the David Kelly Rabbit Hole

Dr. David Kelly did not commit suicide on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire 20 years ago. He was murdered. We all know that by now, or at least we should know that by now. But the real question is: why was he murdered. Was it really about sexed-up dossiers and 45 minute claims? Or were there even darker secrets to be concealed? As old hands of The Corbett Report will know by now, the rabbit hole goes deep, and today we go even further into the rabbit hole of David Kelly’s death.

Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård

Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård

Have you heard of Our Common Agenda, the UN’s “roadmap for upgrading the UN,” and their new policy briefs on how they want to conquer cyberspace, the international financial system and (oh by the way) outer space? If not, why not? Joining us today to discuss this incredibly important topic and these incredibly important documents is author and researcher Dr. Jacob Nordangård.


September Open Thread

So, here we are. Another month, another open thread. And, as always, there's a lot to discuss. Perhaps you want to discuss the truckie blockade that wasn't. Or the right-on-queue new terror threat popping up in New Zealand. Or how to order your new Bovid-84 bot. Or...

September Open Thread

As you might imagine, between publishing COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity on Friday and preparing to deliver my presentation at the Justice Rising conference later this weekend (see here for details and for a live link to the conference), I'm unable to...

How To Read The News

It's not the most original observation you'll read this week, but it's one of the most important: the news lies to you by omission. Shocked? I thought not. But let's really interrogate what this means. All of us (presumably) would agree with the observation that "the...

The Birth of the Cashless Society

As we all know by now, the entire corona crisis was and is an excuse for The Great Reset. And, as anyone who has followed the financial prognostication space for the past decade knows, "the great reset" has been used nearly interchangeably with "the global currency...

Resistance is Fertile!

Whether you're a die-hard Trekkie or someone who would never be caught dead watching one of those silly sci-fi shows, if you were around in the '90s you will remember the Borg catchphrase: "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." For those not in the know, the...