2024 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch

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September Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

September Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

Hey guys! Guess what? I'm back! That's right, after a very productive August working on some projects behind the scenes, I'm back and ready to start releasing videos, podcasts and articles as usual. Expect to see the continuation of #SolutionsWatch, New World Next...

August Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

August Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024)

As you know by now, I'm on an August hiatus. I'll still be busy working on long-term projects behind the scenes, but for the month of August I will not be posting new material to the website. Don't fret, however! The Corbett Report community is still active and...

July Open Thread (2024)

July Open Thread (2024)

Happy Canada Day, everyone! That's right, July is upon us already, so it's time for the July Open Thread. What’s on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett Report community? What questions do you need answered? What news do you have to...

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

"Trust The Science!" This is the mantra of the technocratic tyrants. The rallying cry of the Orwellian thought police. The injunction of the modern-day censors who would seek to rid the marketplace of ideas of any and all opposition. If you're reading these words, you...