Episode 470 – Pokemon Go(v) … Another Conspiracy Confirmed!

by | Dec 18, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 24 comments

Remember Pokémon Go? You know, that cute game where you And! Battle . . . Pokeballs? . . . to capture . . . .monsters in a gym? . . . or something like that. Anyway, the point is, people went bananas over this augmented reality nonsense eight years ago and of course those crazy conspiracy kooks at places like The Corbett Report had to rain on everyone’s parade by warning them about the app’s shady, intel-connected origins. Well . . . guess who just got proven correct again. (SPOILER: it’s the crazy conspiracy kooks who were just proven correct again.)

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POKÉMON GO – What You Need to Know

Everyone is going crazy over Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a viral phenomenon

Pokémon Go – Vaporeon stampede Central Park, NYC

Pokémon Go wikipedia

Pokémon Go Came Out In the US, Let’s Catch ‘Em All

The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t

The CIA helped sell a mapping startup to Google. Now they won’t tell us why

Niantic story

Pokémon Go to The Military Industrial Complex

Building a Large Geospatial Model to Achieve Spatial Intelligence

‘Pokémon Go’ Players Are Training AI Models To See The World

The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared

BELLINGFEST DAY 1 (Niantic exec questioned on potential military use)

Niantic Exec Comments On Governments Buying Pokémon GO Data

Episode 145 – You Are Being Gamed

Most Disturbing Presentation Ever: Our Tech Nightmare (“Skinner Box”) DICE 2010

Ernest Hancock interviews James Corbett – 2024/11/27


  1. Once I started realizing how Nintendo actually worked, I dropped it all and never looked back.

  2. Funny thing is that I knew a church where they actually had an issue with cars pulling up and parking while the drivers battled pokemon….one of the guys tried to take over the pokestop or whatever its called to stop it.

    I also was working at the library one time and heard an old black lady telling the librarian about the app on her phone that paid her money 9or some kind of crypto) to walk place. She was all enthusiastic about being remote controlled, though in her defense she probably got a ton of exercise from it and sounded like she had absolutely nothing else going on. i know some one who has a bird thing on their phone that reminds them to do stuff, its permissions are not extensive but I guess it makes a decent connections heat map as well as having a big ”mental health” component that encourages users to write little notes about how they are feeling and such.

    It reminds me that that all the way back in the days of the short lived Barvarian Illuminati people were working on ways to ferret out how subjects thought so they were predictable and controllable. The members were ment to journal in a special book their supiriors kept jold of. Funny enough EM Jones says that psychoanalysis was freuds updated version of the same technique. Alledgedly Weishaupt got the idea from the jesuits.

    Also amusing is that Detective ”Pikachu” turned out have a transhumanist plotline, which was quite a surprise, lol.

    Thanks for the report

  3. It’s a shame it was evil, because that excitement of meeting so many strangers in the real world with a common (albeit frivolous) purpose was very real. Maybe something could be learned about getting strangers together for less evil and frivolous purposes?

    • reminds me of a Terrance Mckenna quote, which I cant find, so I’ll have a go at an adaptation, with pre-apology for any malapropisms:

      something like,,, humans have a bifurcation code running a split between generosity and greed. When theres abundance, its like an everyman for himself grab what you can and the other be dammed slime mold with no need for coherency, whereas when theres scarcity, if there was a landslide on both ends of the pacific highway, the people caught in-between would coalesce into a cooperative structure to share what was available,

      The 03/22 floods in central east coast oz inspired an enormous out pouring of support for those in trouble, for at least a week. At the moment the same, what was a small town, is bursting at the seams with idyll rich urban lockdown refugees, and still more throngs trying to swoop in and serve them to catch some of their excessive cash, which makes the once sweet spot an overridden often disfunctional panic/mess.

      yes, get out there and meet the neighbors

  4. At 80 years of age I am utterly clueless about this Pokemon Go thing… but now I know, thanks to the Corbett Report! In 2016 I lived in a small northern Cali town and now live in a rural area of Oregon. I don’t recall seeing people purposefully walking around in groups of any size while staring at their phones. I guess you had to be an urbanite to catch the Poky wave.

    It’s discouraging how children, youth and young adults are addicted to their devices. I turn my phone off every night and usually forget to turn it back on until late morning. The cell towers are contributing to our demise as well. People are much sicker these days than when I was young.

    • It is a very complex situation, and while I agree in general, most people are sicker today, those who are paying attention are much healthier.

      When I was young, while we did not have cell phones, we did have TV Dinners, margarine, vegetable oil, Oreos, high fructose corn syrup, Fluorine, MSG, artificial sugars and food dyes…not to mention the love affair with vaccines, or barbaric Zionist circumcision or having kid’s tonsils removed. My kids avoided all that crap (my brother is a Functional Medicine Doc. that helps when avoiding vaccines for your kids).

      I can happily say my kids eat far better than me and my peers, don’t smoke, don’t drink, and no fluorine in our water. They watch less TV and use naturopath doctors more readily than allopathic doctors.

      It only took 100 years for some people to learn all the guidelines the government/media push are not there to help us, but make us sick. “Butter and eggs are bad for you”, while heart disease, Diabetes and new diseases like Alzheimer’s keep getting worse. An benevolent government would be working to educate and research what is actually best for human health. But our system uses the COVER of “for profit”, to hide their true malevolent intensions. Making money is often a major aspect of the criminality of the system, but that is the Kosher rational, “it’s all about profits”, but the truth is far more sinister.

      • You brought up a memory.

        In the early 50’s, about 10 years old or so, we would get “margarine” in a plastic baggie thing and my fun “chore” was to massage the baggie to break up the little pill inside to color the margarine.

        When candy was not “fun size” but big chunks of chocolate, bread and milk about 25 cents and stuff was made with sugar, flour, salt, etc.

        Oh them “good ol’ days” hey??

        • https://historyfacts.com/us-history/article/what-20-could-buy-you-through-history/


          I write below about the Zionist bubble we live in, where context is removed and we live ONLY in the hear and now. They are left to create how we are to see history and what to expect in the future. Then they use that contrived perspective to endlessly manipulate us.

          I speak mostly of the past, but this also is used in their movie/entertainment industry to plant ideas about the future. GREAT example was the movie Soylent Green, a mid 70’s movie that showed the ubiquitous Hollywood dystopian future. Try to find a current movie that shows anything but a dystopian future, predictive programming at its finest.

          Nothing like giving total control over your reality to a group of people who want to genocide you. And this was all made possible by giving Zionists a monopoly on usury. Yeah, nothing suspicious there. That, like circumcisions, are realities that just are. They should be investigated, questioned and used to understand greater realities, like Zionist systems of control, but nope, they just are, not allowed to be questioned.

          Rocket Mortgage was caught not charging Jews usury, you can imagine this is only the tip of the iceberg.

          And try to challenge male circumcision, any movement in this direction is set upon by the entire Zio-system.

          Genesis 17:10–12: This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring.
          Since many of us are not Jewish, this must mean we are those bought: servants or slaves. Sounds about right.

          • Nice links. When I worked after school in a little mom/pop grocery store back in the 50’s $5 would fill one of the tall “grocery bags” for sure.

            >>I write below about the Zionist bubble we live in, where context is removed and we live ONLY in the hear and now. They are left to create how we are to see history and what to expect in the future. Then they use that contrived perspective to endlessly manipulate us.>>

            Big difference between being “in” the here and now and being selfish, egotistical consumers of nonsense. One about being awake, the other of course about being well-trained.

            I just replied to generalbottlewasher regarding this:

            >>I speak mostly of the past, but this also is used in their movie/entertainment industry to plant ideas about the future. GREAT example was the movie Soylent Green…

            “Soylent Green is PEOPLE…” Indeed, used to see some great films at a little “Artsie” theater just behind the UC campus in Berkeley.

            >>Try to find a current movie that shows anything but a dystopian future, predictive programming at its finest.>>

            Indeed, the mean world theory to keep people in psychological fear and needing to be “saved” by the very perpetrators of the fear. As I offered to gbw, (talking about the propaganda “cards” in a fixed deck,) the controllers seek power and control and to do that they must keep us from going within to seek answers of life and reality.

            You point it out well…
            >>They should be investigated, questioned and used to understand greater realities, like Zionist systems of control, but nope, they just are, not allowed to be questioned.>>

            >>Rocket Mortgage was caught not charging Jews usury, you can imagine this is only the tip of the iceberg.
            And try to challenge male circumcision, any movement in this direction is set upon by the entire Zio-system.>>

            As I have suggested here many times before…religious ”Jews” are the same as Catholics, Protestants, etc. but the Zionist/Sabatian Frankists who have insinuated themselves into being the “official” Jew after being kicked out of 100 countries and making a false Biblical claim to land in the mid-East (Palestine) after making a deal with British “Round Table” members to get their nose under the tent are noting but thieves, murderers, etc. on an agenda of world domination.

            >>Genesis 17:10–12:>>
            The danger of course of belief in some BS “Holy” storybook of a power outside of one’s self sold as the “truth” and is nothing more then mental “mind cuffs” of limitation and control.

            In my book The Urban Shaman I quote Leslie Gray, a San Francisco, Native America Psychologist:
            The Holy Land is where you stand

            Meaning of course ALL things/places, etc. should be seen as the gift they are.

            • On a personal note, I lived in San Fran, went to the USF, and I also went to the “artsie” theater near the UC Berkeley campus. Would always go to the animation festival. The Indian restaurants there were the best. I left the San Fran in 1997 to continue my education in UofArizona… I miss the Bay Area, lived there for just under ten years and was the best ten years a person could hope for. Most beautiful city, extremely bike friendly, amazing food and people. But Gavin Newsome had become Mayer and he was already hard at work “gentrifying”, (talk about a misnomer, there is NOTHING gentile about it, quite to the contrary, the term should be globalizing) the city.

              Nevertheless, it was great while it lasted.

              • Hey Homie 🙂

                I grew up in the Bay Area (Antioch in Contra Costa County on the San Joaquin River.)
                Lived in the City a few times…
                At the ocean on 46th Ave; in the Mission District a block down from the Women’s Building; South of Market; even had a $50@month studio at the bottom of a huge building a block from California in 1963 where I used to catch the Cable Car to go to work at a Wells Fargo bank.

                Hung at the SF Art Institute in North Beach with friends. Also lived in Berkeley in 1968 and worked on Market Street at Stacey’s Bookstore.

                Rode my various VW’s, Austen Healy Sprite, and motorcycles everywhere in the Bay Area. The GG Bridge into Marin and the Red Woods was a real favorite. The shear size and smell of those monster trees could take one’s breath away.

                Sunday mornings it was the SF Chronicle, fresh coffee and listening to Alan Watts on KPFA out of Berkeley.

                It truly was a most fabulous place and time. Tried to visit in 2010 and it really f-ing saddened me.

                I was living in Tucson by A Mountain before I moved up here in 2009 or so. Rode my motorcycle out Gates Pass a lot.

                So we walked in the same environment a lot hey? 🙂

  5. James do you think this spacial information is being applied to the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (SEAS) or the Synthetic World Simulation (SWS)?

    • Wow, certainly tread the same trails. I enjoyed Tucson, but too has fallen prey to the globalists. Nothing like having a mayor with the name Rothchild to set the stage for globalism. They destroy small business, pump in drugs and immigrants, their recipe for destruction.

      Yes, San Fran has gone down hill, not by accident as you likely already know. That POS Newsom, guy looks like the Canadian Prime Minister, guys look like they were made with 3D printer, so fake. I had a place up on Ashbury, was a great place to live just up form height, the Castro and Cole Valley on the other. Then I purchased a condo on Fell from my friend who was a developer. $220k condo right on Fell, biggest financial mistake in the world was selling it. Nevertheless, you can see how they target these great cities for destruction. It really seems they have the West Coast in their sights. I remember seeing a map of some globalist agenda 2030, and you could see much of California and Oregon where listed as devoid of people, “nature sanctuaries”. These ZioComs are so full of shit, shame of the masses for falling for their lies.

  6. I remember well, when the Pokémon craze was being pushed, and I told my kids don’t play it in the house, “You can play that outside, but I did not want our house mapped out for the FBI”.

    The family laughs, but they know I am serious, and while they humor me, on some level they know I’s right. And that is always my goal, I can handle the laughs, but I know I am planting seeds.

    It is the way such things as Pokémon get pushed that so telling, not only the fact that the media/social media push it, but how it goes from nowhere to everywhere overnight. We saw this with ISIS, Facebook, and this Pokémon phenomenon. The system knows how to make something popular, just like they know how to make something unpopular.

    Even when the system was pushing hard for this obvious ploy, an assault on our privacy, most people went right along with it. Just like when tiktok hit the scene, it was seen as likely Chinese spyware, yet people took their cues from the media. While the media was reporting the risks to using tiktok, that same media was fine with using it. Another mental mind game on the infinitely oblivious public. The system gave two narratives, yet because they did not specifically tell the public not to use it, the public went right along using it, even though that same media was reporting the concerns that is was Chinese spyware. Evidently the need to use the newest social media scam, outweighs the value of good sense and personal privacy, as long as that is what the media tells them.

  7. James, have you ever heard of Pokémon Sleep? I’m not sure of the proven nefarious intent with this game beyond what is gleaned on its face, but even there, it seems pretty demonic to me. It’s a sleep-tracking app aimed at children. Kiddos place their phones on their nightstands when they sleep, and the phone picks on their sleep patterns, I believe using just audio in the room. They win Pokémon based on their sleep patterns! Fun! There is clearly a pressing need for such a game, given the epidemic of insomniac kids you hear about on the nightly news. (Whom am I kidding? There are probably more man-children using this app than kids.)


    I assume this is just another node in the dragnet for people’s lifelong health data, unless, of course, you have further insight?

    • Mr Corbett wrote about how giving your data away makes you easy to control by knowing what to put into your feed to make you WANT to do what THEY want you to do


      “….to Rosenberg ranting about the most important issue of our time:

      “You need to protect your data to protect your own free will. I’m sorry if that sounds dramatic. I’m sorry if that sounds like I’m trying to be scary and all that, but that’s just the truth and somebody should say it!”….

      “……Over time, and given enough analytical horsepower, whoever tracks the data trail you leave behind (the places you go, the people you meet, the things you buy, the conversations you have, the questions you ask, the choices you make) can not only predict how you will act in the future; they can determine why you will act that way. And if they have that insight—the knowledge of what makes you tick, as it were—then it’s not difficult to start using that knowledge to prompt you in one direction or another. And, over time, if you can be prompted to make choices along a certain path, you can end up at a predetermined destination, one that you yourself never set out to reach…..”

      “…..And unless all of us as a society start asking and answering the hard questions about autonomy and free will in the age of total surveillance, there’s a good chance our children (or our children’s children) will be nothing more than “transient carriers” for data that is being fed to you by the Big Tech monopolies…..”

      I was just re-reading Libido Dominandi by EM Jones and he traces that technology of control by soul-spying back to the Barvarian Illuminati perverting the Catholic Confession

      • I’m fairly certain this app is intended plainly for the run-of-the-mill soul stealing you reference, which we’re so used to and to which the vast majority of us subject ourselves without a thought. Sure, I’ve got nothing to hide… except my inner-most essence from those who wish to consume it.

      • Duck,
        I like your footnotes and sources. 😉

        Do Humans Have Free Will? Not If Big Tech Wins!
        by Corbett | Mar 24, 2019 | Newsletter |

  8. >>Remember Pokémon Go?>>

    The upside of staying out of the pop culture world (TV, Movies, etc.) for over 50 years.
    I have no recollection of favorite toys, commercials, cereals, cartoon characters no special memories of anything connected to that stuff.

    So I won’t watch this episode of the Report James, don’t want to pollute my consciousness with it.

    THEY GOT YOU GOOD (song)

    But I would like to offer that the Chemtrail spraying has been horrendous the past few days. Over 30 trails in the sky this AM with 7 active planes as I type. The usual X (we own you) patterns as well as the 20-30 mile long, quickly spreading thin ones.

    I’m wondering if like the stealing of our wall material here in AZ that the Biden Admin is getting in some last min death sprays??

    Pure blood, pure mind…

  9. I remember the craze and thinking to myself that it was the lamest thing ever. Fully grown men telling people about their latest captures or whatever. Unreal. Turns out it was lame AND evil.

  10. I do enjoy when James Corbett runs down the latest tally of so called “conspiracy theories, that have been proven conspiracy facts.

    It is not easy being a truther in a world where most people would rather buy into lies, than hear the truth.

    This brings up a very interesting phenonium in the American psychology, we are attributed to having short attention spans and amnesia, but to be fair, this is more a sign of the shortcoming of our Zionist controlled system, than its people. Our Zionist controlled system is very good at keeping Americans in an information/time bubble. History is only what they say, everything else is omitted.

    When 9/11 happened, it was covered 24/7 on TV, giving us the Zionist desired framing, all other details slowly were removed. Now 9/11 is all about Muslim terrorism, any and all nuance is removed.

    I want a show on YouTube (even censored material has some value), about civil rights in America. The show has a lot of propaganda, but it also reveals some interesting information. One aspect was information about how California, the state I used to live in, used to sterilize men convicted of being homosexual. So called “sodomy laws”, were not limited to sodomy, but ANY sexual act between members of the same sex. I had no idea California lead the way on convictions and punishment of gay people: 1-14 years in prison and possible sterilization, which is an odd punishment for homosexuals.

    The point is, knowing the history of this religious overreach against what is obviously protected activity under the Bill of Rights (First: freedom of association- Fifth + Fourteenth Amendments: equal protection under the law, Eighth: against cruel and unusual punishment) helps put issues into context. Our reality is carefully constructed to put things only into THEIR context. If issues such as “gay rights” where put into their proper context, we would get much further in reaching consensus. Instead of coming to consensus of divisive issues, we get the pendulum effect, go from one extreme to another, in perpetuity.

    “Conspiracy theories” that surround events like 9/11, have spin doctors/hasbara swing into action, giving us the who, what and why. The event is given its Overton Window: in the 9/11 example” It was either Osama and the Saudis OR, it was an “inside job”, period, end of story. No examination into what “inside job” means. Oh yes, it was an inside job, it was perpetuated by Zionist Communists inside the US Government and Israel. But you will never hear that in the MSM, that is “anti-Semitic” (ideas soon will be branded illegal by ZioCom Don).

    I don’t blame Americans for their ignorance on so many issues, most need to focus just on feeding their family, they sadly have to rely on the Zionist controlled media for their information, which is there just to deceive them. Few can comprehend how absolute and profound this manipulation truly is: Myths are turned into facts, Conspiracy facts are forgotten never to be heard from again.

  11. There’s also the frightening Google Lens app that is of course here to “help” you (as usual) identifying plants or insects you encounter. I’ve seen many of my friends using it not realizing they are making google’s work of mapping the entire world with the different species of insects and plants.

  12. Have you’ve seen latest AI function on X? You click “summarize profile” and AI is summarizing a person based on his activity on X. Were we right again? I think David Icke was shouting about X being used as a AI training machine, before he was even restored after cancellation.

  13. I’m being silly, ‘cuz I have no clue about all these cartoon characters…

    ”He does look like a Pokemon,” says one of the Sonic team members.
    — Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Official Trailer 2 — 2024 Holiday Season
    Sonic 3 – The most thrilling adventure yet! Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a powerful new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious villain with powers unlike anything they have faced before.

    Jim Carrey plays Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik who commands swarms of egg drones.
    Keanu Reeves is joining the “Sonic the Hedgehog” franchise as the intense character Shadow the Hedgehog.
    Jim Carrey called Keanu Reeves “the man that every man aspires to be.”

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