Episode 466 – Japan Rising

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FLASHBACK: Take the #FedChallenge

FROM 2017: James Corbett responds to Jerry Day’s Federal Reserve challenge. If “End the Fed” is to be anything more than a mantra, then we must have a plan in place for how to actually end the fed and what we do after it’s gone. Find out James’ response in this edition of The Corbett Report.

FLASHBACK: You Are Being Programmed to Accept Global ID

FROM 2015: Half a century ago people had to be reassured their social security card was not being used for identification. Now there are federally standardized and globally synchronized ID cards, government-sponsored online ID projects, DNA databases, and even secret databases of your newborn baby’s genetic information and nobody bats an eyelid. How did we get here, and how can we break this conditioning?

New Year Open Thread (2023)

Happy New Year, everyone! Corbett Report members are invited to log in and engage in discussion in this month’s open thread.

The Media Matrix | Full Documentary

Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.

Flashback: The Global Digital ID Prison

ORIGINALLY POSTED MARCH 2022: Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as “the way of the future”? Well, you’re right! But why is this being pushed so hard right now. Don’t miss this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James lays out the digital ID agenda and how it serves as the linchpin of the entire global enslavement grid.


October Open Thread

As this was a particularly busy week for me, there will be no subscriber newsletter this weekend. In its lieu, I'll open up this October Open Thread (to take over from last month's September Open Thread). Corbett Report members are free to use this thread to post...

The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?

Just when you thought the coronascam couldn't get any stupider, along comes a new curveball. Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the 'rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow...

When False Flags Go Viral

If you're reading this column, it's highly likely you're familiar with "false flag" terrorism. You've at least heard the term before, right? As I've had cause to note in my work in the past, the 2013 Atlantic Wire article, republished by Yahoo! News under the headline...

Crisis in Kashmir: What Does It Mean?

Just one short week ago, you could have been forgiven for thinking that the False Flags Over Kashmir that I wrote about in this very column in March had blown over, and that everything in the highly contentious Kashmir region connecting India, Pakistan and China was...

Dueling Drills: World Powers Are Prepping For SOMETHING

Are you keeping your eye on the news? Have you noticed any worrisome patterns lately? Do you get the sense that we're drifting toward war? And not just another Libya-style "destroy the country and leave" war, but an all-out war war? Don't worry, you're not the only...

Summer Open Thread

It's the dog days of summer, and while most people are out sunning themselves on the beach I'm hard at work on several projects that I hope to unveil later this year. In any event, there's no subscriber newsletter this weekend. In its place, here is an open thread for...

Information Overload is a Weapon of Control

Do you feel confused? Listless? Overwhelmed? Have you ever found yourself scrolling through news feeds and flicking mindlessly through social media posts with a strange mixture of outrage, dread, and boredom? Is your disgust at the thought of going online consistently...