Low-tech / No-tech – #SolutionsWatch

by | Jan 28, 2025 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 100 comments

As we have seen on previous editions of #SolutionsWatch, there are high-tech, cutting-edge solutions to the problems that face us. But what about good old-fashioned low-tech or no-tech solutions? From the humble fax machine to call-to-listen podcasts and shortwave broadcasts to the dependable old printed word, today James explores ways to spread information that don’t require digital devices or Big Tech surveillance apps.

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Redditors freak out over the loss of TikTok

How 1.5 hours of screen time a day affects a toddler’s development

Fax Machines Become a Fact of Life for Soviets

Dismantling Utopia: How Information Ended the Soviet Union by Scott Shane

PayPal Admits Freezing Account Over Covid Mandate Criticism

Repersoning Whitney Webb

Amazon vanishes 1984 from citizen Kindles


    • Broc,
      Good day ! Happy day ! hope you’re well! How did you ring that door bell from way over in Vietnam? Well, you are a regular bell ringer with reach in the visual magic ; why not bells 🔔🔔too.

    • Like a pro, James knows how to weave a story…and leave you hanging for the next chapter.

      Below is a comment with ARCHIVED links…
      Some BACKSTORY – James Corbett’s Book

    • Thank you Broc for all you do. You help James present his material in so many great ways.

    • To answer James’s question on fax machines in Canada. There is one government department that still uses it and that is the health departments. They use it to transfer any data on a patient to whoever needs that patients data. Like lab test requests to and from the Dr/Nurse or patient prescriptions ect. Very inefficient but maybe that is the point.

  1. Looking forward to details this weekend.

  2. Don’t judge a book by its cover !!!

  3. I knew that your new book would be in the boxes. You didn’t fool me, James! Great timing, right at Lunar New Year!

    • He totes fooled me! 🙂

  4. I am going to quote the goldman24 from over at bitchute:
    “The solution is to throw away the smart everything..Destroy it all..Satans tools to deceive.”

    and yeah, get a copy of Corbett’s book!

    Good to see!!!

    • Your comment reminds me of something in CS Lewis screwtaoe letters, iirc it was something about the kingdom of hell being an endless sea of noise without peace, and on the importance of keeping the human focused on the endless stream of sense data he calls “real life” without ever asking what real life actually IS

      • Yes, the illusion or what one may thing he sees but does not really see because it is does not exist except as a mirage of the mind.

        Rudolph Steiner called this virtual mirage the 8th sphere. It is now being broadcasted through the satellite system and he warned of the dangers of this ahrimanic incarnation, which is another name for reptilian mechanization. The hippie types have been sold this illusion as the technosphere in books like “Time and The Technosphere.”

        Yet Corbett’s forthcoming book is a medicine against the illusion of the techno-sphere.

        I have been under a head hacking attack since September of 2021 and they were using all of these digital paper dolls as I have been calling them. The technology is extremely advanced and its different abilities enter into the demonic supernatural and the “Star Trek” realm.

        None the less “they” used all of these “stolen identities” against me in the psychological synthetic telepathic head game that was played on me. One of the names of the so-called digital doll characters was called “Duck.”

        I suspect that “they” were trying to get me to think that I was in touch with you because before the attack started I was usually posting here in Corbett’s comments as you were. I never made the connection though that “they” were using your name from here until a few days ago. It has been like untangling a knot that isn’t there with the illusionist narrative that has been tailored against me by the operators of this system.

        In there false story you were the daughter of a retired intelligence operative that was working against the new world order.

        I don’t even know if you are a male or a female, not that I want you to say over the comments section here. It may have been that I assumed that you were a female from reading your comments here in the past and so the a.i. on the system tailored the “Duck” character as female to me. I noticed that it does that, it takes assumptions and uses them, it will take things that I am reading about and use them. It can take song lyrics and use them like a main stream media stitch up in its propaganda game.

        Living with this is like “they” are broadcasting the kingdom of hell through the system because it has been “an endless sea of noise without peace” that has been trying suck my mind like a vampire into it’s “endless stream of sense[-less] data.”

        Anyway, thanks for the reply I appreciate it!

        Take care and till next time…

    • Is that what “goldman24” says, well below is not what I am sure he would tell you.

      This video is just the tip of the iceberg, but it lays the groundwork for what is going on. I know many head will explode, but this podcast is shows from the horse’s own mouth, who our leaders serve and the ultimate agenda.


  5. Literally just ordered a side of pork from an organic/regenerative farmer, who was having a “Mennonite” butcher them… the Mennonite did not have the Internet, but did have a fax machine and/or snail mail. My farmer did NOT have a fax (because who outside of Japan does), so snail mail it was. Just thought it a humourous anecdote that the Amish are now on par with Japan.

    • I saw a report one time on the special PCs Amish have for work- they’re built with no sound or games, just word processing and spreadsheets.

  6. Canadian Maple Leaf.
    Call 911, I need a
    Defibrillator stat!

    generalbottlewasher on 01/26/2025 at 4:07 am
    Whitney just floored the other panelist, as Ryan Cristian stated. From 35:00 minutes on, she goes into the making of the sausage. It answers the question I’ve been mulling over , how a system of control crosses from one human science system to another. Sociology psychology eugenics, interactive sciences and machine applications on other disciplines in open field tests and applications.
    Two words, a whole book could be written on how these two words underpin the illusion of research and the illusion of live application on humanity.
    Topics related to this have been highlighted time and time and time again. Three times and agains! right here on and by the Editor and chiefs platform for NEWS, Knowledge and Information , James Corbett. Has he ever said these two powerful words that lead to the illusion sausage of the matrix? Think about this, it should be a chapter in the book by the editor en chief. Don’t ask me why there’s no book, but there is no book as of today .
    Ok you say, what are those two words?
    It’s used over and over and over again (3 overs)
    I’ll use one example.
    Geo- Engineering, atmospheric weather ☁️ manipulation. Leading to:
    Weather as a force multiplier. Weapon.
    Weather in Commodity Market manipulations.
    Mining, mineral , land acquisition $$$ redistribution.
    Weather as tool for transhumanist agenda. Population and terra forming control . Eugenics, Genocide, health control bio- weapons delivery.

    Can TPTSB falsely Depict what is being Created.? Of course, It bugged James so much he created this, what you are experiencing now.
    Generally look at PNAC s work. 911, Greater Israel . Iraq, Afghanistan. Ukraine. Even the greater theater projects of Claus Schwab or Elon Musk, Trump for that matter. What’s that got to do with Geo- Engineering? The frame work Creation of reverse Depiction. I found it in a book, yes one of those things the E en C has, but won’t go forward with, why you may ask, I’ll tell you later, for now just listen.

    • Reply
      generalbottlewasher on 01/26/2025 at 6:16
      from above… .Continued
      Japanese Maple leaf.
      The book I was relating to above was instrumental for me to understand the two words. What could Corbett’s book be instrumental in???

      Creation , Depiction. Look ’em up if you want to better understand Propaganda and the art of deception. The book is;
      The Downburst; Microburst and Macroburst
      By T.Theodore Fujita to Professor of Meteorology, The University of Chicago.
      Report of Projects NIMROD and JAWS.©1985

      Northern Illinois Meteorological Research on Downburst. NIMROD. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation ( NSF), approved the instrumentation and the field operation of NIMROD, the author’s dream of detecting microbursts by Doppler radar came true. The experiment in 1978 was very successful..A quantum jump in the study of microburst wind shear aimed towards aeronautical applications was made by the Joint Airport Weather Studies,
      ( JAWS) Project.
      Creation= Weaponization of Doppler Radar for Offensive use .
      Depiction= Using Doppler to discover wind shear around airports for commercial airplanes safety.
      Why you say? Let’s take a look at Ken Lay and his PHD work at the US Navy.
      This a brief history as it is an obituary, he died awaiting appeal of his conviction of fraud. The fraud was mostly against California Electrical Power. Rothschild owned . This was in 2001.
      Enron was created around the same time this book on Doppler use came out . The experiments on weather coincides with the Doppler and HAARP , culminating in the patient on HAARP by Bernard Eastlund around 1987 and Lays opening of Enron and deregulation of energy in following years and the creation of Enrons’ most profitable sector, weather derivatives.
      So… coinkydinks and depictions. James could Create a book on Creation and Depiction , a good title, for posterity but it may be just too emotional. I said I would address that.
      From the halls of the BRANDERS and CULTURE CREATORS- David Pomales, creative expert: Branding specialist. He suggested….
      We are looking at a one time need. That will last the lifetime of the business if done right .
      More thought, more time. If it takes more thought it demands more time. Then somewhere in there EMOTION begins to enter the picture because:
      1. It’s our reputation on the line, truthfully, an
      2. We are kick starting their brand .
      3. We want our authorship to shine, which in fact.
      is a close tie with#2.
      4. You certainly don’t want someone down the
      road to redesign what you’ve created… only do
      it right.
      5. Just because I want them to feel gratified, happy about their transaction when the book is complete. Service

      Books are gonna save the world! Well done young man Now what is #2 gonna be about?

  7. Just finished the episode. YAY! So excited for the Reportage!!!!!

  8. Dear James and Hello Corbetteers! One low tech solution: Yard signs! I home made oodles of “The Corbett Report.com” yard signs from the first moment of the scamdemic. My place is highly visible. I did my best, but they were none too professional. Would you James, consider adding “The Corbett Report.com” yard signs to your store? Thanks so much for deprogramming me….holy cow….for almost 10 years now!

    • I saw a Corbett report sticker just the other day

    • RiggleBug says,
      Yard signs! I home-made oodles of “The Corbett Report.com” yard signs from the first moment of the scamdemic.”

      Huge COMMENDATION to ya! I give ‘mucho kudos’ to that type of independent activism.

      Cost-wise, and considering shipping, it wouldn’t be viable to carry yard signs at the MediaMonarchy store.

      SOURCE for BUYING STAKE SIGNS in U.S. From 75 cents and up.

      At the link are lists of sign IMAGES with which I was involved with, including during the Plandemic.

      • Holy Jeepers HRS! Thanks so much for your response and ALL your links! You have always been an inspiration! I feared my homemade signs (ie. “Trust the SILENCED! The Corbett Report.com” & “Masks and vaccines maim and kill, Big WIN-WIN for Depopulation Bill! The Corbett Report.com” and my lol “Kool Aide Logo sign, with the “Kool Aide” logo replaced by “Covid”) might discredit us due to their homespun appearance. I plastered my very visible place with signs. Thanks for the Sign Depot link! Do you know if Sign Depot would copy James’ “Corbett Report” logo for me, and would James be o.k. with that? I am totally tech tardo and fumble around alot. All the best! Your work is awesome!

        • Wow!
          I love hearing all that! Way to go!
          You da man!

          I know what ya mean when you say “might discredit us due to their homespun appearance”, but those were ’emergency’ times. It trumps silence any day of the week.
          This was a major, busy shopping center entry road…and I had the same thoughts as you…but “no action does nothing to change the narrative.” CorbettReport.com at the top.
          IMAGE enlarges when clicked

          If you want to use Corbett’s logo, ya better ask James.

          In my opinion, stake signs are hard to read when driving.
          (and wind will tilt them)
          Font size (big & bold) is crucial.
          A few decades ago with my bookstores, I did no-frills and just the store name.
          One idea is just a 2-sided…

          • I love Bonhoeffers quote, “Silence in the face of evil, is itself evil. Not to speak, is to speak. Not to act is to act.” So we act with our hand stenciled foam boards! lol I must trust that we help….and after seeing all of your efforts, I am certain you have helped ALOT!

  9. Want one! Waiting for order info.

    On the idea of a phone line broadcast iirc at one time you could get concerts “broadcast” over phone lines. The issue doing it today would be
    A) people are no longer habituated to broadcast media and like to pick and choose what they hear at any time
    B) getting a physical phone bank is probably expensive
    C) using a VIOP phone bank would be possible but almost all phone calls now travel over the internet at some point… when we had POTS with stowager gear exchanges it was physically a PITA to trace or block such a service but is probably easy to do now IF the will is there by the Lords of the Internet.

    Shortwave is how that pale horse guy, William cooper got going. IIRC there was a loophole in the FCC refs that let him transmit on low power and other people set up their own stations and then rebroadcast his shows…. Somewhere I have an archive of his stuff in mp3 but have never spent the time to listen to much of it.

    HAM radio is super easy to get into in the US… you can literally download the quiz answers and pass the test to get a license and Ham clubs are full of old people and a few younger ones could probably take them over. They often have cool toys and antennas and field day is fun.

    On Ham s2 Underground has a Ham Net in the making, ghostnet.

    For an irregular internet meeting place there is still IRC chat rooms that you can set up and if you want to be retro you can even do Buliten boards like it’s ye old days…. Bryan Lunduke runs one for games
    He’s always such a happy chap, lol.

    You can do such things via TOR if you like, but I would expect that modern encryption would not be a thing you could do easily.

    Books are the best though, as to burning them I saw Academic Agent do a talk on time on how the plates for lots and lots of books got melted down for a pittance in copper during WW2 and were thus too expensive to reprint wiyh then current tech.

    I have more ebooks saved then I will probably read in my lifetime, love my old old kindle that never touches the internet for its battery life. Even when the internet started I had the urge to grab and store locally because I somehow knew that things I saw would not be online forever….make three copies at least and you can pass on ebooks to future generations after the internet is just a kiosk.

  10. If not for my computer, I would only communicate via smoke signals.

    • Put the wrong voltage in and you will be using it FOR smoke signals…. 🙂

  11. I am strongly in favor of distributing printed materials. I’m in my 30s, and I’ve felt my attention span eroding away over time. After noticing how much easier it was for me to focus when I was in grade school than it is now, I’ve been trying to cut screens out of my life as much as I reasonably can, but for many things, it simply hasn’t been practical. Every little bit counts, right?

    • A good trick for when I must have a phone with me is to turn the screen black and white.

      I normally abuse such devices by audio overload anyway , hence I try to avoid them, but black and white makes the screen even less attractive.

    • Hi Tails the Fox, you might enjoy my comment below!

  12. Some BACKSTORY – James Corbett’s Book
    [Not all is revealed in this comment.]

    VIDEO – October 8, 2009 – 70 seconds –
    Trailer for Reportage: Essays on the New World Order by James Corbett of The Corbett Report. Available for purchase December 2009.

    RE: Book by James Corbett –
    You will see an animated gif circa 2009 on this webpage which states…
    Essays on The New World Order
    The New Book by James Corbett”


    On November 15, 2024 during Interview 1912 – War of the Words on Quite Frankly, James Corbett mentions a book he is writing.
    Video QUEUED at the 1:02:39

    The above links are taken from this SUBTHREAD(s)

  13. Ha! I got the same doorbell ring! Faxes are still used in the legal sector in Europe, for sending documents to opposing counsel and courts, coz you need to sign stuff and have it with you in your paper file in court, so it’s easy and effective and gives proof of transmission.

    • My dogs had a freak out when they heard the door bell

  14. I’m surprised some people get interested when I tell them that I live a post-cellphone lifestyle.

    I also don’t sell digital versions of my books. If people want them, they can get physical copies. It stops people from buying it just to have it which, in turns, stops the sales from going higher which means I don’t ever have to worry about getting famous.

    I also prefer board games to video games because of how video games have gone.

    By the way, Carrington events aren’t that bad; it’s the Miyaki events you gotta watch out for.

    • I’ll take your Miyaki event and raise you a micronova….

  15. James, how do you do it all??? Amazing!
    Looking forward to gifting multiple copies of your book and reading the one saved for me!

    • P.S. A few years ago, The Gary Null Show on WBAI Free Talk Radio in NY City had a phone number to listen to the show. The impression I got was that it was popular with commuters.

    • Mesh is cool… I knew some hams who set up a net with it for a while but they are old and tired so it kinda faded…. I saw a video on a weird pre smartphone device marketed to kids that let them set up their own local social media and text each other.

      The devices allegedly had enough range to cross a playing field and could iirc do multiplayer games as well as local social media… can’t find the video sadly, but iirc they came out just before smartphones and thus died rapidly. You could probably build something like that out of raspberry pi single board computers but you need to have enough people using it to make it work and it was super short range

  16. My schedule makes me an audio-only Corbetteer…but I had to stop by to watch the ending. The audio made it sound like something had exploded. I’m glad that wasn’t the case!

  17. Phone line communication, when it no longer exits, what then? Landlines are now being sold to people in the UK as VOI (voice over internet) and is therefore no longer a message being relayed over copper wires, but as it says, it’s over the internet. We didn’t realise this until it was too late, all we were told is that we could keep our existing phone number, this occurred when we got an internet router and couldn’t afford both that and our existing phone package, so we were very pleased we could keep our ph. number, we weren’t so pleased once we realised what had happened.
    There is by the way, a definite plan by the powers that be to destroy all landlines and only have VOI, so if the internet goes down, too bad!
    Yey! The realistic, can be held in the hand form of communication, which served us so well for several hundred years is far more difficult for control freaks to destroy!

  18. Can i Pre-Order the book from Italy?

  19. in November I got the idea to write a monthly newsletter that would describe my personal experiences of attending art events in person. The idea was to print it on paper and mail it out to subscribers in the post. Nothing digital about it. I let people know that I would be doing this, just through March. A winter project. I have been having a blast writing it and people are really enjoying reading it. I call it: The Analog Times.

    • Monthly Newsletter


  20. James, you were on the Power Hour with Joyce Riley. She had the option to listen by phone. That is where we first came to know you and started following all your work. She was on the radio and computer. She also supported short wave and wanted to travel in an rv to spread the alternative and meet up with like minds. She also had a online store. You could purchase her cds from the recent podcasts. She had been an rn in the military and was jab injured. Your book would be a great addition to ones library, surely. Thank you for all you do.

  21. “The Great Rewiring of Childhood” based on Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation gives an interesting perspective on why kids’ brains are turned into mush:

    It’s 20 mn long but you can also print its transcript if you prefer to go low tech.

    “When we gave children and adolescents smartphones in the early 2010s, we gave companies the ability to…[train] them like rats during their most sensitive years of brain rewiring. Those companies developed addictive apps that sculpted some very deep pathways in our children’s brains…By designing a firehose of addictive content that entered through kids’ eyes and ears, and by displacing physical play and in-person socializing, these companies have rewired childhood and changed human development on an almost unimaginable scale.”

    Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation

    • Thank you. This is very important and not reminded to parents enough! Hoping people can change what is being done and renew their lives as they were meant to be. This vid you provide is worth the hearing and sharing to parents.

  22. Our family has been playing more board games lately. It’s been fun for all of us! We’ve never been video-gamers.
    There are some rad alternative card collectables out there like Plunder World. You can make a game out of them.
    Good way to disseminate information.

  23. Thanks for another thought provoking solutions watch James. I look forward to the forthcoming book…!
    Related to the frenzy over the recent (engineered) 24 hour U.S. TikTok outage that you mentioned, I would like to recommend this latest video from your fellow Canadians publishing as “Academy Of Ideas”: https://theacademyofideas.substack.com/p/the-great-rewiring-of-childhood-why. It begins: “The Great Rewiring of Childhood, in which the phone-based childhood replaced the play-based childhood, is the major cause of the international epidemic of adolescent mental illness.” Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation. The video exposes the catastrophic impact of technology and social media apps on children and adolescents since around 2010. There is some really interesting information about the effects of this technology on Generation Z. A full transcript is included in the Substack article.

  24. Having just come through (without injury) this past weekend’s storm over Ireland and the UK, where we had no electricity, no internet, no heat, no water, etc., etc., for at least 4 days (and some are still counting), I must admit it was an interesting and eye opening experience. Books were the only source of information/entertainment. That short wave radio idea is a good suggestion.

    • My wife is on her iPhone all day, every day listening to podcasts. Can you do that? How about Starlink?

      • We had no electricity, no internet, no cellphone service. Nothing. It was like living in the 1800’s, and a real eye opener as to how much we depend on these things.

    • You can save podcasts to your iPhone…I like old radio plays as entertainment but you could save whatever to your phone as back up entertainment.

      Personally I like to use a pod catcher on a laptop to grab and store podcasts and you can use a cable to put those on a phone or mp3 player (they still make those USB stick ones that you can run off rechargeable AAA batteries) So if you have a favorite radio play, audiobook or non time specific podcast you can update them as long as your alphas a charge.

      You should make sure she turns off the wifi and blue toothon her iPhone, esp if power is out, so the battery lasts longer in a power cut

    • Hi. Lived through the storm in rural Ireland. It was very severe. Power out for five days here and counting but quite happy with generator back up and now plenty of petrol. Wood fire for heating with endless supply of logs = no problem. LPG Gas for cooking – could manage for weeks. No water for a day – no problem, got enough in storage tanks. But no internet (or mobile phone) for over a day – help! how will I manage? Actually, it was unexpectedly pleasant to be offline for a short while. I got to speak more with my neighbours by walking round to their houses than I have for months. When the internet returned it was just the same “out there” as the day before and a lesson learned that it did not need so much of my attention in the first place.

      • @Analog Man

        I see you are from one of my ancestral homelands and thought you might find this bit of ethnobotanical info about the ancient Gaels interesting


        It pertains to the ancient sweathouses of the Gaels (of Éire aka “Ireland”) and how they built permanent stone and earthen sauna/sweat lodges where the Druidic physicians would prescribe the burning of specific medicinal herbs (such as Juniper and chondrus crispus aka “Irish Moss”)

        It appears that despite being separated by an ocean, the Gaels shared many similar traditions and worldviews to some of the ancient cultures of Turtle Island aka “north america” (in that they revered the water, the trees, the living Earth, cultivated/or created habitat for enhanced tidal zone foraging/gardening, used sea weed as food and medicine, and they burned sacred herbs in sweat lodges to heal, detoxify and strengthen the body and receive visions).

  25. What an end…..can’t wait! 🙂

  26. We need to be doing creative, interesting and exceptional stuff in the meat space, so that the youtube shorts continue to have plenty of fresh and addictive content. At least until the AI can create the replacement…
    I don’ know if I will buy the book, but if you start to offer Corbett Gold Sneakers and Bibles, I’m in!

  27. One thing in the low-tech sphere is to beware of updates. The people who bought a Bambu Labs 3D printer recently got upset because now the firmware requires connection to a website workspace if not using the USB stick.

    It is yet another example of how extra points of failure get inserted between decision and action, thus creating more ways things can break down and more ways people need to spend money. It’s bad enough when you are basically required to have normie-cuff technology like a cell phone and email just to have a job, but when things like this happen, it’s all the more annoying.

    They keep doing whatever they can to insert more and more points of failure into your lives for which you would need to spend time and effort to recover the losses from, because fuck you. And I would offer: that is the crux of a no-tech/low-tech lifestyle. It’s eliminating points of failure. But… everything is a double-edged sword, as they say.

  28. I’ll definitely order one! I have my own library of real books which I cherish. My favorite hangout here in Philadelphia is a second-hand bookstore crammed to capacity on two floors of old books. It’s been around forever and barely has room to get through the aisles. I could spend an entire afternoon, and have, browsing the treasures. Bring it on, James!

  29. Excellent episode James!

    I will share a quote that speaks to what you were saying about the intrinsic value of physical books.

    “there is absolutely nothing that can come close to holding a book in your hands, and this one can then accompany you into the garden and be there if the power goes down and you can’t charge your device!” -Abi

    Quote source: https://corbettreport.com/regenerative-agriculture/#comment-171891

  30. The strategy and thinking behind this episode is one I have been striving to live by for over a decade now.

    Basically, I begin by taking a honest look at what I need to thrive in my life, what I want to be in my life, how I can get both of those things locally is possible and then I cultivate both the most efficient, efficacious and decentralized methodologies to access those things while also looking at what it would take to access them with a low – no tech situation.

    Example: As I am sure many of you know, I strive to grow lots of nutrient dense food and medicine on our little yard. Freeze drying technology allows me to preserve 97% of the nutrients and medicinal compounds of my harvests at peak potency for 20 years plus, so I saved up for years until I could buy a freeze dryer. However, freeze dryers also need a centralized grid to function, and so solely depending on one for preserving my harvests and foraged goods would leave me vulnerable to being in a tough spot in one of several potential ugly situations. Thus, I cultivated knowledge and experience in fermenting garden crops with nothing more than jars, salt, water and my two hands. Now if the proverbial S*** hits the fan (technology infrastructure wise) I can just lean into my fermented preserves and use the cellar and i`ll be fine without a freeze dryer.

    I am trying to step up that thinking into other areas of life this year (eg, I love music, so I`m learning to play the handpan and the flute, while saving up to buy my wife an acoustic piano , and also gonna get one of those old school crank powered gramophone/Phonographs so we can jam out and play vinyl records even when the grid goes down).

    Another thing I am aspiring to in the low – no tech realm is using handtools to make what this guy creates in the video below:


    My wife bought me all the handtools to make the cup shown in the video above and wood is free and abundant gifted to us by wind storms.

    Can you imagine how satisfying it would be to turn a random wind fallen log section into something like this guy creates!?

    I am gonna find out what it feels like this year 😉

    • Hey G, Happy New Year!

      Hope all’s well. I’ve probably wanted to say hello a half dozen times, but never got around to it. Probably take another six months for the next time.

      But, what sparked me this time was the idea that your present comment suggests to me you might be a perfect fit, a shoe-in for an Amish community! Check out this video I watched the other day – 20 Foods the Amish Stockpile that NEVER expire. You’ll like it!


      By the way, about another comment you posted not too long ago, I had meant to say hello, as I was inspired to tell you that I wholeheartedly agreed with your wife’s spiritual reasoning that you had relayed because it falls pretty closely to my own thoughts regarding religion, religious personages and spirituality. I didn’t bookmark your comment, so I can’t be specific at all, only that in general terms, her thoughts I felt were really right on. I also remember feeling how unfortunate it was that after quoting your wife’s writing on this comment board, some subscriber immediately pounced, with irreverent disregard, denouncing in harsh terms your wife’s truths, whilst lauding his own…. It was thoroughly disgusting, yet, in your own, slyly inimical way, your retort managed to peacefully put the beast in his place. I say beast, because that’s what came to mind – the old saying found in Matthew 7:6. And, just so you know, this is probably the first time in my life I’ve ever referenced a bible passage, but, the concept is universal. I literally felt quite bad for you, though, as I mentioned, your comeback was classic….

      On an AI note, I love the fact that DeepSeek is scaring the bejesus out of the Western overlords at the moment, because they’re absolutely in a 100% craving state 100% of the time when it comes to wanting money and power – they just can’t get enough. However, we have to sit back and think – as the big boys squirm – what does cheap, open source AI portend? An accelerated, worldwide, universal adaption of its use! So, as much as I like seeing the possibility of AI profit taking a hit, if only on paper, meanwhile the absorption rate of AI may prove to be in the Steroid Zone. Gee whiz, we’ll all be downgraded, demoralized and dehumanized on the cheap! And quickly! More quick!


      Anyhow, meanwhile, stay well, and keep on keeping on, my friend, keep on keeping on!

      No matter what. 🙂

      • @candlelight

        Hey man, great to hear from you.

        Cool video. I sometimes think about how Amish people would be totally fine if the entire centralized infrastructure were to collapse.

        I would be cool with the no – low tech living but I do not know much about their religion and the rules it has.

        The one thing I do not really do myself that the video mentions is stashing huge amounts of white rice (it is laced with high amounts of arsenic). I do buy big bags of wild rice from northern Ontario where the water is still pretty clean, but I steer clear of white and brown rice mostly due to the high levels of toxins in it.

        I trade dried holy basil, hot sauce and heirloom seeds with a local Amish farmer lady for her honey, eggs and stone ground landrace wheat flour sometimes.

        Thanks for offering your observations and thoughts on that interaction on the other comment thread where I shared Johrey’s quote.

        She has a lot of wisdom and insight to offer on such things, but similar to how upset the pharisees and scribes got when that famous carpenter spoke truth that was not very flattering for the dominant systems of thinking, her truth is also attacked by people invested in certain stagnant systems of thought. I keep telling her she should publish a book, and I have been getting her to save her writing offline so hopefully it will manifest in a manuscript and then a book.

        “AI” is getting more and more annoying in my day to day life. I do not engage with chatbots myself, but everyone around me is more and more. Some of them do not even know they are, fake social media accounts, fake images of pretty houses, fake images of animals doing things that are not part of their nature and fake images of plants people want me to identify.

        Like I was saying to someone else in a recent thread on here ( https://corbettreport.com/interview-1925-trump-hopium-and-solutions-on-faith-and-liberty/#comment-172696 ) I get people asking me what I think of these images that are clearly chatbot / large language model or what ever AI generated garbage, I tell them they are fake, and then I have to deal with them getting all defensive with me.

        So I spend my time arguing with people about houses, trees and plants that never existed (as they are CGI images) while the last of the real ancient forests come down due to human greed.

        That ancient forest Vancouver Island is on my mind. The court order deferral that stopped the clearcutting expires at the end of this month. The very last intact watershed and full valley of ancient primary forest on that island will be at risk of coming down in a few days. It really gets to me man, knowing my grandparents fought to protect it and be being way over here in Ontario.

        Sometimes it makes feel like wanting to drop everything and go built a drift wood fortress or forest tree house on the west coast like my uncle mushroom mark did and become a guerilla food forest gardener / ancient tree defending luddite.

      • @candlelight

        Some good news on the ancient forest front.

        Just wanted to add a quick update for you (and anyone else, that like myself) was worried about our tall rooted elders in the Fairy Creek watershed on Vancouver Island, you can rest easy for now.

        The deferral that legally barred the logging corporations from clearcutting the last of the ancient intact watersheds of the temperate rainforest of the Pacific Northwest (at Fairy Creek) was set to expire tomorrow, but thanks to First Nations land defenders and non-First nation forest defending allies standing their ground and raising awareness the government out west was forced to extend the deferral again (under public pressure which highlighted how hypocritical and psychotic it would have been for them to continue colonial pillaging and profit from destroying endangered forest habitat while claiming to be about “truth and reconciliation” and “sustainability”). The provincial government’s announcement (two days ago) granted a logging deferral extension to Sept. 30, 2026.

        For those that are not aware of what happened at Fairy Creek back when the government profiteers, psychotic biocidal logging corporations and their government paid militarized hired corporate mercenaries (RCMP) attempted to pillage that last watershed in 2021, I documented the events in the article linked below.


        Prior to the deferral being put in place, forest defenders and protesters attended the Fairy Creek watershed for eight months, leading to over 1,100 arrests.

        In September 2021, it was deemed the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, surpassing the number of arrests from the 1993 “War in the Woods” protests where more than 800 people were arrested (including my grandparents) after protesting clearcutting in the Clayoquot region.

        This endeavor to protect the last of the ancient forest watersheds of the temperate rainforests of BC is not over, we must remain vigilant, continue to raise awareness and shine a light on extremely rare forests like this, because until that land is under the protection of First Nation elders dedicated to preserving it, the second you turn your back the government will be in there trying to profit from clearcutting it with their logging corporation buddies again.

        Thank you to all of you that helped raise awareness on this through sharing my article linked above and thank you to those of you that cared enough about our tall rooted elders to read it.

        • Hey, G,

          Quite the fight against the loggers! I’m glad the majestic ancients got a year or two reprieve, and who knows, maybe a permanent reprieve to save that which cannot be replaced can be achieved, like some sort of government guarantee or treaty…. Hmm, just kidding. We all know when it comes to indigenous peoples, especially, how the ruling class just love keeping their promises. Alas, the old adage “white man speak with forked tongue” Yup.

          Trees truly are amazing. Of course, the 1000 yr old variety are totally mind blowing, but, even your everyday tree represents an intelligent presence. An intelligence that in some ways far surpass our own. Beings able to adopt superlatively to their environs, without shelter, without clothes, without even having to move so much as an inch. Drawing nutrients from the very ground in which they stand, absorbing nourishment from the light upon their leaves, bending as they must against the fury of the rain and the wind, in the cold and in the heat, all the long while communicating in silent harmony with the earth and sky…. When I stopped once, upon an earthen path my feet were taking me, these particular thoughts about trees became evident to me, and I have looked upon them ever since as marvels of the natural world, and wiser than we could possibly ever know. And in the case of trees, I suppose it could be deduced, too, the older the wiser. Let’s hope, then, that at least these elders, as you say, can survive the current greed and stupidity of mankind.

          Thanks for linking your earlier discussion about pervasive and proliferating AI created images and memes . It’s really something, this cultural emergence of the adoration of what I would call the hyper-fake. I guess the term Artificial Fake (AF) could be considered a needless tautology, and useless it is! Which is what half this world is becoming with this ridiculous nonsense. Maybe simply chalk it up as bad art, because what’s running through all these AI creations is an uncanny lack of warmth. To some they might seem cute and fuzzy, but to me, these AI creations feel like crappy knock-offs that are lifeless, cold, creepy and cheap. Yuck!

          In another thread, you referenced My Dinner With Andre. I remember quite well seeing that movie in the theater when it came out, more years ago than I’d like to remember. 🙂
          But, it was a fascinating movie, unlike any I’d seen, before, or since, really. Your mentioning it has put me in the mood to watch it again, which would be for at least a third or fourth time. I remember being enthralled by Andre Gregory’s line alluding to the city folk in their schizophrenic induced prison of their own creation. I remember being in disbelief that I was listening to stuff that deep in a movie, in a commercial theater. It was like, wow! And, I’m also happy, yet hardly surprised, that in finding this movie, you took it in and totally appreciate the broad esotericism expressed!
          It’s a feather in your cap!:-)

          • continued….

            Be good!


          • @candlelight

            “An intelligence that in some ways far surpass our own. Beings able to adopt superlatively to their environs, without shelter, without clothes, without even having to move so much as an inch. Drawing nutrients from the very ground in which they stand, absorbing nourishment from the light upon their leaves, bending as they must against the fury of the rain and the wind, in the cold and in the heat, all the long while communicating in silent harmony with the earth and sky”

            Well said brother.

            Have you read the book called “The Overstory” by Richard Powers?

            Your comment reminds me of the writing in that book. Many of the characters are based on real scientists and one of them lives a bit north of me. Her name is Diana Beresford Kroeger and she has created a 200 acre arboretum (aka “refugium” in my terminology) filled with rare trees. I just finished her most recent book where she describes her education by the last of the knowledge keepers of the Brehon/Druidic ethnobotanical teachings. In her book she talks about a few key trees as being leverage points in being able to create an explosion of beneficial ecology and feed humans at the same time and a tree called the Kingnut is one of them.

            I just recently went exploring in one of the last few pockets of old growth left here in southern Ontario and found a grove of these beauties (also known as “Shellbark Hickory”). They were well over 200 years old and covered the ground with massive nuts. I am gonna be heading up to her arboretum to share some seeds with her for her project to breed trees for food forests this year so I am pretty excited about that (most people think there are not elder trees of that species left here in southern Ontario, but I felt guided on a walk to veer off the path and head in a seemingly random direction, and lo and behold, a grove of Kingnuts!).

            Yes, the older the wiser when it comes to trees, but they are all (in my opinion) elders to us humans. Even the seedlings, they are a more ancient species, more capable, as you astutely point out, to thrive in a vast array of conditions and not only live, but create conditions for so many other beings to be more able to life and thrive. As my Gaelic ancestors did, I choose now to see these tall rooted beings as my teachers and allies.

            I will go to Fairy Creek this year, and I will connect with those ancient beings. I do not know what the future will hold for them, but I know I will go to be with them and capture images of their majestic beauty, so what ever happens, I can help future generations to remember , with stories and images, of what our human family chose at this fork in the road.

            I will also collect seeds from our tall rooted thousand year old elders that dwell in the Fairy Creek valley, and I will give their progeny a place to grow.

            Yes the AI fake images are creepy, I do not like them myself.

            The city folk in their self created prison, yes, it is a potent expression of truth.


            • Hi G,

              Thanks for the compliment. I couldn’t help waxing poetic, but, the aura of these trees when I was reflecting upon them was like poetry in action. The trees, themselves, were like poetry in action (with every slight rustle of a leaf).

              It’s funny how you found that grove of Kingnuts. Seemingly veering off the path randomly, yet in someway guided to do so! That’s very interesting to me and is worth a great deal of reflection. The “guiding” you experienced may be mysterious or ethereal, but, as far as I’m concerned, it is of absolute substance. Whatever that guidance was that you felt, your finding the Kingnuts was no coincidence!

              I’m not familiar with the author you mentioned, Richard Powers, though, if I sound like him, it’s likely I should check out his work. 🙂

              On the other thread, I did see that you mentioned and also linked an interview with Diana Beresford-Kroeger. The first thing that struck me about her, and made me smile, was that she reminded me of my dear mother-in-law, God rest her, who had emigrated from Ireland.
              You know what’s also funny, just before writing to you, I thought I’d google Diana just to make sure she’s the same woman who I thought you were referring to, i.e., the woman who was interviewed in your link. What’s funny is that there’s a photo of her embracing or, as they say, hugging a tree, and she looks so much enjoying the moment! That’s just what I’ve been thinking these last few days (coincidentally) about this feeling one can get, this wholesome, grounding, hard-to-describe, really good feeling you can get by simply stopping for a few moments, and literally embracing a tree! I don’t know what it does, but, it somehow brings you back to your roots!….Pun intended, of course, ha ha, but I’m actually being serious! 🙂

              Diana’s arboretum based on her work and rarefied knowledge, plus how you’ve described her theory of “leverage points”, is really very intriguing. I have no horticultural background, nor do I garden much, but, it sure seems to me it would be very interesting to meet this woman, and visit her arboretum. She’s quite a package!

              By the way, your sentiment about collecting the seeds of the old majestic elders for regeneration of their progeny, as well as safeguarding their memory for future generations to know of their venerable existence is very noble of you.

              Be well!

              • @candlelight

                Yes the Kingnut discovery felt like providence indeed.

                I was walking on a path back towards our vehicle and this feeling struck me, moved me to look to my left. My vision was guided to focus through the hundreds of feet of old growth mixed hardwood forest in front of me until my vision was focused on the outline of a Mother Tree in the distance. I told my other half I needed to go off trail and see what I was being guided to see.

                I found this:


                Richard Powers is an excellent writer. Leaps and bounds beyond my skill with sculpting words to create art. He also took the time to educate himself about the morphological and ecological attributes of trees before writing the book I mentioned above. The result is a powerful story that evokes visions of real forests that exist today and potentials for what we could nurture them to become.

                Diana Beresford-Kroeger is a fun lady. I admire her Gumption. I do not agree with all her views (as she promotes the carbon-centric view of anthropocentric “climate change”/”Global warming” in her work) but at the same time, I acknowledge that no-one is perfect, and I take the advice that Catherine Austin Fitts once gave me in a comment to “appreciate people for that which that are capable of providing well, rather than criticizing them for that which they are not currently capable of providing” to heart.

                Also, in her most recent book, she did take to step to call out the weather warfare (geoengineering) technologies as playing a significant role in messing with the climate, so I respect her for that.

                I also just sense that she is a lady that wants this world to be a more verdant, happy, peaceful and abundant place, and she devoted her life to learning what she thought would enable her to be in the best position to exert leverage to make that happen (as the rogue, non-government affiliated Brehon knowledge keeper that she is).

                Collecting seeds from the elders to use my time to give them a better chance of setting down roots is my honor and privilege. The least I can do, considering all the courage, humility, determination, love, hope in the face of peril, gumption and relentless faith (on the part of humans that came before me) which allowed and enabled me to be able to have access to the many blessings I do today.

                When I look back on this life from a place beyond here, I want to feel glad about how I spent my time. Planting (and protecting) trees makes my heart glad now, and I sense it will make me feel glad in the place beyond here as well.

                So it is, and so it shall be.

  31. Cliffhanger?! No. This book is out now and selling like hotcakes!

  32. Just purchased the e-book version from Kobo. I’m not a big fan of Adobe DRM Epubs. Having DRM constricts the types of devices that can be used to read books digitally. For example, Adobe Digital Edition does not support linux natively. There are alot of hoops to go through to get a DRM protected book into calibre (an e-book management tool). In the future James do you think you will release a digital copy of your book DRM-free? I’d like to include it in my calibre library so I can added it to my shit hits the fan micro-sd card.

  33. I deliver a few copies of The Light Newspaper (UK) out to friends and neighbours even the postie gets a copy. (He hands me 25 copies; I hand one back to him.) I feel I’m at least doing something about the situation. Maybe James and Whitney could get transcripts out from Japan and Chile by homing pigeons or perhaps even by fax. Darren Nesbit at The Light, for example, might add such work as supplements keeping print and delivery costs down.
    A few years ago I wondered what customers would think when I stopped using computer and printer for order and invoice forms: Nobody cares. They just want the goods. Similarly, I’ve never had to bother with card machines since I got to retiring age and continued as self-employed 12 years ago. People just want the stuff. (It’s a pity most aren’t so enthused about the important info that’s presently available.)

    • If you don’t mind me asking, whay kind of goods are you selling?

      • Hello mkey, I sell and fit window blinds (shades if you’re from US).

        • So, I guess, the windows blinds industry is somewhat low tech ready. Interesting data point, thanks for sharing.

          • Hello mkey, There have been many changes over the years. The blinds started as a part time, evening and weekend job in 1988. New management brought in a lot of high-tech around about 2000 into which agents were being browbeaten to invest. (I know, you didn’t ask for the whole sad saga so I’ll keep it brief.) I didn’t see it as a wise investment. The term self employed seemed to confuse them and I refused to sign their new contract. (Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to continue trading after retiring age in 2013.) But now, I’ve dumped almost all the tech and went back to paper and pen, service with a smile (albeit NHS dentists are hard to find) a cup of tea, a sticky bun and a moan about the rotten weather here in Scotland. None of my customers have complained that I’m not techy enough – in twelve years. It’s assumed that everyone has a mobile phone and when I tell them that I don’t have one and why I don’t have one nobody cares. They just want their stuff.

            • Do not apologize, there are at least a couple of us in these comment sections who really appreciate anecdotes.

              When you say agents were enticed to invest, do you mean finacially or in terms of effort?

              Would you say that a significant portion of your clients are under 25?

              • It’s some time ago now so the details are fading but all “agents” (changed to “advisors”) were required to buy mobile phones and printers which were linked to a central control system. The new contract? Let’s not go there. I had another income source (club entertainer) otherwise I might’ve been compelled to go along with the scam.
                My customers are all ages and I don’t advertise (referrals and previous customers). You’ll find plenty of suppliers on line. I had a hard copy book of suppliers at one time. You might need a website to be taken seriously. I don’t have one now. It was http://www.blindsmadetomeasure.com but I gave it up. I never used it and eventually I couldn’t work out how to keep it going. Once you have a customer base, which comes with years of service-with-a-smile, you don’t need tech. All the best.

        • I am enjoying reading this anecdote.
          I identify with the simple ways of ‘old school’.

          • Hello HomeRemedySupply,
            I’m not against technology in itself but we have to do our due diligence. There will always be crooks who want their hands on the reins of power and it’s up to us all, especially old codgers like me, to keep our wits about us. (The older generation were always, in the past, very valuable to society because of their life experience and, perhaps wisdom.) I’m sure I don’t have to explain to people using this site why a bunch of rogues would see us as a problem. ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ Some would say that trading freedom for convenience isn’t progress if it’s really just old school tyranny.

  34. Actually, apart form the sensation of freedom you instantaneously get, isn’t leaving your smartphone at home most of the time a soft way to poison your data?

    • Why yes, yes it is. And if you leave the TeeVee on with the news network blazing your effort is going to be that much more effective.

      • Thanks a lot for sharing your own personal scheme with me but there hasn’t been any “TeeVee” in my life for many years now, so I’m afraid that won’t do…

        Great idea though, I hope it works just fine for you ✌️🏆

  35. Yea!!! What a lovely surprise. Can’t wait to read this book!

  36. I would have bet the family farm that the door to James’ study was on his left hand side. Mind blown.

  37. Nice screenshot (26:23) of you being flabbergasted James. “Reportage” looks a high quality volume.

  38. Great cliff hanger. I can’t wait to get a copy!

    As for low tech, I’ve been trying to move away from technology for 2 years now. It’s a slow process like any other detox. I recently bought and refurb’d an old ipod 7 classic to have 2Tb of storage that has several thousand podcast episodes loaded onto it and I connect to itunes (on an old laptop) to download to it at intervals during the week. Now that I’ve dug out my old digital camera, I only need a phone for when someone calls me, so it can sit in my bag all day and not distract me.

  39. Here is a resource I discovered today that others might find useful solutions within – a Substack written by husband and wife team who are engaged with their community to create lives grounded in values that support our essential nature as humans. As a bonus, the site has reading lists and home-schooling resources.

    School of the Unconformed

    Titles of their popular Substack articles include:
    Sowing Anachronism: How to be Weird in Public, and Private
    A Guide to Booklegging: How (and why) to collect, preserve, and read the printed word

    • Thanks for sharing this substack Jo Ann. Such an impressive range of topics and practical guidance on home schooling – and education in general.

  40. I have a lifelong love affair with books, and am raising my children to love books. Actual paper and reality books. It’s very simple – just have books around. Lots of good, beautiful books. By beautiful I don’t mean pristine, I mean content. Though encyclopaedias full of colour photos and well illustrated stories are essential. Plus your favourite stories from childhood, history books, colouring books, picture books, Bibles, fact, fiction, reference – use books. When my children ask a question – I do not do the Google reflex….. it’s ubiquitous. A child asks something, parent picks up phone….. it’s heartbreaking. I have a practice of going over to the bookshelf and scanning the spines for something of use. I don’t think this has ever failed, even if the question ended up needing to be be fleshed out at some point, and even if we did do some internet searching later – but mostly, we find everything we need in a book – and interacting with life this way is richer, slower and goes in better every single time. I do not and have never been able to understand how anyone feels that reading something on a screen comes anywhere close to actually reading a book, and my brief foray into a kindle app many years ago lay in tatters within days.

    Books have a power that is beyond the sum of their parts, and there are few material things as beautiful as a good book, battered from much use and many readings.
    My childhood collection of Narnia stories has been sellotaped repeatedly to withstand reading them to my younger children having already been through my own generation (five siblings and myself) and a reading with my eldest. The covers fall off and I think some title pages are missing. But they are magical and every word as brilliant as when I was eight years old….. thumbing their already well used pages. No charger required.

  41. After watching the video that showcased Elon Musk’s PR from more than 20 years ago, I felt that this video was a PR for the book. I felt deceived. In retrospective, the studies selected make no sense, they are random and superfluos, so I should have expected the ending of this post.

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