Results for "isis"

Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)

Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (2014)

Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else! WATCH ON:  /  /  /  /  / or DOWNLOAD THE MP4 FROM 2014: As supposedly “progressive” outlets once again scramble to throw their support behind the billionaire oligarchs and NGOs that have helped to...

The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

You've no doubt heard the story of the crisis in Ukraine by now. But, as we've been told all our lives, there are two sides to every story. So, which side of the story have you heard? There's the MSM/establishment/dinosaur media side of the story. Let's call it the...

Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives (video)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee Jacob Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation joins us to discuss his recent article on "Crisis-Filled Lives." In this conversation, Hornberger notes the various crises that have come to define our precarious...

Interview 1683 – James Corbett on Crisis and Community

Interview 1683 – James Corbett on Crisis and Community

via This is a packed interview where James Corbett discusses what counter measure and actions people can be taking to prepare for a false flag cyber attack, and what their endgame of doing this would look like. He discusses other forms of “protest...


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