
Episode 446 – Finding The Better Way

Episode 446 – Finding The Better Way

In June of 2023, James Corbett delivered two presentations at The Better Way conference in Bath, England: “Between The Raindrops” on the topic “From Electrosmog to Nature’s Frequencies” and “The Limits of My Language” on the topic “From Thought Control to Free Thought.” This is the recording of those presentations.

FLASHBACK: Guerrilla Gardening (2015)

FROM 2015: The problems are obvious: food safety scandals, the death of family farming, food supply insecurity, the revolving door between corporate lobbyists and government regulators, and many more. The solution should be equally obvious: rolling up our sleeves and getting in the garden. Join us today as we explore this simple, natural solution to one of our most fundamental problems.

Interview 1810 – Wildfires From Climate Liars! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1810 – Wildfires From Climate Liars! – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the usual suspects trot out their climate change lies in the face of the Canadian wildfires despite the evidence; the mainstream finally picks up on the guerrilla gardening revolution; and Mexico seeks to block GMO corn.

Episode 445 – James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry

Episode 445 – James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry

On May 18, 2023, James Corbett testified to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa on the subject of the WHO’s looming global pandemic treaty, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the One Health approach that is being used to justify an even greater centralization of power in the hands of unaccountable institutions in the name of “global health.” The presentation also includes information on the prospect of Canada or other member states withdrawing from the WHO, information on the technocratic roots of the One Health agenda, how states of exception are used to undermine constitutional rights, and much, much more.

Interview 1808 – Derrick Broze Interviews James Corbett in England

Interview 1808 – Derrick Broze Interviews James Corbett in England

via The Conscious Resistance: At the 2nd Better Way Conference in Bath, UK, Derrick Broze interviews James Corbett of The Corbett Report. Derrick and James discuss the changes which have taken place since their 1st in person interview in February 2020, specifically COVID1984 and the rise of the Biosecurity State & Technocracy. Derrick also asks James his thoughts on RFK Jr’s presidential run, germ theory, and the Transgender-Transhuman connection. Don’t miss this powerful interview!

Interview 1807 – Exploding the Malthusian, Anti-Human One Health Myth on CHD TV

Interview 1807 – Exploding the Malthusian, Anti-Human One Health Myth on CHD TV

via Where did the global biosecurity agenda come from? Where is it going, what was it intended to do? Was it hijacked, or was it always nefarious? How then do the IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty fit into this, and who were the funders? Dr. Meryl Nass and James Corbett continue their discussion in the 7th installment of their series on the WHO + One Health to answer these questions and more, with former WHO expert Dr. David Bell. Tune in!

I Just Flew in From England . . .

. . . and you know the rest of the joke. Anyway, I’m back! You’ll be seeing a lot of content in the coming days and weeks if you’re checking and/or following my RSS feeds or Substack posts. Get ready for a data dump of conversations, podcasts, interviews, articles and testimony!


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