
Interview 1697 – James Corbett Redpills the Norwegians on the Global Conspiracy

Interview 1697 – James Corbett Redpills the Norwegians on the Global Conspiracy

via Award-winning investigative and independent journalist, James Corbett at, has been investigating the power structures of the world since 2007. He has seen the preparations of a biosecurity state taking place for more than a decade, and he is concerned about where the COVID-19 crisis is taking us. In this episode, he explains the origins and ideology of technocracy, influential international organisations, Agenda 2030, the World Economic Forum and how they are aiming for absolute control over the population. Corbett highlights that, rather than being concerned about what “they are doing to us,” one should form alternate systems where one can be self-sufficient and prosper regardless of the technocratic prison state that is being formed.
Interview 1694 – Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis

Interview 1694 – Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis

James joins Ernest Hancock for his regular weekly appearance on the Declare Your Independence radio show. This week James and Ernie discuss the growth of anarchism, the Canadian trucker convoy, the DOJO chip and Musk’s FSD takeover, the mass formation “psychosis” phenomenon and the destruction of our cultural heroes, the Pentagon’s missing trillions and the steps toward a coming great power war.
Interview 1693 – Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives

Interview 1693 – Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives

Jacob Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation joins us to discuss his recent article on “Crisis-Filled Lives.” In this conversation, Hornberger notes the various crises that have come to define our precarious existence in the maws of the welfare-warfare state and what we can do to reverse the Crisis and Leviathan effect.


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