
Interview 1589 – Larken and Amanda Rose Discuss The Jones Plantation Movie

Interview 1589 – Larken and Amanda Rose Discuss The Jones Plantation Movie

Larken and Amanda Rose of join us once again to discuss the production of a feature film based on “The Jones Plantation,” an animated short that Larken Rose released eight years ago. We talk about original animation, the resonance of the Jones Plantation allegory, how the idea to make that short into a live action feature film originated, and how people who want to contribute to unlocking more minds can contribute to the funding of the film.
Interview 1587 – Vanessa Beeley Debunks A BBC Hit Piece

Interview 1587 – Vanessa Beeley Debunks A BBC Hit Piece

Vanessa Beeley joins the program to discuss the BBC’s forthcoming hit piece on journalists like herself who dare call out the White Helmets as a foreign-founded, foreign-funded, terrorist-embedded propaganda construct. We discuss Beeley’s reporting on Syria that clearly gives the lie to the White Helmets’ humanitarian cover and the clear signs that the BBC is set to launch a new smear campaign against independent journalists.


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