
Interview 1276 – G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth

Interview 1276 – G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth

If you follow the alt media you’ve probably heard the theory that the bankers were behind the JFK assassination. The theory holds that JFK was trying to end the Fed by creating debt-free, silver-backed money through Executive Order 11110, and the bankers saw this as a threat to their monopoly over the money supply. But this theory is not just wrong, it is completely opposite to reality. Joining us today to set the record straight once and for all is G. Edward Griffin, editor of and author of the seminal book on the Federal Reserve, The Creature From Jekyll Island.
Interview 1272 – William Pepper Reveals Who Really Killed MLK

Interview 1272 – William Pepper Reveals Who Really Killed MLK

Dr. William Pepper’s remarkable 40 year investigation into the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. is summarized in his equally remarkable book, “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.” In this conversation we discuss Dr. Pepper’s relationship with Dr. King, the mind-blowing evidence that destroys the official story of the assassination, who really killed MLK, and the complete media blackout that has served to keep this information from the public for half a century.


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