
Andrea Saltelli on The Crisis of Science

What is the crisis of science, and what does it tell us about the interface between science and policy? Is there a way to stop the debate over the crisis from becoming a political battling ground? And, if not, what does this mean for the future of science itself? Join Professor Andrea Saltelli and James Corbett for this in-depth exploration of the philosophy of science today on The Corbett Report.

Positive Propaganda? – #PropagandaWatch

Corbett Report community member HomeRemedySupply points out a relative rarity: an example of genuinely helpful, positive propaganda. Celebrity-laden propaganda, no less. So it is a step forward to go beyond the “cure cancer cult” and actually address root causes, but what are the deeper implications of positive propaganda? Can we fight fire with fire?

Everything I Know About Conspiracies I Learned From The Beatles

Vinnie Caggiano (aka Vincognito) joins us to discuss everyone’s favourite subjects: The Beatles and conspiracy theories. From the wacky to the laughable to the thought-provoking, join us for this surprisingly thorough dissection of conspiracy lore surrounding The Beatles and their place in the manufactured mass media universe.

The Crisis of Science

In recent years, the public has gradually discovered that there is a crisis in science. But what is the problem? And how bad is it, really? Today on The Corbett Report we shine a spotlight on the series of interrelated crises that are exposing the way institutional science is practiced today, and what it means for an increasingly science-dependent society.

Bruce Levine on Resisting Illegitimate Authority

Dr. Bruce Levine joins us once again to discuss his book Resisting Illegitimate Authority: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an Anti-Authoritarian―Strategies, Tools, and Models. We talk about authoritarianism and anti-authoritarianism, how dissent has been pathologized by power structures in the past, how it is pathologized today, and how anti-authoritarians can fruitfully resist and dissent against oppressive power structures.


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