
Dr. William Pepper on the Assassination of Martin Luther King

An interview with Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq., on his four decade long investigation into the assassination of the Martin Luther King, Jr., and his third book on the subject, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. This interview was conducted by Dan Dicks of on March 10, 2018, in New York.

Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King

On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered a passionate speech at Riverside Church in New York staking out his opposition to the war in Vietnam. One year later to the day, he was assassinated. Now, 50 years after that fateful day, the truth about the assassination of Dr. King can finally be told.

Announcing a New Series on Alternative Social Media Platforms

Sick of Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/Instagram/reddit and all the other controlled, centralized, censored, surveilled social engineering experiments masquerading as “free” social media platforms? Well so am I! Join me in the coming weeks on as I take a look at some of the alternative social media platforms that are coming online to challenge the big corporate giants.

UPDATE – China to start paying yuan for oil

No sooner had I penned my editorial on how “The Petroyuan Was Born This Week” then the next piece of the puzzle arrived: China is set to start buying oil directly with yuan this year. You may not know it, but this could be one of the most important stories of the decade.


In case you didn’t catch it yesterday, this is why I am no longer on Twitter. Maybe you’ll consider joining me in this exodus. #deletetwitter

Cambridge Analytica: The Backstory

Cambridge Analytica is in the news for its psychographic profiling of the population via Facebook data scrapes. So do you know about the scandal and its background? Well you would if you listened to The Corbett Report. Here’s the backstory.


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