
Mass Media Q & A – Questions For Corbett #089

Mass Media Q & A – Questions For Corbett #089

As promised, today James does a question and answer with some students of his Mass Media: A History online course. From the history of media to our relationship with to an intriguing question about Gulf War embedded reporting that goes in a very unexpected direction, you won’t want to miss this info-packed Q&A.

Delete Your Social Media – #SolutionsWatch

Delete Your Social Media – #SolutionsWatch

Even the Big Techers admit it: social media is ripping apart the fabric of our society. So the solution is simple, right? Delete your social media! Or is it not that simple? Join James on today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he explores the solutions to the Media Matrix problem.

Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)

Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)

We stand at a precipice. On one side is “reality”: the original, authentic, lived human experience. And on the other side is the metaverse: the world of constantly mediated experience. In the middle is hyperreality, that blurry space between the real world and the mediated world. And, living as we do on this side of the electronic media revolution, it is the only place we have ever known.

Interview 1738 – James Corbett on The Budding Biosecurity State

Interview 1738 – James Corbett on The Budding Biosecurity State

via Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the growing biosecurity state, how we got here, and what this inevitably leads to. As we review current events and discuss the varying perspectives surrounding this unprecedented time, we also highlight the many ways in which people are fighting back.


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